Westminster Politics

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My local MP is involved in a church that does that!

Reminds me, I need to get my ID sorted for next year
My local MP is gay, married his husband but was an active member of the Christian Institute to further hus career. They seem to have no problem holding conflicting opinions if it serves them.
My local MP is gay, married his husband but was an active member of the Christian Institute to further hus career. They seem to have no problem holding conflicting opinions if it serves them.

When they passed the two child benefit cap, they made sure that MPs could claim benefits for three children.
This is classic Braverman tactics.
She has failed completely to deal effectively with the issue of small boats crossing.
So, she is looking for something else to blame it on and has focused on the UN Refugee Convention to blame.
Pathetic. But she knows this will go down well with the gullible.
Also inheritance tax is going? But we have no money for hungry children? Ah well. They will probably be dead before voting age anyway.
I missed this as was away for a few days, but can't find any reference to it. A proposed "cut" is all I can see.
Also inheritance tax is going? But we have no money for hungry children? Ah well. They will probably be dead before voting age anyway.

It’s funny how you need a magic money tree to propose new spending but you don’t need a magic money tree to cut sources of income.
Check this thread every day and it's a constant source of depression. Might as well be called "Look what these Tory cnuts have broken today".

Genuinely feels like they're taking a wrecking ball to as much as they can before the next election and I honestly don't know if this country will ever recover from the last 13 years.
Check this thread every day and it's a constant source of depression. Might as well be called "Look what these Tory cnuts have broken today".

Genuinely feels like they're taking a wrecking ball to as much as they can before the next election and I honestly don't know if this country will ever recover from the last 13 years.

It won't. The nation is in serious decline that will only get worse, and our society is groomed into serving the needs of the most privileged so we're fecked.
Check this thread every day and it's a constant source of depression. Might as well be called "Look what these Tory cnuts have broken today".

Genuinely feels like they're taking a wrecking ball to as much as they can before the next election and I honestly don't know if this country will ever recover from the last 13 years.
So it cannot be fixed in four years and they can sneak back into power.
Braverman says UN refugee convention shouldn’t protect women and gay people just facing discrimination

Extracts from the speech have been briefed in advance, and they show that Braverman is making a provocative argument, grounded in the theory that a convention drawn up more than 70 years ago does not work today.
  • Braverman will claim that almost 800 million people could claim the right to move to another country under the convention. She was criticised in March for telling MPs that there were 100 million people in the world who might qualify for asylum in the UK. (She did not say they were all heading for the Channel, but some people felt that was the message she was trying to convey.) Today she is using a figure almost eight times as large. She will reportedly say:
When the refugee convention was signed, it conferred protection on some two million people in Europe.

According to analysis by Nick Timothy and Karl Williams for the Centre for Policy Studies, it now confers the notional right to move to another country upon at least 780 million people.

It is therefore incumbent upon politicians and thought leaders to ask whether the refugee convention, and the way it has come to be interpreted through our courts, is fit for our modern age or whether it is in need of reform.
  • She will says that people should not be able to claim asylum just because they face discrimination as women, or for being gay. She will reportedly say:
I think most members of the public would recognise those fleeing a real risk of death, torture, oppression or violence, as in need of protection.

However, as case law has developed, what we have seen in practice is an interpretive shift away from ‘persecution’, in favour of something more akin to a definition of ‘discrimination’ …

Let me be clear, there are vast swathes of the world where it is extremely difficult to be gay, or to be a woman.

Where individuals are being persecuted, it is right that we offer sanctuary.

But we will not be able to sustain an asylum system if in effect, simply being gay, or a woman, and fearful of discrimination in your country of origin, is sufficient to qualify for protection.

Braverman says UN refugee convention shouldn’t protect women and gay people just facing discrimination

Extracts from the speech have been briefed in advance, and they show that Braverman is making a provocative argument, grounded in the theory that a convention drawn up more than 70 years ago does not work today.
  • Braverman will claim that almost 800 million people could claim the right to move to another country under the convention. She was criticised in March for telling MPs that there were 100 million people in the world who might qualify for asylum in the UK. (She did not say they were all heading for the Channel, but some people felt that was the message she was trying to convey.) Today she is using a figure almost eight times as large. She will reportedly say:

  • She will says that people should not be able to claim asylum just because they face discrimination as women, or for being gay. She will reportedly say:


We need to look after our own gays first.
Labour need to be calling for a public enquiry into PPE contracts and backing criminal prosecutions if wrongdoing has occurred. It's ridiculous the amount of money given away.

We know they won't but I genuinely don't see how this could be anything but a win across the board as a manifesto promise no matter what your political leaning.
A Tory MP who does not understand what 'the UK' means.
Happily, he is currently suspended by the Tories for being caught in a sting where he met with an undercover reporter posing as a company who offered to pay him for revealing a commercially sensitive white paper early. So just an MP and hopefully soon to be subject to a recall if the standards committee do the right thing
He stood in NI assembly elections a few years ago too.
He is my local MP, parachuted in at the last election. Do you remember much about him from his failed attempt in NI?
After the financial crash it was about immigrants and poor people being the enemy. Since everyone is poor now the enemy is apparently immigrants, gay immigrants, and the planet trying to stop me driving my 5.0 litre Bentley.
Definitly in the top 10 list of Cnutish MPs.

Tories appealing to GBNews feed-ins with specific target to climate change activism ("bloody tree-huggers"). Meanwhile, Labour will, in my opinion, absolutely accelerate the police-state (army-police-state) of the US within England when in power. They'll (Labour) move to English Nationalist types to justify it ("bloody Trump types"). Two parties, same establishment (PM current writing the manifesto for PM in waiting on a daily basis), and easy to read (misdirectionists steering different class-ideological bases against each other to justify precisely the same establishment line). They're justifying an increasingly Orwellian looking United Kingdom without the slightest peep or argument for the contrary (by Labour which we may as well call red-Tory: "it's election-strategy - he has to do it" [no, it's precisely what he's plans to do when in Government and about as transparent as it gets]. 30 point lead. Apparently cannot dissent from the Tory backbench.

The point of Nigel Farage, about as transparent as it gets now, is to push, propagandistically, the alleged consensus to the right. He formed a pact with the Tories in the last election against "socialist Corbyn". That doesn't exist now, yet here we have Reform Party (which ostensibly is present to "push" Labour to the right, as if they required pushing). TransAtlantic merging is the worst thing, cross-institutionally, which ever happened to the United Kingdom (over the past twenty years: gradual). Neoliberalism 3.0 (no ideology just generic corporate takeovers and consumers rather than citizens: driven by the right, consumer-replacement of citizenry, when the right's sine qua non has alway been "citizen"). A complete fecking joke.

The cultural war is the only thing these idiots can manage to propagandize on these days. The Braverman usage - intentional - of that court case: to mirror the general cultural war in the United States. Divisionary tactics. It's ridiculously obvious. Generates a conversation about nothing, at surface level, because it keeps the actual problem off the table (just bickering between "you did this", "you did that"). That's politics in the UK today. Vapid but sinister and calculated for general corporate rinsing of the state.
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Suella Braverman is a fascist. Multiculturalism has failed? Is that why we have an Asian PM and a non-white Home Secretary? Hopefully she deports her fecking self to Rwanda
Suella Braverman is a fascist. Multiculturalism has failed? Is that why we have an Asian PM and a non-white Home Secretary? Hopefully she deports her fecking self to Rwanda

She really is a nasty piece of work isn't she. She is Home Secretary and yet the only thing she is interested in is her personal crusade against vulnerable immigrents people trying to get into the UK.
And the Tories know that this plays well with some people. I am convinced that she is happy to keep the numbers of those waiting for their applications to be processed so the Tories can continue to use them as a smokescreen to distract from their failures.
Definitly in the top 10 list of Cnutish MPs.

It didn't even work. They were still sat there.

So Tories will probs buy £100 million of them and later we find out the owner of the company that makes them is a Tory donor and corrupt Scotty got a nice consulting job multiple times his MP salary.
Lineker was right about Braverman
Careful now or she'll do her best impression of someone with emotions again, and pretend that she's in some way hurt by what he said.

These feckers have zero empathy. The only thing they have that comes close to it is when they find out that their coke bag is empty just before PMQs start, and even that is because it affects them.

Bullies gravitate towards a career with the police, saviour complex knobheads become doctors, self centered twats get teaching degrees. cnuts who can't do any job other than lie and grovel their way through life, because they're too fecking thick to do something professional, get into politics.
She can't even answer the question.

No one suggested that. And you can't 'game the system' if you're an illegal migrant because you're not registered in the fecking system. God she might be more loathsome than JRM, Priti Patel and Boris.

Edit: You can barely 'game the system' as a legal migrant. My wife is American and ineligible for public funds while on the visa process, which in the first year or two of her arriving here made life really difficult for us financially after I got made redundant.
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