Westminster Politics

Nadhim Zahawi trying to figure out who he supports

Thank feck it’ll be Sunak. The best of a bad lot. And the first PM of Asian ethnicity, which I think is brilliant and good for the country. Should call an election l, but he won’t of course.
Going to see a lot of this if Sunak becomes the PM, he would rather someone who finished 3rd, wonder why.

It feels a bit weird to hear the line, “half the racist Tories won’t vote for him because he’s brown”, like that’s something to be celebrated.
This has been the textbook example of the dangers of pathological lying and how democracy just cannot deal with it. No one has any clue when Boris is telling the truth, but the way he has dealt with this has given the right-wing all the ammo they need to crush Rishi. They will spend the rest of the year saying he has no mandate, that Boris actually had the numbers, that every huge Labour lead in the polls is a sign that Boris was right. The party will collapse and the country will suffer for it.

Not that it couldn't happen to a better group of people, if i haven't made this clear....feck the Tories, but the ones that will genuinely suffer are the population. They always are.
I don’t think Rishi is perfect and like Boris or any PM, seems a bit unrelatable, although not as unrelatable as others. I’ve seen him interview and he can get annoyed if interviews drag on, its actually funny to watch.

It seems it’s some sort of ploy here where Boris and Rishi have come to an agreement. Rishi would never have got the votes from the thousands of racist conservative members who put the idiot Truss in charge. Rishi could tide the country over and Boris wins the next General election.
I see Boris is going ‘my girlfriend lives in Canada’ mode.

Either he publishes the list of his ‘over 100’ backers or gets called out for the BS artist that he is.
Gotta love his massive FU to the party and Sunak. Just at the moment when there was a tiny glimmer of a chance that the party might come together, Boris chucks in a hand grenade.

I particularly love the line about how only he can avert a general election, implying that Sunak should be calling a GE soon as he doesn't have a mandate. I hope Labour pick up and run with this.
Sunak was clearly the best option out of a bad bunch in the previous leadership election, he looks the part and had he been a white man I'm pretty sure he'd have won by a country mile.
Has tended to be very accurate in previous elections

At the start he listed anonymous people as A whip for example... there was a point where with one more whip under the Boris line then every government whip would be there which destroys any anonymity and I think whips cant go on the record for these votes so Id say its probably reasonably accurate (especially as most truss loyalists - which most whips would have been hve transferred to Johnson)

Current standing is
Rishi 62 (inc 1 off the record)
Boris 58 (inc 17 off the record)
Mordaunt 20 (inc 2 off the record)

39% of MPS declared

extrapolate out and you would have something like

Rishi 159
Boris 148
Mordaunt 50

Id always put a +/- 10% on the figures as a minimum because who would trust an MP but as it stands Rishi and Boris both look like they have a good chance of making the final two and I'm not sure I see either of them standing aside for the other one

I love how humiliating this process has been for Boris's public backers, Guido Fawkes... and err, the one public backer of Guido on redcafe.
So Boris wiggles his arse about and gets the party talking about him again, gives them plenty of ammo about how he was right for the job when the tories lose next ge, and comes back for the ge after that when Labour have had to carry the can for financial mess tories are putting us in?
He is such a ridiculous child. The sooner these twats are out of office, the better. The whole party is full of utter cretins but this current iteration particularly so. They need a spell on the sidelines again to regroup and unbind themselves from the ERG stranglehold over their party.

So Boris wiggles his arse about and gets the party talking about him again, gives them plenty of ammo about how he was right for the job when the tories lose next ge, and comes back for the ge after that when Labour have had to carry the can for financial mess tories are putting us in?

Certainly seems that way doesn't it.
So Boris wiggles his arse about and gets the party talking about him again, gives them plenty of ammo about how he was right for the job when the tories lose next ge, and comes back for the ge after that when Labour have had to carry the can for financial mess tories are putting us in?

Probably. I heard one of his 2019 advisors on the radio earlier saying that the negative aspects of his character have got worse since 2019 so God help us.
It feels a bit weird to hear the line, “half the racist Tories won’t vote for him because he’s brown”, like that’s something to be celebrated.
I also don't think it's true. He did better than expected in the membership vote vs. Truss.

The arguments for a GE are overwhelming. It would even put the tories out of their misery.

When is the deadline?

2pm today. Guido still has her on 30 with only 2 switchers from Boris's camp whilst Rishi has 9 from Boris. She's got 1 anon from Boris and Fabricant! Rishi has some bigger hitters from Boris like Cleverly, Zahawi and Gullis.

Looks like the Tory in fighting will continue

It wouldn't surprise me one bit if the MPs who are racist back Mordaunt purely to put the vote to an equally racist member base.

This is what the Tories really represent, they are fractured and self interested. The only time they come together is when they all perceive a common enemy.
This Tory infighting is brilliant if we're all honest. The bubble has finally burst :drool: