Would you prefer Liverpool to be relegated (failure) over United winning the league (success)

As a United fan what would you rather see?

  • United 1st and Liverpool 2nd

    Votes: 503 85.3%
  • United 2nd and Liverpool relegated

    Votes: 88 14.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I voted for option 2. Then again, I don't support either club:lol:
That's weird.

its not really, its probably just to do with either where he grew up or the era that he grew up in.

I can totally get what he means though. Would I swap a league title to see them relegated? hell yeah. We can always win another league title but to see Liverpool relegated would be a once in a lifetime event if it were to happen.

However, that's never going to happen so this thread is just a bit of fun
I'll never understand how some people can be so bitter. Why does it matter so much how far behind you your rivals end up if they are already behind you? Some people should, in my opinion, re-evaluate their reasons for supporting "their" club.
bet everyone who voted 2 has not supported United longer than 10 years.

wha...? how do you work that one out?

supporting United 30+ years now and it would give me great pleasure to see them relegated, a once in a lifetime event. How could I not want to witness that? The fallout would be the funniest thing ever! can you imagine sky sports panning in on them all crying in the stands. "...sob....I can't...believe...it....la... its...like...sniff...sniff...Accrington...sobs...Stanley...all...sniff....over....again.."
Option 1, easily. For starters, I'd rather with the title than come second. Secondly, yes it would be funny if they got relegated, but even sweeter pipping them to the title. One of my favourite title wins was when Macheda snatched it from them...means so much more than beating anyone else.

Plus if they got relegated we wouldn't get to play them and I'd miss the match. The season would not be the same for me, without the Liverpool fixture to look forward to. For the same reason I would like Leeds to get promoted again, even though they have a particularly nasty section of fans who make Liverpool seem angelic.
I think a lot of people are protesting too much, trying to pretend they're above the rivalry.

Statements like 'United's success comes before anything for me' wouldn't stand up to scrutiny I reckon.

It's certainly not a cut and dry thing. If you wouldn't swap a league win for a Liverpool relegation, would you swap a FA Cup? How about a League Cup?

Everyone has their tipping point and whilst it's difficult to accept giving up a league title, I'd imagine a fair proportion of our fans would be happy to give up a domestic cup for the scenario to unfold.
I'll never understand how some people can be so bitter. Why does it matter so much how far behind you your rivals end up if they are already behind you? Some people should, in my opinion, re-evaluate their reasons for supporting "their" club.

Lot of people sounding like city fans on here.
I think a lot of people are protesting too much, trying to pretend they're above the rivalry.

Statements like 'United's success comes before anything for me' wouldn't stand up to scrutiny I reckon.

It's certainly not a cut and dry thing. If you wouldn't swap a league win for a Liverpool relegation, would you swap a FA Cup? How about a League Cup?

Everyone has their tipping point and whilst it's difficult to accept giving up a league title, I'd imagine a fair proportion of our fans would be happy to give up a domestic cup for the scenario to unfold.
Except this thread has nothing to do with a domestic cup. Everyone here is talking about us giving up being champions I.e the champions of and the best team in England. Thats what I thought we all supported the club in its efforts (apart from being the best in Europe) to be. So yeah, it holds up to scrutiny pretty well.
I've never agreed with the view of wishing failure on other teams as a result of your own lack of success, stupid.

If we finished first every year, any other placements in the league are irrelevant really.

Of course, if we did finish first, there's no hiding the enjoyment at your rivals struggling... but that's always secondary.
Stupid that the Liverpool option even saw the light of day, let alone getting 60 votes.

Bloody hell, some of you need to give your head a wobble
I entirely agree with you. I was in Europe the season that culminated in Heysel and saw their hooligans trash places and not a word in the Scouse dominated press. Took them many years to accept their complicity in Heysel; their Munich jibes just shames them forever. They are champions of the double standards as a club and fanbase. They were poor champions of the sport and their fans some of the worst in the league. They expected all English fans to support them in Europe but then would support the foreign club when it was Forest or us. First time I heard 'abu' was from that shower.

Today as you rightly say, they are not real rivals, and haven't been for a decade or more; but it suits both clubs to raise the anti. I don't expect them to be a threat to us or ever return to their past glories. They brought the game into so much disrepute its bizarre how their so called reputation has remained solid in the media. Like the Telegraph in the summer using them as a benchmark for criticism of English football - might as well have used the Bitters.

I just knew at some point Heysel and Munich would get brought into this.

And natural for it to be a right plank like you that did.

Unfair to drag this thread into the gutter but congratulations - good old SEP manages that yet again (I won't respond on chants coming from your lot as that would just derail the thread even more)....

@Aldo is just as bad.
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Unless you're all opposed to the notion of Liverpool being relegated, full stop, cos you're in love with them & think they're great or somesuch insanity. There must be a negotiable 'price' for such to come to pass. Therefore the position of the SIXTY has a reasonable basis, :D.
I tried to get some of what I would consider my anti-Liverpool feelings across in another thread a couple of days ago. Unfortunately, I initially picked extreme examples in my either/or poll for a pro Liverpool outcome vs an anti Utd one (even to the point where I would have chosen the pro Liverpool outcome) and so the thread fell apart somewhat. I think (for me) what it boils downs to can best be illustrated by the following:

A guy goes into a bar and sees a girl that he fancies. He asks her will she have sex with him for a million pounds? She says "of course". He then asks will she have sex with him for a pound? She says "no, what do you think I am?" The guy answers, "I know what you are, we are just haggling about the price."

The point being for most people there is a point where they will give up something that they don't want to in order to be compensated with something that they consider worth it. Thus what I was trying to get at is where is that line is for each individual from a football/United POV when it comes to choosing an anti-United outcome vs a pro-Liverpool one (i.e. everyone has a price).

As an example, I am sick to death of Liverpool players and fans sticking up five fingers and going on about their European Cup wins especially when back then you often had to beat a bunch of Albanian farmers or Norwegian postmen to win it. If you qualified back then, unless you got unlucky with the draw, you almost had a guaranteed path to the semis. The hard part was qualifying for the competition by winning the League and I had to live through 26 attempts of trying to do so while Liverpool won it almost every year (it seemed) and we got relegated to boot.

So what would I give up from a United point of view if those 5 Liverpool European Cups could magically disappear? I don't know to be honest. Now there's a poll.
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Each to their own. My love for United is definitely bigger than any dislike I have for a rival team. Do you get the same amount of joy watching Liverpool lose as you do by watching us win?
Thats a stupid thing to say when you consider every United fan alive absolutely shit themselves laughing for about 2 years after the Gerrard slip. Id say most Liverfools would take second to see us relegated too. Its the nature of rivalry.
United can win the league in any number of years. They have done so in the recent past, and will do so in the recent future.

However Liverpool getting relegated is not something I'd be confident of seeing in my lifetime and would be a truly glorious event - so I would have to go with that if given the choice.
Liverpool fans don't ever really mention our relegation in the banter back and forth between us. It was always about league titles and, when we overtook them, it was about the European Cup/CL. It would be hilarious if Liverpool got relegated, obviously, but it would be largely forgotten about in the rivalry between the two clubs, as ours tends to be. The rivalry has been about who's the best and who's won the most, so it's the league title every day of the week for me.
Liverpool fans don't ever really mention our relegation in the banter back and forth between us. It was always about league titles and, when we overtook them, it was about the European Cup/CL. It would be hilarious if Liverpool got relegated, obviously, but it would be largely forgotten about in the rivalry between the two clubs, as ours tends to be. The rivalry has been about who's the best and who's won the most, so it's the league title every day of the week for me.

This is spot on. If given any scenario where you're given the choice of United winning the Premier League v something else (however negative) involving another club and you don't pick the league win then for me, you're either mixed up in your priorities/an attention seeker/a WUM or just plain mental
I don't get what benefit would be for us with Pool getting relegated. Sure it would be fun and worth the banter, but most probably they would be up the year afterwards, while one title pulls us ahead in the race for the best domestic club even further.

Juve were relegated not so long ago, but doubt anyone would remember 5-6 years in time, especially since again they are the best club in Italy shortly after.

Posed like this it's a no brainer really.

If it was United 2nd and pool relegated or United 5th and Pool 6th would be a bit closer..probably.
wha...? how do you work that one out?

supporting United 30+ years now and it would give me great pleasure to see them relegated, a once in a lifetime event. How could I not want to witness that? The fallout would be the funniest thing ever! can you imagine sky sports panning in on them all crying in the stands. "...sob....I can't...believe...it....la... its...like...sniff...sniff...Accrington...sobs...Stanley...all...sniff....over....again.."


class stuff gb.

Actually I don't buy into the "The more you hate Liverpool, the Redder you are". Its more than football as we know. Culture and history.

For younger fans...especially from overseas..perhaps it is better they just keep the rivalry to footie banter.

But to come back to your last bit...:lol: :lol:
This is spot on. If given any scenario where you're given the choice of United winning the Premier League v something else (however negative) involving another club and you don't pick the league win then for me, you're either mixed up in your priorities/an attention seeker/a WUM or just plain mental
I don't know how it is for you, but being a fan is not all "sweetness and light." Apart from the last couple of years, us Utd fans have had it easy - trophy, after trophy, after trophy. Part of fandom is the struggle, the hatred of your rivals, the bitterness when they win something, the joy of seeing them lose. Without rivals, sport (for me anyway) loses a lot of its lustre. Seeing Liverpool relegated personally would be hilarious as a one-off but I'd want them back ASAP so we could keep on beating them. I lived through an awful lot of heartache where Liverpool made my football life miserable for a very long time. For the last 25 years it's been my turn. Steven Gerrard falling over was as funny as feck. It would have been nowhere near as much fun if he'd have fallen over playing in the Championship.
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IF United win the league who gives a shit what Liverpool do?
Liverpool getting relegated would be one of the best and funniest days ever so yes please make it happen.
Not entirely sure this poll is for a Tottenham fan :lol: glad to see we are united in our hatred of that lot, however.
There are people I know who are Liverpool supporters, so I don't hate them for that.

As for scousers in general, the ones I've personally come across have been unpleasant, rude or had bad manners. Not met many who have left a good impression.

I travel a lot and even visit mates in Chorlton a lot. All the Mancs I meet are usually sound mate. At the footy its completely different. All the bellends must turn out for the match. Of course I know its the footy buzz that turns people into bellends. If you say not nice then it is you attracting them mate.

Come to Liverpool anytime. I will show you around.

There ya go la.
You my friend have come to the wrong place if you are expecting people to shower praise on the scum.

Bit of a difference between debate and insults, yours are clearly the latter. This is a forum that welcomes fans of all clubs but some of your comments are bordering disgusting.
Liverpool fans don't ever really mention our relegation in the banter back and forth between us. It was always about league titles and, when we overtook them, it was about the European Cup/CL. It would be hilarious if Liverpool got relegated, obviously, but it would be largely forgotten about in the rivalry between the two clubs, as ours tends to be. The rivalry has been about who's the best and who's won the most, so it's the league title every day of the week for me.

They don't mention our relegation because most don't even know about it. It happened so long ago, within vastly different dynamics, that it's not relevant to today.

By God if we had gotten relegated in the last 15 years, we'd still be hearing about it today. Don't make any mistake about it.
I dont give a shit what Liverpool do, so a title is all that matters. If you rather see them drop over our own success then you are as big of a muppet as all of their fans put together.
I have absolutely no problem in insulting Liverpool, thank you very much.

Insults we can take - we are posting on our rival's forum, but there are ways to do this and sadly the likes of you and the SEP guy sadly resort to mentioning the likes of Munich & Heysel which in my opinion pushes things too far.

I have no problem in reporting posts I deem to either potentially not be acceptable, or seek clarification on whether they are or not. Which is what I have done.

If I am wrong - then that's my hard luck I guess & my thick skin needs to get even thicker.
You my friend have come to the wrong place if you are expecting people to shower praise on the scum.
Not true at all. I hate Liverpool FC with a passion. Their fans on the other hand is a totally different ballgame. The majority of them have been sound to me except for the fact they support Liverpool. The older ones especially are usually knowledgeable and funny. The fans vs the club - totally different discussion.
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Not true at all. I hate Liverpool FC with a passion. Their fans on the other hand is a totally different ballgame. The majority of them have been sound to me except for the fact they support Liverpool. The older ones especially are usually knowledgeable and funny. The fans vs the club - totally different discussion.
What's not true at all? That a Liverpool fan expecting LFC to be respected on a United forum is wrong? That's completely true.
I voted for us to finish second while Liverpool are relegated.

Our team will only grow stronger and will no doubt win the league within a couple years anyway. Second would not be a failure this season.

Liverpool are becoming a force again under Klopp and with a couple more good signings they could be contenders for the title. Relegation would put an end to that I reckon.
What's not true at all? That a Liverpool fan expecting LFC to be respected on a United forum is wrong? That's completely true.
A club vs club rivalry is one thing. People calling each other names is just puerile.
If we won the league, I couldn't give a toss what happened beneath us. I'd be elated.

The first league win post-fergie is going to be fantastic.