Would you prefer Liverpool to be relegated (failure) over United winning the league (success)

As a United fan what would you rather see?

  • United 1st and Liverpool 2nd

    Votes: 503 85.3%
  • United 2nd and Liverpool relegated

    Votes: 88 14.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
As much as I dislike Liverpool, they are right there with us in terms of importance to the global game. They are a historic club, maybe less relevant as of right now, but we would not be the same without them.

It feels weird to say that, but it is what it is.
Why? I don't think anyone would miss them. The League would be as good with Spurs or any other team taking the 4th place fight.
What are you talking about I never set up any poll or started a thread?

The mods did.

84% disagree with them.

My opinion is fairly neutral on the question in the poll, I am 50/50 on it.

My original post was not meant to start a thread and has been twisted against me but what can I do.

The guy I responded to has no idea.
What does it matter who started the thread/poll? The poll asks the question, to which 85% disagree with you.
Does he have no idea because he disagrees with you? If that's the case, again i'll reiterate - 85% disagree with you, so 85% may think you in fact have no idea.
No one is twisting anything against you. If you post absolute rubbish, expect to get called out on it.
What a pleasant person you are. Feck me.
What does it matter who started the thread/poll? The poll asks the question, to which 85% disagree with you.
Does he have no idea because he disagrees with you? If that's the case, again i'll reiterate - 85% disagree with you, so 85% may think you in fact have no idea.
No one is twisting anything against you. If you post absolute rubbish, expect to get called out on it.
What a pleasant person you are. Feck me.

Of course it matters there is no proper explanation of the issues at hand or the reasoning behind the decisions in the OP as I did not intend it to be an opening post.

The OP in this thread makes it seem like I offered no explanation for my views and expected debate on the back of it.

When I posted the OP in the Mane thread it was meant as a light hearted post not be the starting point of a seven page thread.

I have already stated that I am 50/50 on the poll question so the percentages for and against are no reflection on me or on my opinion.

I have offered some opinions in favour of the second option as I see the reasoning why some support it.
I wouldn't want to see Liverpool get relegated because then we wouldn't play the derby and the season and Premier League would lose something historically massive. I'd like to see Leeds promoted too! :p
Liverpool getting relegated and being stuck in the championship for years would be great. How could anyone not want this to happen

Great but never at the expense of a PL. You never know when the next one might come along.

I voted option 2, I've seen us win the league many times, I have whitnessed us coming 1st and them second. In this current climate I would bloody love to see them relegated :lol:. It's not like we havent won the title in 3 decades, seeing them relegated is a once in a life time event. I would also vote on us coming 7th and them finishing 2nd because of steven gerrard slipping and costing a game 1 week after giving a brave-heart inspired speech about not letting this slip

United went without winning the title for over a quarter of the century. As Liverpool are now finding out, football has a tendency to go in cycles.

The premise of poll goes against the ethos of what United are all about.
United are about competing for titles year in year out every year and not just resting on our laurels and taking a break just so we can have a chuckle over the summer because Liverpool have been relegated. Our next title could be 10, 15, 20, 26 years away. We as United fan's expect the management and team to be fighting for the PL year in year out as one the top 4 biggest clubs in the world.

Scenario 1
Liverpool go down the day Aguero scores the last minute goal to deny United the PL in 11/12.
Would that have made a happy end to the season as oppose to Aguero missing the chance and Liverpool staying up?

Scenario 2
United are going for another treble? A chance to make history again. Would you give that up for Liverpool going down?

Even during the success under Fergie , he always said this was the hardest league in the world. It's even more competitive now, and as far as I'm concerned, despite the success's, United, can never win enough PL's for me and I would not swap a single PL trophy for Liverpool going down. Yes they are our hated rivals, but lets not trade a single PL trophy in a already competitive league ,for them being demoted. It gives them a status beyond whatever begrudging respect/or hatred they may deserve as a club.
Bizarre poll. It doesn't matter if Liverpool gets relegated, we're not even in the same league!
United 1st and Liverpool 2nd - preferably with the winning points secured by an outrageously bad refereeing decision. Seeing the Scousers have their dreams dashed at the last moment has more Schadenfreude potential than seeing them get relegated.
I've seen United win the league 13x, I've never seen Liverpool relegated, just from a comedy factor alone it would be a hugely amusing year for me.
Liverpool nearly winning it is much more fun than them not being in the race.
How good was that season when Gerrard slipped? We still talk about it.

You can hate them as much as you want but the world would be a worse place if they were not in it. I bet it's the first fixture you look for each season.
Sometimes people hate somethings more than they love other things. It's bizarre to most of the world but it's not that uncommon. The original poster only had the honesty to say it out loud. I am sure he's not alone although I doubt that 14% of United supporters would rather see Liverpool lose as the poll suggests.
Both are a damn sight better than we've seen for years. But you're basically asking if I'd rather we won the league or we didn't. Liverpool are largely irrelevant.
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And the following season mis the two best games of the season? No way, let them become 2nd
The Magnificent 14% are your proper bitter & obsessed Liverpool haters who should be saluted. The 86% are clearly a little bit spineless & wimpy.

41 of us now, :D.
My option isn't there. I want United to be first and Liverpool to be 5th after losing the CL spot to Everton on goal difference.
Another odd poll and thread.
Similar to "Do you want Utd to lose every match so that XYZ happens"
Of course it matters there is no proper explanation of the issues at hand or the reasoning behind the decisions in the OP as I did not intend it to be an opening post.

The OP in this thread makes it seem like I offered no explanation for my views and expected debate on the back of it.

When I posted the OP in the Mane thread it was meant as a light hearted post not be the starting point of a seven page thread.

I have already stated that I am 50/50 on the poll question so the percentages for and against are no reflection on me or on my opinion.

I have offered some opinions in favour of the second option as I see the reasoning why some support it.
Calm down. These things happen in a forum. Just take it with a pinch of salt. Also, it did start a debate here so not exactly a stupid idea of a thread.
I loathe Liverpool as much as I love United mate.

Would give me more pleasure to see them relegated than us win the league to be honest.
Sorry but that's just mentally unstable and takes tribalism to a new level, cutting your nose off to spite your face. If we were talking about the positions being reversed (Liverpool winning or United relegated) or in fact in any rivalry between any clubs (London), you would want your own team to win first and foremost. The memory of the opposition relegation would fade the next time that club rises to the top whereas you can never take a title away from your own club.
Those who voted for Liverpool to be relegated are surely all brats who came on board during the Ferguson years.
This is an easy question to answer: United winning the league.
I really don't get people who get more joy out of Liverpool suffering than us winning. The idea that the apex of your interest in a sport is to watch one participant greatly suffer, is extremely weird. May as well start calling yourselves Liverpool haters rather than United supporters.
United 2nd and Liverpool relegated for sure.
We aren't favorites for the title this season anyway. I'd rather we win it next year and Liverpool are relegated this year. (in a hypothetical world of course)

Awful thread though.
Those who voted for Liverpool to be relegated are surely all brats who came on board during the Ferguson years.

Have to vote for 1st but what a delicious thought: the slum dwellers relegated. I recall their behaviour when we were relegated so for some of us 70s 'brats' it still represents a wonderful scenario.
United 2nd and Liverpool relegated for sure.
We aren't favorites for the title this season anyway. I'd rather we win it next year and Liverpool are relegated this year. (in a hypothetical world of course)

Awful thread though.

How can you claim awful thread and then make that mess of a post.
The people on here calling others mentally unstable and needing heads read just over a silly unbalanced football opinion :lol:

Some need to lighten up me thinks
I really don't get people who get more joy out of Liverpool suffering than us winning. The idea that the apex of your interest in a sport is to watch one participant greatly suffer, is extremely weird. May as well start calling yourselves Liverpool haters rather than United supporters.

If you want to see real hatreds in the United-Scouse rivalry, I suggest you visit their main forum site. Most of them only live to hate us - its what decades of failure to us leads to. If forums existed in the 70s and 80s the intensity of hatreds would have been reversed.