Film What’s the worst film you’ve ever watched?

I can only assume people on this thread have either a)not seen many films, or b) the truly bad films they have seen, they have basically forgotten the name of or can't recall them all at due to them being so garbage.

Because it seems utter madness that the worst film you have ever seen could be something like Annihilation, Zero Dark Thirty, Babadook or The Impossible. That's crazy talk.

How about Mr Deeds? Deuce Bigelow Male Gigolo ? Cheaper by the Dozen with Steve Martin? February/the blackcoats daughter, a horror film in which feck all happens? That film with Aaron Eckhart where they fly into the core of the earth? Norbit, where Eddie Murphy plays both a geeky version of himself and his overbearing massively obese wife ?

There must be loads more but I've obviously forgotten them.

The Adventures of Pluto Nash deserves a shout too. My man Eddie's been a lot of terrible movies
The human centipede 2, absolutely disgusting in all the most horrible of ways. The first one was odd but pretty funny but this thing jeez, I felt sick watching it had to look away for some parts as it just gets way too much, this was 4 years ago and I still remember it well.

Weirdly I kind of want to watch it again though, maybe because it was such a unique experience, maybe I’m dead inside.
The human centipede 2, absolutely disgusting in all the most horrible of ways. The first one was odd but pretty funny but this thing jeez, I felt sick watching it had to look away for some parts as it just gets way too much, this was 4 years ago and I still remember it well.

Weirdly I kind of want to watch it again though, maybe because it was such a unique experience, maybe I’m dead inside.

Is the second one the disgusting one where its black and white and makes you feel like you need a shower? And the 3rd one the ridiculously badly acted one in a prison? That one is kind of funny.
Actually I change my pick. Originally said A Field In England, which was so bad and boring that I tweeted the director angrily :lol:

But it's actually A Serbian Film. Disgusting excuse of a movie that one is.
By far the most terrible (and also unintentionally hilarious) film ever made.


Equally amusing review of said film:
I can only assume people on this thread have either a)not seen many films, or b) the truly bad films they have seen, they have basically forgotten the name of or can't recall them all at due to them being so garbage.

Because it seems utter madness that the worst film you have ever seen could be something like Annihilation, Zero Dark Thirty, Babadook or The Impossible. That's crazy talk.

How about Mr Deeds? Deuce Bigelow Male Gigolo ? Cheaper by the Dozen with Steve Martin? February/the blackcoats daughter, a horror film in which feck all happens? That film with Aaron Eckhart where they fly into the core of the earth? Norbit, where Eddie Murphy plays both a geeky version of himself and his overbearing massively obese wife ?

There must be loads more but I've obviously forgotten them.

I had this thought too. Most of the movies listed here really more like "most overrated movies" rather than absolute worst.
I thought sorry to bother you was god awful, but by far the worst movie I’ve ever seen (major movie wise) was the Great Wall.

I second the Great Wall. In terms of budget + effort + cast this has to be up there
There's some quite entertaining movies mentioned here.
Is the second one the disgusting one where its black and white and makes you feel like you need a shower? And the 3rd one the ridiculously badly acted one in a prison? That one is kind of funny.
Yeah black and white, disgustingly horrible. I couldn’t bring myself to watch the third at the time but il give it a shot.
Avatar. Attempted to watch it twice, fell asleep twice. That has never happened to me with another movie.

Boring pile of shite.
That reminds me, I fell asleep twice trying to watch A Serbian Movie. Only time that's happened to me.
I'd throw in Liquid Sky. Some might like it in the "so bad it's good" way but I can't get there. It's just garbage all the way around. Terrible story, terrible acting, terrible cast, terrible filming, etc.
For me Red Notice on Netflix has to be there. Unfunniest funny movie ever.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood found it really boring.
I haven't seen it in a while but I recall it being really hard to watch just because of the subject matter. As a technical exercise I think I remember it as competently done.

The only way I could watch this film again is this

No but drugs might have helped! I never ate another chicken Kiev though, so that’s a win.
Check out “The Grandmother” by Lynch if you have a mind, his student film, I think it’s much better.

And I love Lost Highway!
by no means the worst movie ever made,

but I left the cinema about 40 mins after the beginning of "Parasite" (if that's the correct name? The Korean one who won the Oscar).
I know it's quite sacrilege, and I thought that the idea itself was nice,

but something about the acting... I don't know, just couldn't stand it. It felt so unbelievable- in a bad way. like someone was shoving it down my throat.

I've been called an idiot plenty of times when I shared this opinion with others ;) people also told me that the second half of the movie is better...

Oh well.

Can't bring myself to give it another go. It's therefore still utter crap in my mind.
Yes, I liked A History of Violence and Eastern Promises so thought I might like this. But it was unwatchable nonsense. If someone told me there was no script and the actors were just adlibbing their way through the whole movie with whatever shit popped into their head on the first take. I'd believe them.
I think you’ve just described how Sofia Coppola makes movies.
By far the most terrible (and also unintentionally hilarious) film ever made.

This poster you spoilered looks so bad that it got me intrigued... did you know that there's more than one film with this name? There's one from 2014 , the film you mentioned from 2018, and another one by the same name from 2019...

I wonder how they're allowed to do that, what with copyright and all that shite

Tbh saying any Tarkosky film is terrible is like calling a Van Gogh painting boring. Until very recently I’ve never really been the biggest fan of the 1979 version of Solaris(Honestly the Soderbergh film really does have a vibe, it’s very underrated. There’s also somewhere on the internet a take on Solaris made by Ryusuke Hamaguchi, that I need to find)

Mostly because it’s the one time Tarkosky reactionary views get in the way, the film would be far more interesting if Natalya Bondarchuk was the main character. Solaris with a woman lead would be fascinating(Imo Larisa Shepitko would have made the perfect film version of Solaris)

Still my views on the film have changed as I’ve been given a couple of packs of diazepam for leg pains, and for the past week I’ve been popping a few pills and smoking cigs while watching a non English subtitled YouTube rip of Solaris. Have no idea what anyone is saying but I’m really starting to love the film. At the very least everything before the spaceship part is genuinely incredible(I could watch the Tokyo driving scene on loop for hours).

So yeah @P-Ro how about you do the grown up thing of slowly developing an addiction to pharmacy drugs and expensive cigarettes, then maybe one day you’ll appreciate some good art!
Freddy got fingered was about as shit a movie as you will ever see
"So bad it's good" is a category of movie that has some redeeming qualities. They might be objectively bad movies, but at least they're still entertaining. The worst movie I've ever seen was just infuriating and insulting to watch. Nothing going for it whatsoever. Can't laugh with it, can't laugh at it, just pure, unfiltered, festering shite from start to finish. Fecking Goal! 3.

The first two movies were admittedly not high-brow cinema, but they at least had a decent enough plot and characters you wanted to root for, and despite football's popularity there's a shocking lack of movies about young kids from poor backgrounds getting their big break the beautiful game. It just seemed like a story that was waiting to be told within the world of film, and everything was set up for the third installment to finish off that story. I have no idea what happened. I have no idea what they were thinking. All I know is I'm still mad. What a crock of shit.
The Sum of All Fears.

More flag waving, tub thumping, Yankee Doodle guff than a Trump rally. Absolute unadulterated septic shite.
So yeah @P-Ro how about you do the grown up thing of slowly developing an addiction to pharmacy drugs and expensive cigarettes, then maybe one day you’ll appreciate some good art!
I smoke marlboro golds and I was prescribed codeine last week. I could watch Solaris again but I'd rather scratch my balls in a darkened room for 3 hours.

Tbh saying any Tarkosky film is terrible is like calling a Van Gogh painting boring. Until very recently I’ve never really been the biggest fan of the 1979 version of Solaris(Honestly the Soderbergh film really does have a vibe, it’s very underrated. There’s also somewhere on the internet a take on Solaris made by Ryusuke Hamaguchi, that I need to find)

Mostly because it’s the one time Tarkosky reactionary views get in the way, the film would be far more interesting if Natalya Bondarchuk was the main character. Solaris with a woman lead would be fascinating(Imo Larisa Shepitko would have made the perfect film version of Solaris)

Still my views on the film have changed as I’ve been given a couple of packs of diazepam for leg pains, and for the past week I’ve been popping a few pills and smoking cigs while watching a non English subtitled YouTube rip of Solaris. Have no idea what anyone is saying but I’m really starting to love the film. At the very least everything before the spaceship part is genuinely incredible(I could watch the Tokyo driving scene on loop for hours).

So yeah @P-Ro how about you do the grown up thing of slowly developing an addiction to pharmacy drugs and expensive cigarettes, then maybe one day you’ll appreciate some good art!

Couldn't say it better myself!

Hope the pains go away soon
A Swedish science fiction film called Aniara. More than for the quality - I'm sure I've seen worse - for how pessimistic it was and the waste of time I felt afterwards.