Would you prefer Liverpool to be relegated (failure) over United winning the league (success)

As a United fan what would you rather see?

  • United 1st and Liverpool 2nd

    Votes: 503 85.3%
  • United 2nd and Liverpool relegated

    Votes: 88 14.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I picked the Liverpool relegation option.

It would just be too funny.
Liverpool relegation would be glorious. Let us do #1 this year and #2 next year, with us winning the EL this year and the CL next.
Obviously the 1st option, i wouldn't want Liverpool to get relegated as much as i despise the team the rivalry makes football more enjoyable a league without City and Liverpool even if we don't win all the time wouldn't be half as fun.
Obviously the 1st option, i wouldn't want Liverpool to get relegated as much as i despise the team the rivalry makes football more enjoyable a league without City and Liverpool even if we don't win all the time wouldn't be half as fun.
This, but with better punctuation. ;)
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I actively don't want them to get relegated. I enjoy rivalries and I also really like their style of play under Klopp, it's exciting having them in the league. Since the Prem is the only league I watch (apart from the CL), I always want all the teams to play as well as possible and be as successful as possible (with the caveat that we are the most successful of course).
Woah woah woah... has the thread title been changed?

I don't want them to go bankrupt, just relegated.

I don't want them folding and becoming 'AFC Anfield' - the smug, hipster, grassroots nonsense would be unbearable.
This is an even easier choice.

Woah woah woah... has the thread title been changed?

I don't want them to go bankrupt, just relegated.

I don't want them folding and becoming 'AFC Anfield' - the smug, hipster, grassroots nonsense would be unbearable.

Fairly sure such a club already exists. AFC Liverpool I believe.
Another Liverpool thread. We say the Dippers are obsessed with us but some United fans on here just won't let it go. feck em, if they do well then so be it. Those boys have just endured 20+ years of us dominating the league and are quite envious - that's why so many of them come on here.
I definitely don't want them bakrupted, though I would find hilarious them getting relegated.

Best option is obviously us winning the title with them finishing second. Every year.
You were the one who picked the last title. (Would you prefer Liverpool being relegated or United winning the league)

That was because of the way the thread had already gone, it was not the question I would have made myself if I had been given the courtesy of being allowed make threads under my name myself.

Instead you made the thread and moronic poll but put my name as the author and subjected me to abuse when I did not intend this thread to exist and certainly not in the format it does.

I cannot remove or change the poll only the thread title so I have put the question and dilemma in my last post that I would have put originally had I wanted this as a thread which I did not.

I don't think moving one post in another thread and making it the center point of prolonged discussion is fair at all but you are a mod I suppose.
I find it more enjoyable that they finish around 10th or 12th. It's so mediocre and hardly worthy of breaking news. And of course we can finish first. :)
That was because of the way the thread had already gone, it was not the question I would have made myself if I had been given the courtesy of being allowed make threads under my name myself.

Instead you made the thread and moronic poll but put my name as the author and subjected me to abuse when I did not intend this thread to exist and certainly not in the format it does.

I cannot remove or change the poll only the thread title so I have put the question and dilemma in my last post that I would have put originally had I wanted this as a thread which I did not.

I don't think moving one post in another thread and making it the center point of prolonged discussion is fair at all but you are a mod I suppose.
We don't stifle discussion. The post you made ended up being such a figure of debate that it had completely derailed the thread in question. People kept saying "and now back to Mane" but it made no difference. There were two options as a result:
  1. Delete all posts about it (which is censorship, we don't stifle controversial discussion unless it breaks a number of rules)
  2. Move the posts to a new thread so people can continue to discuss and the other thread could then go back on track
If you want I can close this thread, just don't go back to derailing the other thread.
Strange thread title. Does relegation = bankruptcy or am I missing something?
Wonder what the rawkites would vote for, Liverpool 1st or Utd relegated?
Think we know the answer as there so desperate for a title. No doubt at bluemoon, they would prefer Utd to get relegated being as bitter as they are.
We don't stifle discussion. The post you made ended up being such a figure of debate that it had completely derailed the thread in question. People kept saying "and now back to Mane" but it made no difference. There were two options as a result:
  1. Delete all posts about it (which is censorship, we don't stifle controversial discussion unless it breaks a number of rules)
  2. Move the posts to a new thread so people can continue to discuss and the other thread could then go back on track
If you want I can close this thread, just don't go back to derailing the other thread.

I understand what you are saying I would just prefer my name was not the author, the thread does not have to close as people obviously want to discuss it.
I don't know any Liverpool fans. I'm an OOTer so I don't feel the rivalry the way fans closer to Manchester do. I've never been engaged in banter with them. Bar the 2009 season they were never a serious rival to us the way Arsenal, Chelsea and City were. I get pumped up for the games against them, but otherwise? Meh. Plus they have a decent team nowadays, and I like Klopp (goes back to his Dortmund days). That 2009 team wasn't shabby either.

So I really don't care about where they finish. If we aren't winning the league I want them to not win it, but they can stay in the Premier League for all I care.

P.S.: I understand the love-in for Mourinho on here, and I understand the joy at seeing Liverpool not winning the league in 2014, but the slurping he got after Chelsea defeated Liverpool that season remains a mystery to me. I have never seen a team or manager get so much praise for finishing third, getting reamed in the CL enroute to winning the square root of feck all.
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Liverpool getting relegated would be hilarious. Liverpool going bankrupt and going out of existence would be pretty shit. Football is pointless without rivals and they're our main one. Not having them around to beat or be better than would take a lot of joy from supporting United.
Liverpool are leading, last game of the season, the league on goal difference. There opponents final day of the season, Manchester United who are second.

Fellaini dives after pressure from Moreno and Zlatan scores a pen to win it for United at Anfield. Stuff of dreams.
United to win the league. But the laugh factor from Liverpool getting relegated would last longer than the euphoria of winning the league since we've been spoilt with success from Fergie's days.
Thank you.

It is interesting to see how a lot of our fans do not hold the old resentment of Liverpool.

The toxic nature of the rivalry is obviously changing amongst younger fans, perhaps it is for the best.
Loud and proud on the resentment, but when the rivalry degenerates into something that's toxic (Hillsborough, Heysel, Munich etc...), I think that's just kind of sad.
I'm surprised so many have chosen the second option. It would be funny for a very brief period of time and then it would get boring very quickly. Would miss going to Anfield/having the scousers here as they are always the games I look forward to most.

Also, in option 1, we win the league. It is not even close.
I loathe Liverpool as much as I love United mate.

Would give me more pleasure to see them relegated than us win the league to be honest.

Wow. Big statement.

I always thought united fans were obsessed with us.
I'm surprised so many have chosen the second option. It would be funny for a very brief period of time and then it would get boring very quickly. Would miss going to Anfield/having the scousers here as they are always the games I look forward to most.

Also, in option 1, we win the league. It is not even close.

Exactly! Some people take the rivalries too far, do I hate United? No. I just don't support them, and then Liverpool United games are some of the best. It's just a sport at the end of the day
I'm surprised so many have chosen the second option. It would be funny for a very brief period of time and then it would get boring very quickly.

Well, as someone mentioned before, that period would last for quite some time actually. There would be joy and laughter and entertainment from the season before, as to be relegated, they'd need to be shit from the get go. RAWK would be amazing source of reading material...
I won't pretend I don't enjoy watching Liverpool loose. I can't believe that 90% of people here wouldn't enjoy watching a rival loose. But not at the expense of my own team. I'm perhaps younger than some here and genuinely feel more animosity towards City than I do towards Liverpool.
I won't pretend I don't enjoy watching Liverpool loose. I can't believe that 90% of people here wouldn't enjoy watching a rival loose. I'm perhaps you get than some here and genuinely feel more animosity towards City than I do towards Liverpool.
I voted for first option and wouldn't root for Liverpool to win a game but above everything I'd prefer to see us win the league and be successful over another team doing poorly.

City's title win a few seasons ago to them would have been sweeter than anything and to us it was hell. I'd take a repeat situation but with us in City's position and Liverpool in ours though my heart probably wouldn't take it.
I won't pretend I don't enjoy watching Liverpool loose. I can't believe that 90% of people here wouldn't enjoy watching a rival loose. But not at the expense of my own team. I'm perhaps younger than some here and genuinely feel more animosity towards City than I do towards Liverpool.

It has almost zero to do with who is losing.

Lets put the question another way.

Would you rather get a million pounds or five grand and some guy you dislike gets stabbed.
It was always toxic years ago that's the perspective I am speaking from maybe it has changed in the years I have been away.
It really wasn't. After Munich, Liverpool were one of the first (if not the first) to come to our aid.


I've often resented their club, but it was for their success - nothing else. I resented them as part of a rivalry but nowhere would I want anything bad to befall their fans or their club in the real world. This is football, anything beyond that is just not on the table from my point of view.
No one is talking about that, calm down. Read my post and respond to what I've written.

Wearing T shirts in support of a racist isn't a football problem, it's something precisely expected of Liverpool. Any other club would openly condemn if their player did something like what Suarez did, but you lot would turn a blind eye every single time your club does something as embarrassing as that instead of showing basic decency and calling it out. These are actions officially sanctioned by your club and account to nothing but disgrace brought upon the sport. No less than when your manager openly accused of the fixtures being rigged. Just pathetic.

It's true every club has it's share of problematic fans but the difference is unlike you lot we genuinely condemn any such behaviour. You on the other hand, well, less said the better. SEP put it perfectly - champions of double standard.

And just like that you and your pal here do nothing but prove the point. For once man up and say that your club made mistakes, for once.
I don't have any problem admitting the mistakes the club and SOME fans of Liverpool have made in the past. You'll notice that my post didn't try and defend any of that.

My problem is that you try and paint all Liverpool fans with the same brush. Because Liverpool as a club took a long time to accept responsibility for Heysel therefore all Liverpool fans everywhere should share the blame? I wasn't even born then. You keep saying you and you're like its my personal responsibility.

Yes the behaviour during the Suarez/Evra racism row was unacceptable from a Liverpool point of view (likely driven by the tribalism that still exists with some fans today), and so was the treatment Anton Ferdinand received from some Chelsea fans following the Terry racism incident. Some fans are idiots with no morals. Are you telling me that in a case like Suarez and Evra where it was one players word against another initially (not defending Suarez or the clubs actions following the guilty verdict by the way) that there wouldn't be some United fans out there defending one of their own? I wouldn't accuse you or anyone individually but none of us can know what every other fan of our club is like.

I cant really comment on the manager thing as I'm not sure who you're referring to but I'm sure I've heard managers complain about the fixtures before. You're own manager accused referees of being scared of giving decisions in his sides favour. Is that acceptable? I'm not responsible for what my clubs manager says or does.
I'll criticise Dalglish with you over his behaviour over Suarez though, that really brought out the worst in him.

I agree that the club and some of our fans have acted in an unacceptable way in the past, I don't try and hide from that. Your posts seem to suggest that all Liverpool fans are the same though which simply isn't true.
It really wasn't. After Munich, Liverpool were one of the first (if not the first) to come to our aid.


I've often resented their club, but it was for their success - nothing else. I resented them as part of a rivalry but nowhere would I want anything bad to befall their fans or their club in the real world. This is football, anything beyond that is just not on the table from my point of view.

Not that far back, I am talking about the eighties and nineties, football was very different in Sir Matt Busby's time.