Westminster Politics

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I don't, no. Tories never tend to fend well here. Never see them out canvassing.
It was suggested he aligned himself to the DUP quite heavily, potentially even joining a lodge.
She can't even answer the question.

When POC call certain politicians of colour superficial, attitudes like this is exactly what they mean. They might be in government but they're not there for us, they don't represent us and would sooner we all we "go back from where we came from."
Suella Braverman is a fascist. Multiculturalism has failed? Is that why we have an Asian PM and a non-white Home Secretary? Hopefully she deports her fecking self to Rwanda
Well, if anything those are examples that it has indeed failed, tbf.

am hearing the usual arguments vehemently against the proposal;

- they do good work in the surrounding area like letting the local state schools use their facilities, which will disappear now
- they offer burseries/ scholarships to low income student's, which will disappear now
- they do the state a favour by opening up spaces for other students in the state sector and relieving them of resources
- it will open up a bigger gap with the elite who can still afford the hiked fees
- the “influx” of students into the state sector as a result will be a net loss as the schools are already at breaking point
- it’s anti aspirational

am hearing the usual arguments vehemently against the proposal;

- they do good work in the surrounding area like letting the local state schools use their facilities, which will disappear now
- they offer burseries/ scholarships to low income student's, which will disappear now
- they do the state a favour by opening up spaces for other students in the state sector and relieving them of resources
- it will open up a bigger gap with the elite who can still afford the hiked fees
- the “influx” of students into the state sector as a result will be a net loss as the schools are already at breaking point
- it’s anti aspirational

I'm not sure private schools are a thing here in NI, could be wrong, so i could be missing something but what's the aim here with charging vat? Purely monetary?
I'm not sure private schools are a thing here in NI, could be wrong, so i could be missing something but what's the aim here with charging vat? Purely monetary?
Well yeah and distributing the raised funds to those who need it more in the budget.
The state schools have, minimally, to offer an education coeval to the private schools. A climb but that is what it is. Therefore, you have to tax private schools if they are considered charities (it is a capital distinction in the first instance). About the only Labour policy I've seen/heard of late.

It should be income based: thresholds. A better mode of taxation than a standard VAT. Or VAT exempt status, in credit form, for X background (socioeconomic).
Everything going according to plan

Why didn't they say that to start with? Did they just not understand what they were saying?

By the way, where did The Reeves family grow up? Their voices are strange, particularly Rachel Reeves whose voice sounds more and more like Starmer's every day.

Potholes? Really? The rail infrastructure in the north is not fit for purpose. We need to concentrate on getting more people out of their cars and onto public transport and we need a modern rail system locally and nationally.

He will pay the price for his lack of vision, as a great man once said.

Potholes? Really? The rail infrastructure in the north is not fit for purpose. We need to concentrate on getting more people out of their cars and onto public transport and we need a modern rail system locally and nationally.

He will pay the price for his lack of vision, as a great man once said.

He's so unbelievably thick.
When she eventually dies the world will be a slightly better place.
Please, this cannot be allowed here. For gods sake someone has taken the thread off topic, this is not right mods. I know these posters have a longstanding history here, but this is not right. I can't be the only one that thinks this?

100%. any asseyelum seekers coming into are country should be forced to have gay sex in front of a british person, like me, to prove that there actually a seeker, and then once they’ve finished, we chuck em on the barges.
Please, this cannot be allowed here. For gods sake someone has taken the thread off topic, this is not right mods. I know these posters have a longstanding history here, but this is not right. I can't be the only one that thinks this?

Please, this cannot be allowed here. For gods sake someone has taken the thread off topic, this is not right mods. I know these posters have a longstanding history here, but this is not right. I can't be the only one that thinks this?

100%. any asseyelum seekers coming into are country should be forced to have gay sex in front of a british person, like me, to prove that there actually a seeker, and then once they’ve finished, we chuck em on the barges.
What happens if they're one of those gay senders instead?
Potholes (a 100bn pound transport link being shelved) and asylum seekers pretending to be gay to get into Britain. BrassEye stuff.
He will pay the price for his lack of vision, as a great man once said.

I think Sunak is already recognising this in his thinking, 'my God what will happen if those Northerners get a decent transport system, they will start to compete with the South... not on my watch, they already have the Trans-Pennine Link (posh name for M62), The Humber Bridge, for heaven's sake they even have a Ferry across the Mersey, what more do they want...? If HS2 went ahead 'up North' they might stop wearing flat caps and keeping coal in the bath... good gracious'. ;)
I think Sunak is already recognising this in his thinking, 'my God what will happen if those Northerners get a decent transport system, they will start to compete with the South... not on my watch, they already have the Trans-Pennine Link (posh name for M62), The Humber Bridge, for heaven's sake they even have a Ferry across the Mersey, what more do they want...? If HS2 went ahead 'up North' they might stop wearing flat caps and keeping coal in the bath... good gracious'. ;)
Don't forget all the canals to transport stuff around and an airport so the masters can easy escape the plebs
The North doesn't need another railway to get to London faster. The London-centric thinking is part of the problem. It's just a shame it's the costs cancelling HS2 instead of the environmental damage it's causing.
The North doesn't need another railway to get to London faster. The London-centric thinking is part of the problem. It's just a shame it's the costs cancelling HS2 instead of the environmental damage it's causing.
If we're being honest this was always the plan. Yet another London centric project to artificially fatten up the southern behemoth, paid for by everyone, that magically loses funding as soon as the London portion has been bought and paid for. Future generations will be told how important London is to the rest of the UK when in reality it's been getting all the food for centuries and we've been told to be grateful that we're even allowed to chew on its leftovers.
Please, this cannot be allowed here. For gods sake someone has taken the thread off topic, this is not right mods. I know these posters have a longstanding history here, but this is not right. I can't be the only one that thinks this?
for what its worth id be happy to hear of her demise. hopefully in a rather painful manner.
The North doesn't need another railway to get to London faster. The London-centric thinking is part of the problem. It's just a shame it's the costs cancelling HS2 instead of the environmental damage it's causing.
You don’t think the North having high speed transport to the south would help move away from the London-centric thinking?
You don’t think the North having high speed transport to the south would help move away from the London-centric thinking?

Don't know if you're being sarcastic or not but in all seriousness, no. Because the idea of HS2 seems to be to extend the London commuter belt to Birmingham and parts of the North where living costs are lower, as opposed to actually encouraging investment into Northern towns and cities. This will in turn artificially increase living costs in those areas due to London salaries reaching that far out. It's not like HS2 is a haulage line, it's being built for commuting.
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