Yet another mass shooting and at a church, again

Here. Was a teacher aid at a bible school four years ago and liked atheist pages on facebook. The religion angle is a bit of a stretch but the revenge on mother-in-law bit looks likely.
There's a lot more about him on CBS, including this:
Former classmates at New Branfuels High School described Kelley to KENS as disturbed, judgmental, unfriendly, and unstable. They said his most recent social media posts were dark and indicated he was going through relationship problems and possibly a break-up.
Absolutely nothing to gain from knowing more about the shooter. Neither will it help us in preventing such acts in the future, nor does it help the families of the victims affected.
At least I don't have to borrow mine. :smirk:

Perhaps you could mould your words into a response to Pogue's exposé of your startling hypocrisy?

Though that would likely detract from your time spent being this site's most successful wind-up merchant. ;)
Apparently this is the 307th mass shooting of 2017 in the US. fecking amazing how nothing is done through the years.
Oh look, Will ignoring all the inconvenient facts.

I'm not going to trawl through half a dozen threads to prove that my interpretation is equally valid.

It says something that when every post in a thread echoes one point of view, a single critical comment should provoke such an over-reaction.
Except of course Will, not every post is echoing one point of view and as usual, you know that.

There are people merely showing sorrow for the act. People who can't believe that other humans would do this. Others who are mentioning that gun laws in the USA are insane. Others still who are disputing that (or providing arguments against) without anything like the backlash that you are receiving. There are many view points on the Cafe.

The reason for that of course is that you are speaking absolute bollocks and have been proven to be hilariously hypocritical. This would be a problem if you were arguing seriously but I don't think many people believe that is what you're doing, so....

Religious people often find solace in their belief that their beloved has gone to the promised eternal life. As a Christian myself, I'm extremely angry at the shooting, and the inaction shown by the people who refuse to pass legislation, but I'm also struggling to understand the indignation at prayers. Yes, the anger is not at prayers or the Christian belief, but is directed at this phrase that is trotted out every time by NRA supporting members of Congress, but prayers are also a way of relief for the ones who lost their loved ones yesterday.

I don't know what else to write here, because I'm at a loss for words. My thoughts and prayer with the dead and the living who miss their loved ones.
I was just reading there that one particular individual lost his mother and father, his wife, three kids and an unborn child (the wife was pregnant), and another child of his survived the shooting but was shot up to four times.

Perhaps you could mould your words into a response to Pogue's exposé of your startling hypocrisy?

Though that would likely detract from your time spent being this site's most successful wind-up merchant. ;)

I haven't got the energy.

Maybe @Pogue is right and there is inconsistency in my position. I wouldn't be surprised. Is anyone ever completely consistent? It would be inhuman.
I was just reading there that one particular individual lost his mother and father, his wife, three kids and an unborn child (the wife was pregnant), and another child of his survived the shooting but was shot up to four times.

I also read about him. He also lost his brother and niece, and some sites say two of his children are injured. And his wife was only weeks away from giving birth.
I was just reading there that one particular individual lost his mother and father, his wife, three kids and an unborn child (the wife was pregnant), and another child of his survived the shooting but was shot up to four times.

fecking hell, that's unthinkable :(
Religious people often find solace in their belief that their beloved has gone to the promised eternal life. As a Christian myself, I'm extremely angry at the shooting, and the inaction shown by the people who refuse to pass legislation, but I'm also struggling to understand the indignation at prayers. Yes, the anger is not at prayers or the Christian belief, but is directed at this phrase that is trotted out every time by NRA supporting members of Congress, but prayers are also a way of relief for the ones who lost their loved ones yesterday.

I don't know what else to write here, because I'm at a loss for words. My thoughts and prayer with the dead and the living who miss their loved ones.

I am 100% sure most people who say they are praying for the victims are genuine. It is the prayers from politicians opposing gun control that are a target - their actions don't match their professed belief.
About this article - I really don't know what to say. I found it disgusting on the surface. It unironically suggests god was rewarding their prayers by killing them and causing immense grief to their living families.
I am 100% sure most people who say they are praying for the victims are genuine. It is the prayers from politicians opposing gun control that are a target - their actions don't match their professed belief.
About this article - I really don't know what to say. I found it disgusting on the surface. It unironically suggests god was rewarding their prayers by killing them and causing immense grief to their living families.

Maybe because you aren't a practising Christian? There are elements of it taking potshots at people who question the need and effect of prayer, but ultimately it suggests that the dead are with something they believe in.
Except of course Will, not every post is echoing one point of view and as usual, you know that.

There are people merely showing sorrow for the act. People who can't believe that other humans would do this. Others who are mentioning that gun laws in the USA are insane. Others still who are disputing that (or providing arguments against) without anything like the backlash that you are receiving. There are many view points on the Cafe.

The reason for that of course is that you are speaking absolute bollocks and have been proven to be hilariously hypocritical. This would be a problem if you were arguing seriously but I don't think many people believe that is what you're doing, so....

I'm not concerned about the 'backlash'. Intolerance is not news. But the political majority on the Cafe are certainly phobic about dissent.
Everything is God’s will. Absolute.
He just lets us suffer in order to later not suffer, because otherwise we would have to suffer for eternity. Or something like that.

Regardless of that, I think that the biggest problem is that people are misunderstanding (probably deliberately) the tweets about prayers. Pray as much as you want, but people who have the power to actually make laws that prevent this, should do much more than pray.
I was just reading there that one particular individual lost his mother and father, his wife, three kids and an unborn child (the wife was pregnant), and another child of his survived the shooting but was shot up to four times.


I also read about him. He also lost his brother and niece, and some sites say two of his children are injured. And his wife was only weeks away from giving birth.
Fecking hell!
Can't even imagine being him at the moment.
Maybe because you aren't a practising Christian? There are elements of it taking potshots at people who question the need and effect of prayer, but ultimately it suggests that the dead are with something they believe in.

It also uses this (to me, disturbing) theme (of lives torn apart to prove righteousness) to argue against gun control.
I don't get involved in many discussions here, but enjoy reading them and it seems like @Will Absolute purposely goes against the grain on every single issue purely to be a wum. It's fecking tiresome.
Animal cruelty
Domestic abuse of woman and child
Court martial
Dishonourable discharge
and finally a mass killer.

This guy hit the asshole bonanza and somehow still found it possible to buy an AR15 with multiple rounds of ammo.
It also uses this (to me, disturbing) theme (of lives torn apart to prove righteousness) to argue against gun control.

I could be mistaken of course, but the only two themes I saw. One was ridiculing the people taking issues with the 'prayers and thoughts' and another was solace after death. Always happy to be corrected. I've also finished reading the article in under 5 minutes, so it's not what you call 'deep reading'.
I was just reading there that one particular individual lost his mother and father, his wife, three kids and an unborn child (the wife was pregnant), and another child of his survived the shooting but was shot up to four times.


Sadly, that is inevitable. As I said yesterday, a population of only 320, so 7% were killed yesterday. Nearly 14% killed or injured. I cannot express how sad, insane, horrific, upsetting this is for me just reading it, let alone actually living there. I live in a village of 900, so I just sat and thought how it would affect where I live and it's almost completely incomprehensible. The only solace I can find is that at least they all have each other, but even then, that isn't any comfort at all. This truly is sickening, as are all these pointless fecking shootings. Yet again the worst of humanity on display just because they want to own a fecking gun. Shit, why? Call Of Duty and Battlefield not enough for them?
I don't get involved in many discussions here, but enjoy reading them and it seems like @Will Absolute purposely goes against the grain on every single issue purely to be a wum. It's fecking tiresome.
Not read everything, but I'm so far just under the impression that he, to most og us, have some weird beliefs.
Most who read stuff they completely agree with rarely bothers to chime in anyway, so him going against the grain most often with a different view on politics and being one of the few(?) right-wingers on the caf can make him look like a wum. But we on the left have a tendency to easily get wind up, even when it's not intended.
Maybe because you aren't a practising Christian? There are elements of it taking potshots at people who question the need and effect of prayer, but ultimately it suggests that the dead are with something they believe in.

As a former practicing Christian, I can attest that prayer is 100% useless and has never achieved/will never achieve anything.

If praying for another is comforting then so be it. However, it's quite reasonable for non-religious persons, skeptics, even religious persons to question the entire prayer philosophy.
I'm not going to trawl through half a dozen threads to prove that my interpretation is equally valid.

It says something that when every post in a thread echoes one point of view, a single critical comment should provoke such an over-reaction.

It's not though. It's multiple people responding in their own way to your bullshit. Just because there are a lot of people calling you out doesn't make it hive mentality, an echo chamber or mean these people aren't capable of their own critical thinking. I personally carry the liberal flag on and off the forum and my reaction to your posts is influenced by absolutely nobody.

I haven't got the energy.

Maybe @Pogue is right and there is inconsistency in my position. I wouldn't be surprised. Is anyone ever completely consistent? It would be inhuman.

You consistently spout absolute bollocks.
Saw an article earlier today that the perp's military discharge grounds (domestic violence) should have prevented him from legally acquiring a firearm. The UCMJ does forbid uniformed members charged/convicted of domestic violence from legally carrying, owning, and using a firearm (based on the Lautenberg act which extends to all persons in the US).

Yet this guy checks off no criminal history and uses a Colorado address while living in Texas. But the GOP will still refuse a national registry provision. The exact kind of registry that would have found this individual to have been convicted of a crime that forbids legal purchase and ownership. Yeah, one can claim he'd have found a weapon elsewhere but the fact in this case is he bought it through a store.