Woman accuses Cristiano Ronaldo of rape - CR7 case only

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For now I'm assuming that the translation of that piece to English has really garbled his alleged statement as it sounds really, really bad as is.
This is a google translate of the German text it seems, so some passages sound a bit strang. "She kept herself available" likely refers to the German ("sie hat sich bereitgestellt") which I would interpret as another way of saying she didn't fight.

If you ass-feck someone "the brutal way" while they say "no", "don't do that", "I'm not like the others" there seems to be little room for misinterpretation and don't forget those are his own recollections, at least according to Der Spiegel. I do believe in innocent until proven guilty, but after reading that article that really taks some effort.

I understand, if he's found guilty he should be condemned and rightly so. I just find the public condemnation of guilt to be jarring, especially reading reddit on r/soccer where everyone's basically accepted his guilt. It's not a new case, it's been to court, a couple of unverified leaks shouldn't destroy a person's professional career as many seem to want. I'm just personally very skeptical about passing judgement on these cases unless we know the full details or they've been to court, especially when it comes to famous people. A lot of public figures are guilty, but equally a lot of them have been found innocent after long and arduous court proceedings.
Some posts are shocking. @Trizy posted something terrible and tried to laugh it off

I was laughing at my own ignorance, not the alleged incident. Also there is no verdict out, it's an accusation not a sentence. But thanks for trying to put a spin on my post to make it look like I was laughing at a victim.

For anyone I've offended, I apologize. Was not my intention.
Why hasn't this picked up traction?
Does anyone for a second believe Ronaldo of all people has to rape someone to have sex? Jesus Christ.. The man doesn't even drink to rule out the sane/sober mind arguement (if there was one).

American Woman is out for a quick buck.. shocker.

EDIT: Really should educate myself with the article/facts before jumping too conclusions.

You should probably educate yourself about what rape is and what drives people to do it at the same time.

People don't rape because they can't get people to sleep with them. To take an extreme example, Ted Bundy was a charming, handsome, intelligent man who had a wife when he raped (and murdered) dozens of women. He didn't do it because he was the lonely man at the bar that couldn't get someone to give him a kiss.
Is that what it says @BarcaSpurs ? My comment looks terrible now that I didn't read it first. :lol:

Your comment was disgusting whether or not you read it first. The fact that your instant reaction is to not believe the victim instead of thinking 'I should probably look a little into this to before I make up my mind', educating yourself or doing even the tiniest bit of research into the case is the exact reason that people don't report rapes these days. It's not a laughing matter either.
Is it relevant if the woman is American ?

Well, after seeing so many movies where the characters says "I m an American citizen" in a foreign country to get treated differently (I don't imagine someone " I am a Namibian citizen), Maybe? I guess is really in all our subconscious that American citizen is fancier thanks to mainstream blockbusters.

Doesn't look good for ronaldo. Didn't look good for Kobe Bryant neither. And look at him
#MeToo is the modern days witch hunt. Just accuse anyone, especially if it's someone famous or someone in the news at the moment and ideally say it was some time ago so that there won't be any physical proof left. In the court of public opinion that person is guilty at that moment and as there isn't any physical evidence (and most likely even if there is) it ends in a he said/she said situation where the alledged criminal can't be proven guilty but can't defend himself either. It's innocent until proven guilty turned upside down and just like back then there is no defense: The only difference is you don't get actually burned at the stake but "just" figuratively... And if that's too gruesome the "humane solution" back then was to throw witches off a cliff or let them drown because if they were guilty they could fly away and be unmasked and if they were innocent they should be happy that they are on their way to God...

And before anyone screams "there is physical evidence" in this case, yes, of two people having sex in 2009. It's 2018 now... Imagine if you had sex with some woman now and in 10 years she will say you've raped her and publicly drag you through the mud while you have moved on, have a family with a different woman, have a well paying job you worked your a$$ off for... In its worst consequence people would just not engage into intercourse anymore...

Sounds highly biased from your POV, even an undertone of sexism too. Incredibly cynical and judgemental of rape/sexual abuse survivors first and foremost. Standard response from someone who doesn't have a clue but is probably a Ronaldo fan so wants to make a post. I could be wrong and maybe you don't even like Ronaldo but it's sad to hear this type of utter bollocks thrown out there with no thought. Obviously it's the victim's fault and never the fault of the one accused, ever, right?

Whilst I fully agree that some people will take advantage of the current upswing in actually fecking listening to people when they finally get the courage to come out with what happened to them, it's some of the worst of human nature to try and extort things and jump on a genuine bandwagon for their own selfish ends but by that same token, there'll be many more still utterly terrified, bottling it up because of attitudes like yours.

Every person's brain is wired differently to everyone else. Trauma is intensely complicated and manifests itself completely uniquely to each individual and your attitude screams 'why didn't they report it when it happened?' as if people wouldn't have completely derided them and accused them of false accusations like you're doing now. People living with real trauma have to live with societal expectations to keep quiet because they'll never be believed as it's still our default setting not to believe them when it's against someone famous/powerful and bottle things up. Bottling things up is the worst thing we do to ourselves because eventually it comes out in all manner of ways. Encouraging people to talk and be accepted for stuff like this means less people bottle it up and more victims get justice. Yes we'll have a fair few that lied and ruin someone's life but that's the price we pay for generally being an awful species to each other. It's acceptable collateral damage if not still maddening if it means we as a society learn to allow victims the common decency of a fair say about their experience and don't immediately call them a liar.

Who gives a feck if you worked hard your entire life if you're a rapist? Mentioning all the bollocks about your imaginary scenario just suggests that certain people shouldn't be accused of rape because they've earnt a pass almost.

I'm a Ronaldo fan, I don't want to believe he's a rapist but given he's used to privilege, he's a narcissist and he knows most women and a fair chunk of men either want to feck him or be him, it wouldn't surprise me if he couldn't grasp a woman saying no to him. I'm not saying this happened but if Ronaldo has said that she said no multiple times then he's done himself in there.

IIRC wasn't he accused of rape back in about 2005/2006 too? Or am I getting him mixed up with Johnny Evans or RVP or some other footballer that's been accused of rape?
If there is proof of him admitting to her saying no, he's fecked.. and would deserve it too.

Without some real evidence, I'm not buying it.. not that my opinion matters.
Very one sided view that happens when you take words out of context or just read them from a piece of paper. All dirty talk or roleplaying sounds like rape if judged that way, same goes for most sitcoms by the way - you should watch the videos of Friends or Big Bang Theory without the laugh track, then some of the dialogues sound rapey there, too (and in that case you only take one piece of context away and it changes perception dramatically already). Fact is in these situations there are always huge shades of grey and it's almost never as clear cut as you make it sound. Unless you're just another German Gutmensch, of course, then the world is easily divided into good and bad, black and white, moral and immoral.
You've lost the plot.
Going back to the topic - can someone summarise for us?

He had sex with a woman (American is all we know about her) and even he acknowledges she said no?

Edit :ignore me I assumed the German article wouldn't be in English but it is
There's some horrid comments on here.

I'd like a better translation before commenting on the story. I wouldn't read too much into an NDA either way.

Let's hear both sides of the story with a decent translation and stop with the victim blaming and stories of false rape allegations.

Yes false allegations do occur but let's hear both sides before trying to influence either way.


Having found the original article I have to say that sounds very bad. If it's true it should end his career as he should do serious time.
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#MeToo is the modern days witch hunt. Just accuse anyone, especially if it's someone famous or someone in the news at the moment and ideally say it was some time ago so that there won't be any physical proof left. In the court of public opinion that person is guilty at that moment and as there isn't any physical evidence (and most likely even if there is) it ends in a he said/she said situation where the alledged criminal can't be proven guilty but can't defend himself either. It's innocent until proven guilty turned upside down and just like back then there is no defense: The only difference is you don't get actually burned at the stake but "just" figuratively... And if that's too gruesome the "humane solution" back then was to throw witches off a cliff or let them drown because if they were guilty they could fly away and be unmasked and if they were innocent they should be happy that they are on their way to God...

And before anyone screams "there is physical evidence" in this case, yes, of two people having sex in 2009. It's 2018 now... Imagine if you had sex with some woman now and in 10 years she will say you've raped her and publicly drag you through the mud while you have moved on, have a family with a different woman, have a well paying job you worked your a$$ off for... In its worst consequence people would just not engage into intercourse anymore...

You could've shortened that considerably by saying the MeToo movement gives the people within that movement more power. That's all this is.

Some people abuse power. Rapists, for example. Not just physical power but social and political power. It would be ideal if no-one abused power, but in the absence of that ideal, to witness this movement and come to the conclusion that this new empowerment of the oppressed group is the problem worth talking about is outrageous. If that's really your core belief rather than just "playing devil's advocate" then you should seriously re-examine the facts borne out of the movement.

Even if you were to take the position that this is all a big exaggeration, the masses of women claiming to be molested are completely lying, and the historical power imbalance has not in any way led to one group overwhelming being the victims of all elements of rape, from the event to the allegation. Or instead you think that it has brought to light a huge societal problem that disproportionately effected a particular group, but it's all water under the bridge.

Even if you somehow arrive at that stage, the idea that a victim of a false rape allegation should be seen as an equivalent to the victim of rape, is totally absurd. If that isn't your view then surely you should be more concerned about eradicating rape than rape allegations. If we accept that the world is imperfect and both character assassination and rape will continue to be a problem, and the best we can do is create some kind of shift in the distribution of those events while maintaining the same volume of events...surely it's better if it shifts away from rape.

The only reason I could think otherwise is if you somehow believe that either a) more people talking about and reporting rape will not actually have any impact on rape, which seems at odds with the basic idea of criminal justice, or b) you think hordes of women are just going to start throwing out rape allegations bevause they can, and in far higher numbers than the number of rapes which are never criminally prosecuted...which isn't supported by any of the limited facts we have on what has been established as a largely hidden problem.
False allegations exists. And even if it is hard for me lately to follow presumption of innocence with powerful man, I make an effort

What it is impossible for me to accept, is that someone is innocent when they sign a NDA.

Hush moment is for a reason. I don't believe Trump, I didn't believe Asa Argento (and it all indicates that it happened) and I don't believe CR.

You don't go throwing 300.000 dollars on hush money just because... If not, all the women that had sleep with CR, that had been a lot, could try it easily and he would run out on money in less than a month
False allegations exists. And even if it is hard for me lately to follow presumption of innocence with powerful man, I make an effort

What it is impossible for me to accept, is that someone is innocent when they sign a NDA.

Hush moment is for a reason. I don't believe Trump, I didn't believe Asa Argento (and it all indicates that it happened) and I don't believe CR.

You don't go throwing 300.000 dollars on hush money just because... If not, all the women that had sleep with CR, that had been a lot, could try it easily and he would run out on money in less than a month

The reason people pay hush money is to not have negative headlines associated with their brand. That matters especially when a person is self made or their name is their brand.

I don't think Cristiano raped anyone not because he is rich and fit but because I haven't seen anything to believe he has a violent bone in his body.
Is it relevant if the woman is American ?

It's an interesting descriptor.

On one hand you could say it's an "Innocent" extra bit of detail, as "woman" doesn't say a lot.

To the more cynical mind, the use of the word "American", a country famous for the suing culture, and vast wealth, it leads you to the opinion it's a false allegation to cash in.

I'm just glad no one has tried to lighten the mood by saying fate is determined to stop him playing at Old Trafford in a few weeks, first that red card, and now this!
False allegations exists. And even if it is hard for me lately to follow presumption of innocence with powerful man, I make an effort

What it is impossible for me to accept, is that someone is innocent when they sign a NDA.

Hush moment is for a reason. I don't believe Trump, I didn't believe Asa Argento (and it all indicates that it happened) and I don't believe CR.

You don't go throwing 300.000 dollars on hush money just because... If not, all the women that had sleep with CR, that had been a lot, could try it easily and he would run out on money in less than a month

It doesn't take many false allegations to completely sully someone for life. We've all heard those smug people with their "no smoke without fire" stuff.
He "May" just have been advised by lawyers to avoid a lengthy court case and get her out of his hair.

Hopefully it's not more sinister, as that's a horrible thing to consider.
Ah, but does it mean that in Friends, or Big Bang, or even Only Fools and Horses once we take away the laughing track?

Because that's what counts.

I don't watch any of those programs so I can't really comment, but when a person says no you stop trying to put your cock in them for a while. Laugh track or no laugh track.
Going back to the topic - can someone summarise for us?

He had sex with a woman (American is all we know about her) and even he acknowledges she said no?

Edit :ignore me I assumed the German article wouldn't be in English but it is

Well, my two cents for what I've read so far, and the version I think it's most plausible.

Ronaldo and the girl had a consented sexual exchange via classical coitus, then, at some point, seems like Ronnie wanted to take the back door in the ride, and the woman said no, Ronnie, horny as a monkey maybe ignored it and forced his way into backyard boulevard while his partber said "no" and "stop". Ronaldo didn't care, finished what he was doing, saw he commited a mistake by not respecting the will of his partner and asked for forgiveness because he "lost himself" in the moment. Then they signed a NDA that basically covered what happened in the manner I just said.

Now, the girl wants to pursue charges because she may not risk herself like she thought would 9 years ago and they have that document where Ronaldo, allegedly, admits that he did something that his partner required him to stop doing.
IIRC wasn't he accused of rape back in about 2005/2006 too? Or am I getting him mixed up with Johnny Evans or RVP or some other footballer that's been accused of rape?
Don’t know about Johnny Evans, but there were allegations against both Cristiano and RVP back then, but both cases were dismissed. That accusation against RVP was the reason for the “She said no, Robin” song that was sung at him by opposition fans.
If accurate it’s a bizarre and remarkable statement by Ronaldo, has he broken down and confessed or something. I don’t quite follow why he would hang himself like that?
Don’t know about Johnny Evans, but there were allegations against both Cristiano and RVP back then but both cases were dismissed. That accusation against RVP was the reason for the “She said no, Robin” song that was sung at him by opposition fans.

Jonny Evans was accused around that time too.
The reason people pay hush money is to not have negative headlines associated with their brand. That matters especially when a person is self made or their name is their brand.

I don't think Cristiano raped anyone not because he is rich and fit but because I haven't seen anything to believe he has a violent bone in his body.

Well, the last sentence is irrelevant. How many people could say that from white comedy star Bill Cosby

Its like that sentence always pronounced when the police comes to retain someone and the reported check the neighbours " It was such a good person" and they were their neighbours, you don't know him at all.

I understand how hush money works. But why not everybody does it? it would be easy money! "Hey CR, give me money or I sue you". We are not talking about $1000 we are talking almost $400.000
Well, my two cents for what I've read so far, and the version I think it's most plausible.

Ronaldo and the girl had a consented sexual exchange via classical coitus, then, at some point, seems like Ronnie wanted to take the back door in the ride, and the woman said no, Ronnie, horny as a monkey maybe ignored it and forced his way into backyard boulevard while his partber said "no" and "stop". Ronaldo didn't care, finished what he was doing, saw he commited a mistake by not respecting the will of his partner and asked for forgiveness because he "lost himself" in the moment. Then they signed a NDA that basically covered what happened in the manner I just said.

Now, the girl wants to pursue charges because she may not risk herself like she thought would 9 years ago and they have that document where Ronaldo, allegedly, admits that he did something that his partner required him to stop doing.

That makes no sense. NDAs for the most part deny guilt.
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