Westminster Politics

Almost at the stage now where I am leaning more towards Boris getting back in from a Labour POV for the complete shitshow it will cause and the continued soap opera/demise of the Tory party. Realistically, I think Sunak would also be on borrowed time in the job too and a general election will come sooner rather than later either way, but think Sunak would be able to steady the ship a bit longer than Boris. It staggers belief that we have essentially been without a functional government for almost half a year, if not longer when the government machine was invested heavily in putting out fires ever since the Partygate revelations.
How exactly is Boris Johnson a viable candidate, given months ago he was deemed not fit for office? This is like United rehiring Solksjaer as manager.

If he can make the final 2 I think he wins the members vote

If he can't make the final 2 either because he can't get 100 then he will be pushing through proxies for an early ge so he can take over after a defeat

If he can get 100 but sunak lends votes to mordaunt to keep him off the final 2 ballot he will sink the ship ASAP and probably go full on himself calling for a ge
How exactly is Boris Johnson a viable candidate, given months ago he was deemed not fit for office? This is like United rehiring Solksjaer as manager.

It's almost like they have used Liz Truss as a sacrificial lamb to make people think BoJo is brilliant on the basis that it's was all good before Truss took over. It wouldn't in the slightest bit surprise me if that was the case either.

Basically duping the electorate into thinking Johnson is some sort of genius by bringing him back like some sort of hero, here to rescue the economy after delibretly crashing it.
The choice for the Tories is if they back the guy who is more likely to win the next election but who may well destroy the party completely before that or the guy who can stabilise the party but has less chance at the next election.
Braverman goes for Sunak

I think that ends it for Boris. If he never announces then he never ran so can always use that for another come back
Cleverley just endorced Boris.

Boris has got very few confirmed votes in the past 30 hours though. If Rishi lends his votes beyond 100 to Mourdant then she has 71 confirmed votes to Boris's 60. I think it's still pretty tight with all to play for. I was using Guido's figures minus the anons. I'm assuming I understand the vote lending rules too.
Fecking disgusting scum.

Always funny seeing knobs like this outside of their echo chambers. They say the most repugnant shit, expect a pat on the back and then get angry when it doesn't come. And then they start saying the quiet parts out loud. That whole speech about England being 85% white, and then trying to back track with "youre twisting it!" was priceless.
Cleverly just endorced Boris.

As @Classical Mechanic said, the pick up for Boris has slowed dramatically whilst Rishi gets the momentum

I can't see Boris announcing if he doesn't have 100 confirmed on his list. He won't want to look "stupid" and a "loser" so will hold back - if he doesn't get a 100 he can rely on he will never announce and say he didn't want it and cause more trouble than the party needs right now etc. Basically look like a hero and in a way undermining Sunak from the get go
If he can make the final 2 I think he wins the members vote

If he can't make the final 2 either because he can't get 100 then he will be pushing through proxies for an early ge so he can take over after a defeat

If he can get 100 but sunak lends votes to mordaunt to keep him off the final 2 ballot he will sink the ship ASAP and probably go full on himself calling for a ge
Your most likely right but also seems like a lot of work for Boris.

It's almost like they have used Liz Truss as a sacrificial lamb to make people think BoJo is brilliant on the basis that it's was all good before Truss took over. It wouldn't in the slightest bit surprise me if that was the case either.

Basically duping the electorate into thinking Johnson is some sort of genius by bringing him back like some sort of hero, here to rescue the economy after deliberately crashing it.
Yeah everyone regardless of their politics brought into the idea that Truss came into power and couldn't stop hitting the crash the economy button(Rather than seeing it as a failure of 40 plus years of neoliberalism).
Although I don't it was active choice by anyone, just that we've have a media and economy that incentivises looking at politics as choices made by good or bad individuals. But it makes the rebranding easier for the tory party.
Get the impression the loons like Mogg and Dorries are desperate for Boris to run but he doesn't actually want to lead the party at this point, especially when 200+ MPs want the other guy.

I'm not sure. I think Boris hasn't actually declared because he's still not sure that he'll get enough votes.
Get the impression the loons like Mogg and Dorries are desperate for Boris to run but he doesn't actually want to lead the party at this point, especially when 200+ MPs want the other guy.

If Boris thought he could win without any real fight, he would have declared already. Because he'd have to put an iota of effort into winning people over, he hasn't. Just like the first time he was going to run for leadership and then didn't.
Anderson (Lee) backing him too.
The algorithm threw him up on my Facebook today, saying that he was having a couple of beers because it's what working class people do and it upsets the hard left or something like that. Checked the comments, expecting it to be people telling him to wise up but it was full of little Englanders telling him to drink away and that he should try British beer instead (he posted a pic of two bottles of Peroni).
They’re sticking with the story…

This is doing my head in. Every time there's a shred of good news about Sunak's chances, something like this comes along. It's just felt so painfully, predictably inevitable that it's going to be Boris for days now.
This is doing my head in. Every time there's a shred of good news about Sunak's chances, something like this comes along. It's just felt so painfully, predictably inevitable that it's going to be Boris for days now.

Is there any good news about any of this?
Is there any good news about any of this?

No, of course not; the only good news would be a general election, and that ain't happening. I just really don't want that lying ****bag back in number 10 and to have to endure the smugness of his deluded supporters
Guess we will know one way or another by tomorrow afternoon

My gut feel is that if you were planning on voting for sunak or mordaunt why wouldn't you just come out and say so but I can see why some might be a bit more reluctant to come out and back boris
My gut is telling me they’re going to look very foolish tomorrow but in fairness they’re all in if this is a bluff…

My gut is telling me they’re going to look very foolish tomorrow but in fairness they’re all in if this is a bluff…

It always astonishes me that he's a real person. Looks like a cartoon character.
Regardless of what happens at this point, the party is fractured and neither will unify it.
I kind of feel like it's a good thing Boris gets in? I mean as good as that walking disaster can be. Feel like that's a lot of ammo for Labour to use.