Film What’s the worst film you’ve ever watched?

Generally speaking any unwanted reboot/sequel of a classic falls into this category for me. Why did they need a second Independence Day?

The Last Jedi is up there for me. So disappointing.

To be fair the premise for the sequel was actually pretty interesting. Rebuilt civilisation, alien technology, advanced defences, there was more than enough ammo to make a passable follow up. They made such a complete hash of it though.
Off the top of my memory in no order:
House of the Dead
Jaws: The Revenge (family time when I was young)
Navy Seals 2
Taken 2
The Howling: New Moon Rising - aka The Howling VII
To be fair the premise for the sequel was actually pretty interesting. Rebuilt civilisation, alien technology, advanced defences, there was more than enough ammo to make a passable follow up. They made such a complete hash of it though.
I feel like the original didn't need one personally. Felt like one of those one off classics.