Would you prefer Liverpool to be relegated (failure) over United winning the league (success)

As a United fan what would you rather see?

  • United 1st and Liverpool 2nd

    Votes: 503 85.3%
  • United 2nd and Liverpool relegated

    Votes: 88 14.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
My best mate is a Liverpool fan.. he's much more ABU than I am ABL. I enjoy the rivalry but it doesn't bother me as much as I consider them irrelevant and also I would miss not playing against Liverpool in the league.

Imagine Barca in la liga with no el classico, it would be a laugh in the short term but boring as feck in the long term.

Imagine the stevie me slip and United winning the league because of it, that would be way more memorable than them being relegated. We'd get the double dosage of remembering the season for our achievements, embellishing our legacy as well as seeing them fail - win win.

On a separate note I hate seeing rivals teams weakened by injuries. I want United to play against and beat the best.. it is a more satisfactory victory. I don't want our rivals to have excuses when we beat them.
This is a really silly poll. Who in their right mind would rather come 2nd so that Liverpool could be relegated?
Half the people in this thread just come to post their one-liners without reading a single other post.

Plenty of good reasons and stories have been given to justify the 2nd option.
What a very, very strange mentality. I think some people take the whole thing a bit too serious.. hating a club so much you care more about it than your own club?

Apart from that it's already kind of weird to want your rivals relegated. What's the end game? To end up in a league without rivals? Sounds great fun..
How can the voting options add up to 100,8% total at the moment? Sounds like the Russian president elections.
:o Why did this forum get the no mega-threads rule?
Everyone was arguing about it in a Sadio Mane thread, so it got moved to a new thread to be on topic. Obviously it's up for debate because there's been 5 pages of discussion on it!
No I did not the scenarios presented where not in line with my original statement.

I would prefer us 2nd and Liverpool last then us 1st and them second.

Is that so outlandish?

I'm with you on this mate, we've won the league lots/enough times in the past twenty years and we will win it again in the next few years.
I'd take second just one year To see Liverpool relegated, it would be hilarious, they wouldn't stay down and I'd expect and want them to come straight back up the following year as people have said, the rivalry is good and what makes football exciting, but just the fans reaction to relegation would just be amazing.
Right now it's United 20 titles : Liverpool 18 titles

Option 1 gives:
United 21 titles : Liverpool 18 titles

But Liverpool will suddenly become a force and over the next 15 or so years, you could easily see them building from the platform of 2nd place. In 15 years time, the score might become 25 : 21.

Option 2 gives:
United 20 titles : Liverpool 18 titles

But Liverpool would be dead and buried like Rangers are in Scotland. There's no way they could claw there way back above the oil-funded clubs any time soon. In 15 years, the score might become 24 : 18.

This all very hypothetical and I'm only using these numbers to illustrate a point. Option 1 gives short term glory but puts Liverpool in a position to become rivals in the mid-term future. Option 2 kills them off for good.

I went for option 1 in the poll but I can easily understand someone picking option 2. Our rivalry has been going on for over a century. It's not limited to just one season. The choice is between winning the battle or ending the war (sorry for the melodramatic language).
I have a few Scouse lads who I would consider mates. One of them even live lad in Altrincham. Would some of you not make friends with Liverpool fans?

There are people I know who are Liverpool supporters, so I don't hate them for that.

As for scousers in general, the ones I've personally come across have been unpleasant, rude or had bad manners. Not met many who have left a good impression.
Everyone was arguing about it in a Sadio Mane thread, so it got moved to a new thread to be on topic. Obviously it's up for debate because there's been 5 pages of discussion on it!
Frankly it looks like a bunch of people telling the unknown one he's being weird.
United 20 titles : Liverpool 18 titles

Option 1:
United 21 titles : Liverpool 18 titles

But Liverpool will suddenly become a force and over the next 15 or so years, you could easily see them building on 2nd place. In 15 years time, the score might become 25 : 21.

Option 2:
United 20 titles : Liverpool 18 titles

But Liverpool would be dead and buried like Rangers are in Scotland. There's no way they could claw there way back above the oil-funded clubs any time soon. In 15 years, the score might become 24 : 18.

This all very hypothetical and I'm only using these numbers to illustrate a point. Option 1 gives short term glory but puts Liverpool in a position to become rivals in the mid-term future. Option 2 kills them off for good.

I went for option 1 in the poll but I can easily understand someone picking option 2. Our rivalry has been going on for over a century. It's not limited to just one season. The choice is between winning the battle or ending the war (sorry for the melodramatic language).

Even if finishing 2nd puts Liverpool in position to become our rivals in the league, finishing 1st still puts us in an even better position than them and (by the same logic) allows us to potentially rival the likes of Barca, Real and Bayern in Europe.

Awfully pessimistic to see a second-place Liverpool as such a massive threat even when we're still better than them in the same scenario. Actually gives credence to the RAWKish "they're terrified of us" type arguments.

Plus they did challenge for the title recently before promptly imploding.
Frankly it looks like a bunch of people telling the unknown one he's being weird.
Well yeah, I suppose you could class that as debate :lol:

He told me he was joking, now there's a 5 page thread on it!
Even if finishing 2nd puts Liverpool in position to become our rivals in the league, finishing 1st still puts us in an even better position than them and (by the same logic) allows us to potentially rival the likes of Barca, Real and Bayern in Europe.

Awfully pessimistic to see a second-place Liverpool as such a massive threat even when we're still better than them in the same scenario. Actually gives credence to the RAWKish "they're terrified of us" type arguments.

Plus they did challenge for the title recently before promptly imploding.
This. Liverpool finishing second evidently means feck all, going by a few seasons back. Klopp might build on it a bit better than Rodgers did though.
I would rather we won the league where City and Liverpool were 2nd/3rd and we won it by a point, or something like that. It would be oh so sweet.
Option 1 is an easy choice for the poll. Beating them to another title would be great

3rd/4th for United (Champions league) or midtable with Liverpool relegation...now in that scenario I would pick option 2.
Moronic poll. This is truly a new low for the Caf.


Honestly Liverpool have barely been a rival for the last 20 years. Most of the people here probably don't even remember them when they were actually properly good, I know I don't.
How the frig is this thread not been deleted ?

Its a joke.

To deny your team being League Champions is a fecking horrendous thing to even contemplate.

Words fail me.
I am not the one resorting to petty insults.

I made one comment in another thread and the mods decided to make it a thread and poll for some reason.

I bow to their undoubted wisdom.

Because it derailed the Sadio Mane thread with 3 or 4 pages and looked like never getting back on track so this was easiest and best option.
I'd rather see us win the league obviously. Must say, if we finished second, Liverpool getting relegated would cushion the blow somewhat.

Honestly Liverpool have barely been a rival for the last 20 years. Most of the people here probably don't even remember them when they were actually properly good, I know I don't.

I disagree, I think the rivalry isn't affected at all by their relative league standing; it'd still be strong rivalry even if we were in a different league to them.

I do think the concept of preferring Liverpool misery over United glory is really weird though; as much as we'd all enjoy watching RAWK go into full Chernobyl meltdown as a million shell suits screamed in terror, I'd still rather we won the league.
If you would rather we finish 2nd but Liverpool get relegated instead of winning the league and Liverpool coming 2nd, then you're a monumental idiot.
The "dilemma" in the poll is absolutely ridiculous. Who wouldn't pick United winning a title? Surprises me to see 15% preferring option B.

If I had to choose between A: United finishing 4 and Liverpool relegated or B: United finishing 2 and Liverpool staying up, I'd probably pick option A. And I'd probably be willing to sacrifice a League Cup title to see Liverpool relegated, but absolutely not a league title.
I just cannot fathom how a United supporter can have that opinion. It makes no sense to me, none whatsoever. I don't really care what happens to our rivals as long as we're number 1.
How can this be a poll!?!? There's something seriously wrong with this thinking.

You must follow Liverpool just as closely as you 'follow' United to feel this way. It's beyond bizarre.
I would take second instead for one year JUST to see them relegated. The poll doesnt state that we would never be champs again? The other scenario about the slip was just a pisstake. Lighten up not every one thinks the same, Jesus you lot are a bore at times.

What should never be a bore is winning titles.

it just comes across as so ridiculously entitled. Litetally every other fan in England would kill for a league title for their team, and you're willing to give one away just for a bit of banter. It's frankly ridiculous.
Us winning the league is better (best): 1. We have another title of course 2. RAWK went into meltdown directly related to us (even if they finished 2nd) 3. The continuity of RAWK meltdown the next season rather risking L'pool does a Leeds, Nottingham Forest... and disappears from PL for eternity :wenger: We should choose continuity over short term plan :smirk: May eat humble pie to see us winning the title and them relegated though :angel: