Woman accuses Cristiano Ronaldo of rape - CR7 case only

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You're advocating men that attempt rape escape justice as they're not as bad as other sex offenders?

No, there it says that is better 1000 guilty man free than 1 in prison, that is innocent presumption. But the working is not the correct one and I suspect his moral compass is not the better. But the statement is correct
It's a shocking and very serious allegation. If Der Spiegel's version of the events and the documentation surrounding it is accurate then not only is it rape, Ronaldo admitted it and his lawyers bullied their way to a settlement.

I'll admit though that I struggle to understand the "multiple questionnaires" thing. I'm not yet convinced I'm seeing the actual question asked in said questionnaire or the actual answer given. The scope not just for "lost in translation" but also lost in transcription (even at the lawyer's email stage) seems massive.

For example, if the key question on that early transcript starts with a quote from the woman, "She says she said no and stop several times," and we're seeing that merged with an answer, then the meaning could be quite different.

Anyway, Ronaldo says he'll be calling his lawyers, so I guess we'll hear their version of the defence at some point.
Why is it better for innocent victims to be raped and forced to live with the consequences, than innocent victims to be slandered and be forced to live with the consequences?
Must be that whole innocent until proven guilty thing again...
Why is it better for innocent victims to be raped and forced to live with the consequences, than innocent victims to be slandered and be forced to live with the consequences?

Do you think that slandering the innocent prevents the crime because more guilty go punished as a byproduct?
You're advocating men that attempt rape escape justice as they're not as bad as other sex offenders?

Isn't that the whole point of our justice system? Innocent until proven guilty. That means some offenders will always walk free when there is not enough evidence which is not a nice thought. But the other option would be to jail people who may be innocent which I think is more frightening. The quoted post above sounds disturbing but it is not technically wrong.
Out of interest, what do you view as wrong with that. It’s a reasonable opinion to have, that it’s for guilty men to go free than innocent men be jailed.
I think it's more that lately there are a lot of people who fall over themselves to point out that rape accusations can be false, and they come out every time a famous person is accused. That guy's also saying "this country has gone crazy", the implication being that the problem is all the rape accusations, and not, you know, rape. Rape is a much bigger problem, by several orders of magnitude, so if your sole contribution is "god, false rape accusations", you're probably a shitbag.
Must be that whole innocent until proven guilty thing again...

I think that's an oversimplification illustrated quite well by @JPRouve's point about pretrial detention. Even the deliberately rigid legal system has allowed for that significant level of grey area. So instead of being glib, do you think you could offer a substantive explanation? I think it's quite complicated, personally. I certainly don't have a complete answer. Acknowledging that and trying to have an open discussion about it isn't quite as cool as sneering on the internet, I guess.
Do you think that slandering the innocent prevents the crime because more guilty go punished as a byproduct?

I wouldn't explain the relationship that way at all, no. Making it more difficult for actual victims to be able to report crimes, or be believed when they report them, is quite likely to lead to an increase in that crime taking place. Making it easier will quite likely do the opposite. The same relationship is likely true of false allegations. That's implicit in the premise outlined in the initial tweet being discussed.

There's evidence for all of that, but it's particularly difficult to determine the strength of that relationship in the case of a) crimes which are disproportionately under-reported, like rape, and b) false allegations, due to the nature of both. The legal system tries to mediate those two elements, and how it does so varies across countries and across crimes. In each case the decision is imperfect and has negative consequences.
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Oh poor Ronaldo, I'm sure that the whole world is against him

Anyway when Ronaldo himself says that "the woman said no and stop several times" people will have doubts about his innocence and rightly so.

Do we know if this is actually true! Why would an NDA have this description and why would he say these things. NDA or not that's incriminating.
I see intention. Like every crime there has to be motives and intention. And ronaldo by what little i read didnt strike me as someone who intent to rape.

There will be time when the women is deceived, drugged, threaten, and even when she doesnt say anything I'd still call it a rape.

And There's 375k hush money. A real rape victim wont ask for money, they'd ask for justice. They wont talk to lawyer, they'll go to the police the next day.

That's not how things work. Just cause Ronaldo is Ronaldo doesn't mean he can't potentially be a dangerous sexual predator.
Der Spiegel are tight with Football Leaks. How the latter get their info, I don't know. Probably hacking, although they've been investigated for blackmail and extortion in the past.

According to recent news, Football Leaks was created by a young Portuguese hacker, who has been identified and ousted in national media a couple of weeks ago. He uses methods like phishing, etc, to get e-mail passwords of football related people.

He started mostly getting leaks from Portuguese clubs, but grew on from there. In an (anonymous at the time) interiew with Der Spiegel he claimed Jorge Mendes had sent private investigators after him, but they failed to track him.

At the moment Benfica has been under fire, due in part to leaks from him. As such he is afraid to return to the country and is hiding away in Europe somewhere. Until recently he was living in Budapest.

He was ousted and front cover of one of the biggest magazines in the country, so he's kind of a big deal right now:

"The pirate that stole Benfica's secrets"

"Has less than 30 years and lives in Eastern Europe"
"He's a computer genius who in his first crime deviated 270.000 euros from Cayman Islands"
"Created Football Leaks with information from Doyen, Real Madrid, Porto and Sporting"
"Is under investigation in Portugal and Spain"
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Yeah that's right. Just seems like people are making proclamations in this thread too confidently - there's a reason lawyers always qualify anything they say after all.

Something that is rape in one particular set of circumstances might not be in another.

Funnily enough that's the first example that was given in law school about how the prosecution will adapt the terms of a prosecution depending on the known facts. In France, sexual assault and rape are legally different, they lead to different sentences and require a different degree of proof. If the prosecutor knows that there are mitigating factors he won't prosecute for rape even if he believes that it was one, he will prosecute for sexual assault.
Odd how this story isn't getting more coverage. He's ostensibly the world's most famous athlete and probably in the top 5 most famous people alive today, and yet the coverage has fairly muted.
Odd how this story isn't getting more coverage. He's ostensibly the world's most famous athlete and probably in the top 5 most famous people alive today, and yet the coverage has fairly muted.

There was just a minor article in both of the biggest newspapers in Norway and they focused more on Ronaldo striking back via his lawyers.
Odd how this story isn't getting more coverage. He's ostensibly the world's most famous athlete and probably in the top 5 most famous people alive today, and yet the coverage has fairly muted.

Yep. Suggests there isn't enough credible information to meet their standards yet.
Yep. Suggests there isn't enough credible information to meet their standards yet.

Was thinking this as well. If the allegations had wings every media organization in the world would be all over it. So far it seems constrained to just a few outlets.
Scared of getting sued.

I'd say so. Imagine tarnishing the biggest football player in the world and the marketing machine that is Ronaldo, with rape. Nike, EA and God knows how many other multi-billion dollar companies backing him. You'd want to be sure in what you're printing.
Odd how this story isn't getting more coverage. He's ostensibly the world's most famous athlete and probably in the top 5 most famous people alive today, and yet the coverage has fairly muted.

Probably because the original German story also contained the hacked email conversation of Ronaldo and his lawyer. I'm guessing any mention of that and the newspaper could be sued.
Was thinking this as well. If the allegations had wings every media organization in the world would be all over it. So far it seems constrained to just a few outlets.

At the moment a lot of the story hinges on the apparent admission contained in one of the stolen emails. The UK press seem to be treating it the same way as they did in 2017 (when the initial story broke) - the serious press are reporting his lawyers responses, the tabloids are steering clear.
Entire thread makes me feel uncomfortable because this lad is hero worshipped by millions. If it turns out that he’s a rapist I’ll be sick that he played for our team.

Maybe this rumour is the real reason modric won fifa poty
Now that Ronaldo has come out and denied it all the big news agencies will run with it. No chance of getting sued for reporting he denied it.

Let's see how it goes. The Kobe Bryant story a few years back was absolutely massive, so I would've thought this one would be even bigger.
Oh absolutely - I'm sure that's common. But there's a difference between that and pestering someone "20 times" as the tweet posted alluded to, and there's obviously a significant difference between persisting with someone who appears interested and coercing them into sex in a private space where they're afraid of the consequences if they say no.
Yeah, agreed. My worry was that some crazy women might take advantage of such law to screw men over who've done nothing wrong. Because there are crazy women out there too, not only male rapists and murderers.
Yeah, agreed. My worry was that some crazy women might take advantage of such law to screw men over who've done nothing wrong. Because there are crazy women out there too, not only male rapists and murderers.

This kind of feels like a bit of a strawman though - there are of course women out there who will make false allegations but they're incredibly small in number and much smaller than the number of people who commit acts of sexual assault or harassment. The vast, vast majority aren't going to claim they've been assaulted or harassed if you hit on them even if they're not interested.
This kind of feels like a bit of a strawman though - there are of course women out there who will make false allegations but they're incredibly small in number and much smaller than the number of people who commit acts of sexual assault or harassment. The vast, vast majority aren't going to claim they've been assaulted or harassed if you hit on them even if they're not interested.
That's where we disagree. On top of that, people who make false accusations get away scot-free, which is also in itself worrying as we'll only see more and more of them appear.
is that really what you want to go with vato, crazy women, in the midst of telling people off for being too lose with calling out sexism
Pointing out there are crazy women too is a sexist thing now? You're taking this progressive thing a bit too far now mate. Go have a lie down.
And There's 375k hush money. A real rape victim wont ask for money, they'd ask for justice. They wont talk to lawyer, they'll go to the police the next day.
Oh feck off with this. Where do you get off telling anybody what "a real rape victim" would and would not do. Quit while you're behind.
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