"He starts to come on to me very strong. And he starts to do stuff to me and touch me and grab me and go down on me." She says, she pushed him away and again told him no.
Ronaldo, Mayorga claims, didn't give up and pulled her into the bedroom. "I turned away. He tried to take my underwear off. I turned away from him and curled up into a ball. And I was holding my vagina. And that's when he jumped on me." She says she told him "no, no, no." But Ronaldo, Mayorga claims, raped her anally. Without a condom. Without lubricant.
The next day, Mayorga called the police and was examined at the University Medical Center. The case received a case number that would later be referenced in the settlement between Mayorga and Ronaldo. But Mayorga did not initially tell the police who raped her. She consulted with a lawyer who advised her not to go public. But Mayorga didn't want to just sit back and do nothing, either. "I wanted to teach him a lesson. I wanted him to deal with it, to have to face me," she says. And to pay for her treatment. "I'm not going to pay for my goddamn treatment," she says, describing her thinking at the time. "He raped me. He's going to pay for my goddamn treatment!"
According to documents that the whistleblowing platform Football Leaks has made available to DER SPIEGEL, Mayorga's lawyer at the time contacted one of Ronaldo's lawyers in July 2009. In the next several months, an entire legal team was assembled to deal with the rape accusations. A list of hundreds of questions was sent to Ronaldo, to his brother-in-law and to his cousin. Ronaldo is identified in the document as "X" and Mayorga as "Ms. C".
There are a number of versions of the questionnaire. The questions remain more or less consistent on all of them, but the answers do not. In one version, Ronaldo speaks of consensual sex and says there had been no indication that she wasn't OK with it during sex nor did she seem to be doing poorly afterward.
But there is another, much earlier version. It is the document that could have serious consequences for Ronaldo. It was sent via email in September 2009. The sender was a lawyer from the firm of Carlos Osório de Castro, a lawyer who has long represented the soccer star[CH1] . The recipients were Osório de Castro himself and an additional colleague. In response to the question of whether Ms. C had ever raised her voice, screamed or called out, X answered according to the document: "She said no and stop several times." And furthermore: "I fecked her from the side. She made herself available. She was lying on her side, in bed, and I entered her from behind. It was rude. We didn't change position. 5/7 minutes. She said that she didn't want to, but she made herself available." And further: "But she kept saying 'no.' 'Don't do it.' 'I'm not like the others.' I apologized afterwards." The document quotes him as saying that she never screamed and never called out for anyone.
"[NN2] Question: Did Ms. C. say anything afterwards about the sex being too brutal? X: She didn't complain about it being brutal. She complained that I forced her. She didn't say anything about wanting to go to the police."