Yet another mass shooting and at a church, again

What's terrible about what I said? People elect the politicians, and these same politicians are fecking with peoples lives just so that they can pander to to a lobby group. Simple mass shootings are not going to change any gun laws, hence no less shootings.
If you don't have a problem with calling for the assassination of elected officials and politicans, then I'm not going to change your viewpoint.

I hope you never run for political office.
If you don't have a problem with calling for the assassination of elected officials and politicans, then I'm not going to change your viewpoint.

I hope you never run for political office.
He wasn't calling for it, he was saying that's what's needed for politicians to change anything.

So denied a gun license and escaped from a health facility and obviously known to law enforcement etc...... I feel this is definitely one that could have been prevented, but unfortunately his history only plays in to the gun lobby, President and gun lovers hands. Rather than seeing mental health AND guns are a problem, it will all be put on the mental health argument and that is a shame and wont solve anything.

Obviously, because God and Jesus would love their worshippers to be armed with deadly weapons FFS!

So denied a gun license and escaped from a health facility and obviously known to law enforcement etc...... I feel this is definitely one that could have been prevented, but unfortunately his history only plays in to the gun lobby, President and gun lovers hands. Rather than seeing mental health AND guns are a problem, it will all be put on the mental health argument and that is a shame and wont solve anything.

Obviously, because God and Jesus would love their worshippers to be armed with deadly weapons FFS!

Kind of. But don’t forget that Trump killed a bill quite early on in his new job which was intended to make it harder for people with a history mental illness to buy guns.
Very good post and totally agree. Pray as long as you want, but 'praying' in public while being part of the problem is closer to preying than praying.

Thing is that the majority of people who vote GOP are actually quite pro guns (and Jesus), so giving lip service and preventing any solution to the problem actually helps these people to get elected.

That is the problem. I do not really understand them. I am not believing in god - but I am grown up catholic, was four year in a boarding school where I often was alone with the nuns on weekends playing cards (and learning how to cheat :cool: - actually a lot were big football fans and we were always allowed to watch the international matches even if they ended long past our bed time...) - and afterwards was in another convent school near my home. I sometimes even think it would be great to be able to believe as you always have a net you do not have without.

For me being Christian is being pacifistic. The schools I was in and the christians I know in Germany were very open to helping foreigners no matter what believe they have etc. It might have been differently 50 or 60 years ago when it was somewhat obligatory to attend sunday service when you were living in a small village - but today the people that go to church are the ones on days that aren't christian holidays mostly live christian, too.

The bigotery I see in the USA just is totally different from what my former knowledge of Christianity is. My Ex and his family live in the bible belt. It always really surprised me to see so many people running to church but at the same time you got to know who has had something with another one's wife. It is like lip service - I live like I want but as long as I pray it does not matter...
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If you don't have a problem with calling for the assassination of elected officials and politicans, then I'm not going to change your viewpoint.

I hope you never run for political office.

I won't. Not that low yet.
Jesus will be wondering... WTF happened to the movement I started to better humankind?
I've frequently wondered what people from the past would say if you could ask them about the current state of movements that they'd started. Jesus is definitely one who I'd like to get an answer from.
I've frequently wondered what people from the past would say if you could ask them about the current state of movements that they'd started. Jesus is definitely one who I'd like to get an answer from.

Hopefully not too soon. ;)


So denied a gun license and escaped from a health facility and obviously known to law enforcement etc...... I feel this is definitely one that could have been prevented, but unfortunately his history only plays in to the gun lobby, President and gun lovers hands. Rather than seeing mental health AND guns are a problem, it will all be put on the mental health argument and that is a shame and wont solve anything.

Obviously, because God and Jesus would love their worshippers to be armed with deadly weapons FFS!

Well to be fair, it's both. This individual should never, under any circumstances, have been able to buy a gun not to mention a fecking assault rifle. So if this by some miracle can lead to stricter background checks then it's at least a step in the right direction.
Well to be fair, it's both. This individual should never, under any circumstances, have been able to buy a gun not to mention a fecking assault rifle. So if this by some miracle can lead to stricter background checks then it's at least a step in the right direction.

And in answer to that, I give you..... Paul Ryan........

And in answer to that, I give you..... Paul Ryan........


Well, we all know Ryan is full of shit, and all he really does here is shift blame, but if i play devils advocate for a second here he does admit that this guy should not have been able to buy firearms. My point is: Stricter background checks AND those checks being enforced is a step in the right direction. It won't nearly be enough to solve the problem, but it's a start.
Well, we all know Ryan is full of shit, and all he really does here is shift blame, but if i play devils advocate for a second here he does admit that this guy should not have been able to buy firearms. My point is: Stricter background checks AND those checks being enforced is a step in the right direction. It won't nearly be enough to solve the problem, but it's a start.

Those restrictions were already in place but Ryan and Trump got rid of them. They have blood on their hands and are complicit in all the mass shootings that happened since they changed the law. A start isn't enough. I get your point, and I'm not arguing with you, or being obtuse, but seriously, why do people need assault rifles? Simply put, they don't. There is no excuse nor justification. I admire your hope and positivity, and hope you are right that the start leads to what everyone with any conscience or brain cells want in the end. I just can't see it happening anytime soon. Sadly.
I think you've answered the question in your post. It's because it's a hypocritical platitudes. In Islam there's a saying that if you see something wrong the best thing to do is to change it with your own hand, the second best and the third best is to at least believe it is wrong and keep quite while praying on it and this is 'the weakest of faith'. Now this is Islam but I'm sure Christiniaty has similar sayings.

Praying for 'god's help' while profiteering from gun prolification or merely supporting gun prolification is in itself hypocritical because you are part of the problem. It's almost like Bernard Matthews praying for the plight of the Turkeys.
I was just making an observation with regards to the animosity Christians are met with from some atheists whenever they refer to God or Jesus. I was in no way trying to criticize anyone for calling out republicans, the NRA or those who support them. Their thoughts and prayers are worthless and insulting in the wake of tragedies like these.
People who own guns should form another organization away from NRA, after all if one day people can't have guns anymore is because NRA wants to live by the Wild West laws, everybody can buy guns, criminals and people with mental illness included. This would stop this guy from Texas but not the Vegas shooter but then with laws like anybody who changes a semi to full auto would get life in prison - the target here would be the gunsmiths with small shops not the shooters, again the Vegas shooter would be limited and the feeling I can shoot a lot people fast would disappear, second limit how many guns someone can buy in a year, I may buy a new rifle but if someone buys a bunch of them then we have a problem, I don't know any hunter who buys 3 or 4 rifles/shotguns in a year. So many things the country could do but the politicians are completely paid by NRA and firearm manufacturers.
As someone who subscribes to the law of attraction and focus determining reality,.

The "law of attraction" as marketed by a number of books written by scandalous hustlers is a very sloppy mismash of Eastern spiritual systems, Native American spirituality and quantum physics that was coddled together by salesmen and marketers with no true understanding or training in the actual material. They are phonies. Of course their goal is simply to make money by conning people as all their tent revivalist salesmen do.

There are of course some kernels of true hidden among all the rubbish sales pitches and completely erroneous interpretations that make a Taoist like myself nauseous.

I would advise going to the real source material here and ignoring the marketing bullshit and evil con artists that try to sell "law of attraction".

Then here are some far, far better "new age" amalgams that include physics, all of which are light years better than the atrocious misinterpretations the secret losers try to sell
Well to be fair, it's both. This individual should never, under any circumstances, have been able to buy a gun not to mention a fecking assault rifle. So if this by some miracle can lead to stricter background checks then it's at least a step in the right direction.

You never will be able to prevent that. There is just too many guns available in the US and he might not have gotten the weapon so easy as he seems to have gotten it - but the obstacles are far too low for anybody to get and carry a weapon. I would be scared like hell if it would be so easy to get weapons here where I live. There is for sure some people that should not have any when they get into rage.

What is very strange for me - seen with the shooting in Las Vegas but here on CNN when it means cemetery costs, too - fundraising for hospital costs - ok, strange for somebody that lives in a country where being insured is the standard. I would just raise a special tax on every gun that is sold or a tax on ownership of any gun - the more harm the gun can do the higher - and fund the hospital costs etc. that are caused by guns with it. I know - will not happen as their is an industry that lives of it - but would be a nice idea. Usually people start to revert their opinions when it is about their wallet...
There are mentally ill people everywhere, and I doubt the % is much higher in the US. It's just that in a lot of countries they don't have access to guns, especially assault weapons.
But, that's for the gun control thread....