Woman accuses Cristiano Ronaldo of rape - CR7 case only

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It doesn't take many false allegations to completely sully someone for life. We've all heard those smug people with their "no smoke without fire" stuff.
He "May" just have been advised by lawyers to avoid a lengthy court case and get her out of his hair.

Hopefully it's not more sinister, as that's a horrible thing to consider.

I understand that it could be like this, really I do, but if it would be that easy, many other people will try it. without a reliable possibility that could happen, you don't go to court. And even if you go, CR can definitely let it to the lawyers hands and if it is not true, the other part has to pay the costs
Well, the last sentence is irrelevant. How many people could say that from white comedy star Bill Cosby

Its like that sentence always pronounced when the police comes to retain someone and the reported check the neighbours " It was such a good person" and they were their neighbours, you don't know him at all.

I understand how hush money works. But why not everybody does it? it would be easy money! "Hey CR, give me money or I sue you". We are not talking about $1000 we are talking almost $400.000

Which is about $1000 to somebody as rich as Ronaldo.

Not saying anything more as you're obviously looking to push things.
If you look at the bottom of the peice, it appears Spiegel wrote an article about this a year and a half ago. What has happened in that year and a half? They also make reference to a document relating to what Ronaldo could have said to his lawyer. I hope that isn't the peice of evidence they are referring to in his article.
Does anyone for a second believe Ronaldo of all people has to rape someone to have sex? Jesus Christ.. The man doesn't even drink to rule out the sane/sober mind arguement (if there was one).

American Woman is out for a quick buck.. shocker.

EDIT: Really should educate myself with the article/facts before jumping too conclusions.

fecking hell lad

two things, firstly these things could easily be true or false but the fact he is a high profile person in this current #metoo climate means this shit will stick even if he is innocent. Secondly I genuinely thought the man was gay. I guess he still could be or bisexual.
No lawyer worth their weight in salt would agree to Cristiano signing a document, in the presence of witnesses, that says, "I raped this woman. I am paying her $400,000 in exchange for her silence."

At the very most the document will state her accusation, his vehement denial, and the agreement that causes both parties to go their separate ways.
Well, the last sentence is irrelevant. How many people could say that from white comedy star Bill Cosby

Its like that sentence always pronounced when the police comes to retain someone and the reported check the neighbours " It was such a good person" and they were their neighbours, you don't know him at all.

I understand how hush money works. But why not everybody does it? it would be easy money! "Hey CR, give me money or I sue you". We are not talking about $1000 we are talking almost $400.000

He obviously had sex with her and even if he shuns alcohol she might have been drunk and that's why he paid her.
Which is about $1000 to somebody as rich as Ronaldo.

Not saying anything more as you're obviously looking to push things.

Well. there is a NDA in one side and your is such a good person but I never seen him in person

let leave it on a tie
I don't think he fecked 100 women, you might be overestimating it a tad.

I think he fecked 100 drunk women. I am truely sure he fecked more than 200. Seriously, if a footballer wants to get laid, is as easy as going to the supermarket. And a deli one.15 years being famous, is roughly 10 girls a year. I don't wanna brag but :lol::lol::lol:
I was laughing at my own ignorance, not the alleged incident. Also there is no verdict out, it's an accusation not a sentence. But thanks for trying to put a spin on my post to make it look like I was laughing at a victim.

For anyone I've offended, I apologize. Was not my intention.
I didn't any spin bro. What you said, regardless of what you meant, was crazy. Now if you say you didn't mean it at all, it's all good.
The point is that certain subjects need some extra care when talking about them. Anyway, innocent until proven guilty still works obviously
I understand that it could be like this, really I do, but if it would be that easy, many other people will try it. without a reliable possibility that could happen, you don't go to court. And even if you go, CR can definitely let it to the lawyers hands and if it is not true, the other part has to pay the costs

Didn't Ronaldo pay off his kid's mother so he had 100% access?
Paying off the occasional relationship that's kicked off a bit is no great shake to him, versus having to play the long game.
That makes no sense. NDAs for the most part deny guilt.

Well, I'm not in possesion of the truth, I just know the bits that I get access too, like this one from a twitter source of Der Spiegel that got mentioned and translated in reddit.

In the second one (from September 2009) which was send from a lawyer of Osório de Castro's chancellery to Osório and his colleagues, Ronaldo answers the question if she did scream or got loud during sex as followed: "She said stop or no several times. She said that she doesn't want to, but she has made herself available. Afterwards I apologized. But she never screamed."

Maybe the part of "she said no but made herself available" is the loophole that doesn't admit guilt in that NDA, I'm talking in maybes, not certainties.
Didn't Ronaldo pay off his kid's mother so he had 100% access?
Paying off the occasional relationship that's kicked off a bit is no great shake to him, versus having to play the long game.
That is not hush money. Not a NDA. That is paying for a mother to bear your child. He recognize the mother. He recognize her rights and he is buying the those rights.

The hush money is paying of the rights of suing you of being raped in this case. Being true or not, is buying this right
Going by Ronald's alleged quotes, that's rape.
X amount of people who lie or exaggerated their me too story doesn't change anything if he himself admitted that she said "no" and "stop" yet kept going.
Apologising afterwards and saying you're not like the others doesn't change what you did.
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I thought we covered this already. It means no.

But it's probably an awkward translation.

Oh I knew it meant no, I should've said 'how can someone justify himself with that and think it sounds like a good excuse?'

It's annoying too. not to sound like r/ihavesex but I've been in the situation with someone I was sleeping with on a regular basis, we were utterly hammered and started the usual but then she said no and I immediately backed off and we just went to sleep curled up together instead. It's not hard even when completely off your face to hear the word 'no' and stop. Why do people (more often men) find it so hard not to understand that no means no? Honestly the fact that Ronnie doesn't drink makes this sound even worse.
Remember when some people were adamant he was gay. Hope this allegation is properly investigated by the police.
What Ronaldo allegedly says in that statement is a clear cut admission of rape, which immediately makes me think something must be heavily lost in translation as it would be immensely stupid for him to admit to rape in a NDA? Unless both he and his lawyers somehow didn't understand what rape actually consists of.
What does 'she said no but made herself available' even mean?

Maybe it's the same of "a woman can't rape a man because if he gets erect, that means he's attracted". Wrong ideas in the mind of people regarding physical reactions to the actual desire of doing something.

The nature of sexual relationships is complex, some people are literal when they say no, others have a fantasy of being dominated (both men and women), others can agree to try a certain sexual act but regret it halfway through and ask to stop.

Again, I'm not saying he or she did or didn't do any thing, I'm talking about possible context to all this. Ronaldo might've been in the company of partners that played hard to get but actually enjoyed it, and the girl on a total different page were she didn't want what was happening and was powerless to stop it.
Remember when some people were adamant he was gay. Hope this allegation is oroperlp investigated by the police.

I think he is bi. But only gay? Ffs, all the women that sorrounds him
What Ronaldo allegedly says in that statement is a clear cut admission of rape, which immediately makes me think something must be heavily lost in translation as there would be no reason for him to admit to rape in a NDA? Unless both he and his lawyers somehow didn't understand what rape actually consists of.

Arent Cr quotes from some questioning prior the NDA?
A couple of things I didn't understand from the story.

According to her statement they met in the lobby and went back to his apartment and were both in the bathroom when he attempting to initiate a sexual act were the remainder of his entourage and her friend outside in the jacuzzi and they were the only ones inside? Or were they the only 2 in entire penthouse.

Also there are 2 statements from Ronaldo one in Sep and one in Dec 2009. What's the difference?
If the quotes are true then he's essentially admitted he raped her in official documentation? But then paid her off to keep hush?
By no means am I saying he did or didn't do anything; but until this document is seen you'd probably assume something had been lost in translation.
Unless as somebody mentioned above, Ronaldo and his lawyers have no understanding of what actually constitutes rape.
Maybe it's the same of "a woman can't rape a man because if he gets erect, that means he's attracted". Wrong ideas in the mind of people regarding physical reactions to the actual desire of doing something.

The nature of sexual relationships is complex, some people are literal when they say no, others have a fantasy of being dominated (both men and women), others can agree to try a certain sexual act but regret it halfway through and ask to stop.

Again, I'm not saying he or she did or didn't do any thing, I'm talking about possible context to all this. Ronaldo might've been in the company of partners that played hard to get but actually enjoyed it, and the girl on a total different page were she didn't want what was happening and was powerless to stop it.

Didnt she go to the police next day? Also, the report doesnt give a hint on that at all. Also, i would be sure if someone says no if it is hard to get, that the first time, should be established beforehand to avoid thus confusion
A couple of things I didn't understand from the story.

According to her statement they met in the lobby and went back to his apartment and were both in the bathroom when he attempting to initiate a sexual act were the remainder of his entourage and her friend outside in the jacuzzi and they were the only ones inside? Or were they the only 2 in entire penthouse.

Also there are 2 statements from Ronaldo one in Sep and one in Dec 2009. What's the difference?

They questioned twice. Once the first said it was mutual consent, the second says that she said "no" and "stop" and he didnt. What if true, means he raped her and at the same time he is inconsistent
In any sort of context it would be a bizzare thing to say unless you are intentionally confessing to rape.
absolutely. I dont think it will go anywhere. He claim he did not defraud taxes in spain and he was condemned. For the ones that "is such a good guy"
And thats rape if true

By a very strict and draconian interpretation of the law.

But if she indeed goes to his apartment, getting cozy and naked and ended up being penetrated for a while, while not being restraint and held down. I think that's consensual sex. She might regret it halway or changes her mind but i don't think the male should get a full brunt of being labelled a rapist and jail time.

I mean seriously, you coming to a guy you just met, getting naked and all that. And the guy is called a rapist?

I don't condone rape or any kind, but this sort of things is full of gray
Didnt she go to the police next day? Also, the report doesnt give a hint on that at all. Also, i would be sure if someone says no if it is hard to get, that the first time, should be established beforehand to avoid thus confusion

Of course the report doesn't get that deep, I've been saying all this are speculations in my head of what could've happened, because we obviously don't have the big picture anywhere, otherwise this would be ready to judge and Ronaldo waiting for a trial.

I'm not positioning about if it was rape or not, it's not my job to do that thankfully. I'm just saying that even if what Ronaldo committed is proved to be rape, and still deserves a punishment and the woman a retribution, it's not as simple as something binary were he either is an angel of a demon.
By a very strict and draconian interpretation of the law.

But if she indeed goes to his apartment, getting cozy and naked and ended up being penetrated for a while, while not being restraint and held down. I think that's consensual sex. She might regret it halway or changes her mind but i don't think the male should get a full brunt of being labelled a rapist and jail time.

I mean seriously, you coming to a guy you just met, getting naked and all that. And the guy is called a rapist?

I don't condone rape or any kind, but this sort of things is full of gray

If she says no and the guy stops is not rape by all means. If she says no and continues is rape under the law and should be under any decent human being opinion. PERIOD

And that is what it looks happened or he is being accused by the woman and cr seems to be declared back then
By a very strict and draconian interpretation of the law.

But if she indeed goes to his apartment, getting cozy and naked and ended up being penetrated for a while, while not being restraint and held down. I think that's consensual sex. She might regret it halway or changes her mind but i don't think the male should get a full brunt of being labelled a rapist and jail time.

I mean seriously, you coming to a guy you just met, getting naked and all that. And the guy is called a rapist?

I don't condone rape or any kind, but this sort of things is full of gray

Another poster just gave a good example. He started having sex, the girl said no and he stopped. It's not rocket science. You can regret it halfway and ask for the other person to stop.
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