Well, my two cents for what I've read so far, and the version I think it's most plausible.
Ronaldo and the girl had a consented sexual exchange via classical coitus, then, at some point, seems like Ronnie wanted to take the back door in the ride, and the woman said no, Ronnie, horny as a monkey maybe ignored it and forced his way into backyard boulevard while his partber said "no" and "stop". Ronaldo didn't care, finished what he was doing, saw he commited a mistake by not respecting the will of his partner and asked for forgiveness because he "lost himself" in the moment. Then they signed a NDA that basically covered what happened in the manner I just said.
Now, the girl wants to pursue charges because she may not risk herself like she thought would 9 years ago and they have that document where Ronaldo, allegedly, admits that he did something that his partner required him to stop doing.