Westminster Politics

Brace yourself for even more awkwardness than what we have seen in the last few weeks. Sunak is even more dorky than Truss.
Brace yourself for even more awkwardness than what we have seen in the last few weeks. Sunak is even more dorky than Truss.
He’s very arrogant and becomes very petulant under any sort of questioning.
They’ll ignore it ever happened and be back to grifting tomorrow morning.
My god. The reaction from tories I've seen is complete implosion. They seem to really dislike Sunak (although I'm willing to bet big they will be celebrating his skin colour as a way to stick it to the left) and that statement from Boris, their Knight in shining armour, had thrown him right under the proverbial bus.

There is surely no way back for the Tory party?
Labour's lead in the polls will soon start narrowing once Rishi is confirmed. Half the country still thinks he’s a hero for dishing out all the Covid furlough and grants.
Labour's lead in the polls will soon start narrowing once Rishi is confirmed. Half the country still thinks he’s a hero for dishing out all the Covid furlough and grants.

Not really, no.
Labour's lead in the polls will soon start narrowing once Rishi is confirmed. Half the country still thinks he’s a hero for dishing out all the Covid furlough and grants.
Rishi seems fairly unrelatable to me. At a time when mortgage rates go through the roof, potential blackouts and an austerity comeback I don’t think the British public are going to like the billionaire posh boy telling them we’re all in it together. Plus half his party hates him.

Not really, no.
Well, he hasn’t been confirmed yet. Let’s see shall we. I’m usually right, I annoy myself how often I’m right sometimes.

Of course, I hope this is the time I’m wrong cos I want the Tories to be wiped off the map - I think I read that on current polling they’d win zero seats. I can’t see that happening at the next election under Sunak.
Rishi seems fairly unrelatable to me. At a time when mortgage rates go through the roof, potential blackouts and an austerity comeback I don’t think the British public are going to like the billionaire posh boy telling them we’re all in it together. Plus half his party hates him.
See above, I hope I’m wrong and you’re right.
Boris is only pulling out, just like he did after Cameron quit, because he knows the next Tory leader has an impossible job. They will get decimated at the next set of local elections and by elections and he'll put his hat in again when the tories decide Sunak won't enable them to keep their jobs.
Labour's lead in the polls will soon start narrowing once Rishi is confirmed. Half the country still thinks he’s a hero for dishing out all the Covid furlough and grants.

The scrutiny on him will be a lot greater once he's PM though. His natural unlikeableness and mediocrity will come into focus more sharply. He's still one of the more likeable and least mediocre Tories mind. Which says all you need to know about them as a party.
Tories are in huge trouble. Banks and Farage already banging on about a new party to run against them. The UKIP split is back. Plus they’ve already lost shit tons of those who voted for them last time in the red wall.

Tories will lose even worst than they were going to with Sunak in charge. Don't see the xenophobic middle england, Brexiters putting a tick next to his name. No wonder Farage is talking about having a new party, bet he hates seeing a Brown face as his PM.
Tories are in huge trouble. Banks and Farage already banging on about a new party to run against them. The UKIP split is back.
Yeah, they’re not a united party at all anymore, just a bunch of factions all looking to further their own selfish agendas. Unfortunately the general public are generally very gullible, as seen in recent votes.
Yeah, they’re not a united party at all anymore, just a bunch of factions all looking to further their own selfish agendas. Unfortunately the general public are generally very gullible, as seen in recent votes.
They’re over 30 points behind in the polls BEFORE the massive mortgage hits and austerity cuts. Not even Jesus could save them. Let alone someone as dislikable as Rishi who even the right of the party can’t stand. What I’m looking out for is what Dorries et al do on behalf of Boris? Are they going to force the narrative of a GE so Sunak gets destroyed and Boris gets wheeled back in? Starmer owns austerity and he’s back in 5 years…
The tories will get spanked in the next GE. I can’t really see how that doesn’t happen regardless whoever is leading the party. But Boris puts that at bigger risk so Sunak is the better outcome. And, I think he will stabilise things economically. Taking my political hat off, as much as I want to see the tories crumble, I also don’t want to see my finances in total tatters so hopefully it’s a double win.
Boris is only pulling out, just like he did after Cameron quit, because he knows the next Tory leader has an impossible job. They will get decimated at the next set of local elections and by elections and he'll put his hat in again when the tories decide Sunak won't enable them to keep their jobs.

Johnson would never do anything if it wasn’t for his own self interest. Either he doesn’t have the backers or he can’t be arsed for the job. This good for the party nonsense is just horsecrap.