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Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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The UK voters have just voted Leave because we are sending the EU so much money and to take back our borders so we can decide who comes in. Norway sends them £623 million a year AND has to accept freedom of movement of people. Can you remind me why is the 'Norway way' so good for the UK?
With the same deal for UK, UK would need to give to EU 8b pounds each year. Now, it gives 12b pounds, but it gets around half of it in return.

So, if the UK gets the same deal as Norway, it will have to accept freedom of movement, and give more money to EU than it gives now. Win-win.
Woke up feeling upset, just doesn't feel the same anymore. Really worried about a second recession now.
Norway themselves have said that it's a terrible deal for them. All the problems of the EU and no say in how it is run.

Being in the EEA like Norway is not possible, because we cannot now agree to freedom of movement. Simple.

Yep, and the EU don't like the Switzerlabd agreements either, so I don't think they'll go that route either.

Britain genuinely are the turkeys voting for Christmas here. You can just imagine the leave campaigners missing the point about the stock markets collapsing today, sure we don't own shares anyway like.

This is going to be messy. EU regulations incoming on the financial services industry now that London are out will change the game there (affecting the Swiss too), and after that what have the UK got left? Take out City of London, what makes up the UK economy?

From an Irish perspective, the IDA's job just got a whole pile easier in attracting FDI, and they've been pretty good at that as it is. It's going to be a mental couple of years, the climb downs from the leave campaigners are going to be spectacular, and have started already.
We cannot agree to freedom of movement after this, how can you not understand that @Smores

The UK has voted out because of immigration and freedom of movement, make no mistake.

That's a very assumed mandate and an assumption that the goverment always acts as the public demand.

The debate isn't over with today's vote, the route forward will be contested and parliament will prefer EEA integration with freedom of movement. Boris will be backtracking by the day.
With the same deal for UK, UK would need to give to EU 8b pounds each year. Now, it gives 12b pounds, but it gets around half of it in return.

So, if the UK gets the same deal as Norway, it will have to accept freedom of movement, and give more money to EU than it gives now. Win-win.

But we don't send the money back that time.;)
But we don't send the money back that time.;)
Yeah, for that I said it will give more money to EU. In realty, they will be giving less, but not get anything in return, so it means that they will be giving more money to us. Mwuahahaha!
That's a very assumed mandate and an assumption that the goverment always acts as the public demand.

The debate isn't over with today's vote, the route forward will be contested and parliament will prefer EEA integration with freedom of movement. Boris will be backtracking by the day.

Seriously Smores, stop being so naive, freedom of movement UK-EU is over.
Independence day...

You guys are harping on like this is the end of the world.

1: You will get your own trade agreement with the rest of Europe, like Norway and Switzerland
2: You will regain control over your own borders
3: Your legislation are no longer to be decided by faceless bureaucrats in Brussel

Let me give you an example, I see that Cameron has been using Norway as a "horror example" of what happens when you stay outside the EU, well guess what? The opposition against the EU in Norway is at a record 70%. One would believe if it was such a endless horror to be outside the EU there would be less people opposed to it in Norway. Same goes for Switzerland.

And it isn't exactly like Norway and Switzerlands economy are down the shitter, now is it?

Edit: And I also see people harping on about security, and Russia invading etc. Are you guys for real? Did you vote to leave NATO at the same time?

Wow, the remain campaign has really done a job on you guys.

3 words: Oil and gas! You guys are far less dependent on trade then the UK.
You guys are harping on like this is the end of the world.

1: You will get your own trade agreement with the rest of Europe, like Norway and Switzerland
2: You will regain control over your own borders
3: Your legislation are no longer to be decided by faceless bureaucrats in Brussel

Let me give you an example, I see that Cameron has been using Norway as a "horror example" of what happens when you stay outside the EU, well guess what? The opposition against the EU in Norway is at a record 70%. One would believe if it was such a endless horror to be outside the EU there would be less people opposed to it in Norway. Same goes for Switzerland.

And it isn't exactly like Norway and Switzerlands economy are down the shitter, now is it?

Edit: And I also see people harping on about security, and Russia invading etc. Are you guys for real? Did you vote to leave NATO at the same time?

Wow, the remain campaign has really done a job on you guys.

Simple. Especially Norwegians just don't care because they basically live in a socialistic wonderland. The country shits money so it doesn't matter. Same for Switzerland really. And both countries agreed to freedom of movement, so they enjoy some benefits. Something GB can't possibly do now.

I think this is quite funny. You got fecked over by old people and idiots. This is why direct democracy is a shit idea, voters are even less prone to think outside their small little world and a timeframe over 2 years than politicians are.
Will probably visit GB soon just for shopping, since the Pound is basically worth nothing now :lol:
I've just seen a brilliant but saddening Facebook status. Summed up, it said that the older generation have grown up with the benefits that the EU brought to them and have now voted for that to die with them. Dickheads.
The UK objected to a record number of EU decisions, objections that were thrown out. I can get the details of them for you later.

Simply counting laws does not consider that some laws have more impact than others. Quoted figures have varied wildly from under 10% to 70%. It's possible to justify many of these, depending on which definition of 'UK law' you look at, but those at the higher end count EU rules that aren’t really laws in any meaningful sense.
The whole concept of freedom of movement is the next to fall, if the EU wishes to still exist.

People do not vote against freedom of trade, people vote against freedom of movement, uncontrolled immigration and loss of control of national borders.

That is the truth.
I guess you have forgotten 'how well' you were before you joined the EU. You know like in eighties and nineties when people from even shitty countries like Yugoslavia were able to feck an entire village with a single monthly wage.

I know that the right wing feelings are getting stronger in many countries including Poland (Hungary too), but all these countries have prospered more since joining the EU than in 100 years combined before that.

Yes, and being a part of communist block we have witnessed and suffered from things people of the West have never heard of and can't see the analogies. So no, we have not forgotten anything, we're drawing conclusions, something the West seems incapable of at the moment.

May I ask you why? Because you receive almost twice as much money as you put in.

Yes of course, I'd be deluded to claim that we haven't profitted from entering EU, it's the course that EU's taken that's pretty worrying for the most at the moment and rightfully so. There's absolutely no control over the immigration crisis (people here seem to be talking about all the crisis GB will witness as a consequence of Brexit, just to forget that EU has suffered as many crises, Greece, Spain, Italy, Slovakia suffering from entering monetary union, immigration crisis to name a few) and it is a concern for countries that are ethnically homogenous. But it's not the biggest scare though, just one of many. Merkel & co. threatening countries like Poland with hefty fines for not accepting immigrants at drop of the hat doesn't really help anybody, does it? There is a not unfounded fear that we're losing any sense of autonomy for which we have fought over the years with communists.

Most people here do recognise that an utopian reality where you only profit from being a part of organisation, such as EU, without giving anything back (this line of thinking is visible in posts like one by Revan I quoted above) is absolute bollocks. At the moment there's a strong German lobby in Poland which has strong influence on i.a. Polish media (yes yes, conspiracies) which is mildly annoying to say the least, nevermind idiotic European laws such as power of bulbs that cannot be at 100 Wat (Christ, I hope the nomenclature I'm using is right) hence Polish factories had to start creating 99 Wat bulbs, etc.

Then you've got plenty of restraints concerning i.a. agriculture that annoys the feck out of our farmers. You can't grow this, you can't grow that, it's simple, little things that may be perceived as vain by the big boys but in the end, as shown in GB, it's the people who vote and decide what annoys them. Then you've got people like Tusk who are responsible for destroying our country who flee to be at the helm of EU which screams problems. Overall, it's a pretty long topic that can be elaborated and argued for hours I believe.
Woke up feeling upset, just doesn't feel the same anymore. Really worried about a second recession now.

Isn't it all the scaremongering and the government not taking an impartial view that could cause said recession though?

If it's in the papers tomorrow that there's going to be a petrol shortage - there will be - as everyone will panic buy and cause one.

The government should of come out and said look these are the pros and cons that we feel leaving and remain but we can't decide on the publics behalf - we'll stick by what the people decide and try to remain impartial.

But no, they scare-mongered everyone into thinking we're doomed if we leave. And now we're leaving there was be a mini-depression because of it. Add to the fact the PM has resigned to cause more uncertainty.

Had they been impartial his announcement could have been look at what Britain does great lets pull together and make Britain great again etc. etc. and there wouldn't be such panic.

I don't think it's the publics fault at all. The EU is falling apart and people are getting sick of it throughout the EU, they aren't willing to change or listen and the whole thing is going to collapse. Because we're first we'll be try to make an example out of - but it's the long term once everyone stops panicking that we can start to become strong again.
People will see UK suffering and think twice about doing the same. And the anti-EU feelings aren't nowhere near as big as in UK.

In two years, UK will be far worse than now, and no-one would want to be in the same position.
So every country should be forced into staying under a collective government that they don't elect because they will be financially ruined without it? Even if they feel they are being mistreated by said government.
ROI more likely, but honestly who knows at this point?

There is absolutely no way that any Unionist who may have voted remain today would trade no European membership with being part of Ireland. Never going to happen... you realise that they burn Irish tricolours in N. Ireland every July right?
Just saw on Sky that Sinn Fein is going to call for a unification referendum as early as today.
Sinn Fein can get fecked if they think that the people in Ireland want any part of those Unionists scum in our Dail Eireann... in 2016! Not going to happen mate

I think the most likely scenario is a sovereign N. Ireland.
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Never expected this to actually end in a "leave" result. Seems all a bit chaotic right now, but it is too early to make any judgments really.
I've just seen a brilliant but saddening Facebook status. Summed up, it said that the older generation have grown up with the benefits that the EU brought to them and have now voted for that to die with them. Dickheads.

Stop having a go at the older generation - I'm 60 and think this is the most stupid decision the British people have made in my lifetime- the stupid ones of the older generation I would accept

Simply counting laws does not consider that some laws have more impact than others. Quoted figures have varied wildly from under 10% to 70%. It's possible to justify many of these, depending on which definition of 'UK law' you look at, but those at the higher end count EU rules that aren’t really laws in any meaningful sense.

Don't worry, all those laws which have EEC written at the top, they'll just cross that out & put HM Government instead.

I am only arguing for the merit of control, not how it will actually manifest itself.
The whole concept of freedom of movement is the next to fall, if the EU wishes to still exist.

People do not vote against freedom of trade, people vote against freedom of movement, uncontrolled immigration and loss of control of national borders.

That is the truth.

Yup, racism. It's catching.

How dare anyone come in and share in this amazing affluent country I was lucky enough to be born in. The EU was a shining light and attitudes likes yours and millions of others are setting us back centuries.

I think this is quite funny. You got fecked over by old people and idiots. This is why direct democracy is a shit idea, voters are even less prone to think outside their small little world and a timeframe over 2 years than politicians are.
Will probably visit GB soon just for shopping, since the Pound is basically worth nothing now :lol:

Are you being serious?

This has the potential to harm millions of people and you find it funny? Feck off.
I'm from Norway and while I'm not too updated on the politics i don't think many people here complain about us not being in the EU. Seems like we're doing fine anyway.
When all the migrant EU works go home to their own countries, who are they going to get to do all the shitty jobs? British people are far too lazy.

And what about the NHS, which relies on migrant worker to run. British doctors & nurses are only interested in how much money they will earn.
Yes, and being a part of communist block we have witnessed and suffered from things people of the West have never heard of and can't see the analogies. So no, we have not forgotten anything, we're drawing conclusions, something the West seems incapable of at the moment.

Yes of course, I'd be deluded to claim that we haven't profitted from entering EU, it's the course that EU's taken that's pretty worrying for the most at the moment and rightfully so. There's absolutely no control over the immigration crisis (people here seem to be talking about all the crisis GB will witness as a consequence of Brexit, just to forget that EU has suffered as many crises, Greece, Spain, Italy, Slovakia suffering from entering monetary union, immigration crisis to name a few) and it is a concern for countries that are ethnically homogenous. But it's not the biggest scare though, just one of many. Merkel & co. threatening countries like Poland with hefty fines for not accepting immigrants at drop of the hat doesn't really help anybody, does it? There is a not unfounded fear that we're losing any sense of autonomy for which we have fought over the years with communists.

Most people here do recognise that an utopian reality where you only profit from being a part of organisation, such as EU, without giving anything back (this line of thinking is visible in posts like one by Revan I quoted above) is absolute bollocks. At the moment there's a strong German lobby in Poland which has strong influence on i.a. Polish media (yes yes, conspiracies) which is mildly annoying to say the least, nevermind idiotic European laws such as power of bulbs that cannot be at 100 Wat (Christ, I hope the nomenclature I'm using is right) hence Polish factories had to start creating 99 Wat bulbs, etc.

Then you've got plenty of restraints concerning i.a. agriculture that annoys the feck out of our farmers. You can't grow this, you can't grow that, it's simple, little things that may be perceived as vain by the big boys but in the end, as shown in GB, it's the people who vote and decide what annoys them. Then you've got people like Tusk who are responsible for destroying our country who flee to be at the helm of EU which screams problems. Overall, it's a pretty long topic that can be elaborated and argued for hours I believe.

There's so much bullshit in here it's not even funny anymore.
That thing about lightbulbs is just a lie right there.
And nobody said anything about fines for not accepting immigrants.
I do think that your country is deluded for not taking any, but I accept that it's part of the national insecurity. Still stupid, but well. But nobody ever talked about fines or anything. Be grateful at once, we are saving your ass and paying for immigrants coming to Europe without asking for anything in return basically.