Westminster Politics

No, of course not; the only good news would be a general election, and that ain't happening. I just really don't want that lying ****bag back in number 10 and to have to endure the smugness of his deluded supporters

Only in the UK could such a ridiculous thing actually happen.
I kind of feel like it's a good thing Boris gets in? I mean as good as that walking disaster can be. Feel like that's a lot of ammo for Labour to use.

How much more ammo is needed? If Labour can't convince the electorate to vote for them now , they never will. The UK has not been at this level of chaos in living memory.
Boris could still sink it further though.
How much more ammo is needed? If Labour can't convince the electorate to vote for them now , they never will. The UK has not been at this level of chaos in living memory.
Boris could still sink it further though.
Yep that is fair, alternatively I could see Rishi actually going out and winning an election.
I reckon he'll get just over 100, Rishi over 200, and the members will all vote for Boris 70-30.

Nothing if not predictable.
Yep, that seems the inevitable conclusion to all of this.

If he gets over the 100 then he's PM again - the same cnuts that made Truss PM will overrule the MPs again.
If Dorries, JRM, Patel, Cleverley and Zahawi weren’t so shameless I’d say they must be feeling pretty embarrassed right now.
I fecking called it

He bowed out to die on his sword and look like a hero. He has immediately undermined Rishi and Penny which is exactly what he wanted. This way he never lost, he quit to save the party
I hope they all turn on each other & destroy that party. No chance he drops out if he really had the numbers to make it to the ballot.
At least we are spared a sequel. Johnson can now do what he does best - snipe from the sidelines with no responsibilities and play the king over the water. He really is the most narcissistic prick imaginable.
If you believe Boris cut his holiday short just to look like a statesman, you need your head tested.
He has fecked Sunak with this stunt and ensured the party will never unite behind him.
I hope they all turn on each other & destroy that party. No chance he drops out if he really had the numbers to make it to the ballot.

There are 2 reasons he did this:

- He wants to create more chaos. His statement was deliberate in wording to undermine Rishi or Penny for not working with King Boris. He even hinted a general election with them is more likely to happen now than with him as he would just argue his 2019 victory

- The committee meeting next month which would essentially ban him for a month or something. Imagine a PM who can't step foot in the Commons for a while? Be basically asked to resign again
There are 2 reasons he did this:

- He wants to create more chaos. His statement was deliberate in wording to undermine Rishi or Penny for not working with King Boris. He even hinted a general election with them is more likely to happen now than with him as he would just argue his 2019 victory

- The committee meeting next month which would essentially ban him for a month or something. Imagine a PM who can't step foot in the Commons for a while? Be basically asked to resign again

He managed that quite well between his resignation announcement and Truss taking over.
If you really wanted to unite the party behind the new leader, you wouldn't make a statements saying they won't work with me for party unity, hence placing them as the ones blocking a united party. This is just the start of more blue on blue war, carefully manipulated and orchestrated by Johnson. I suspect the new leader is going to have a very hard time of it.