Westminster Politics

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I’m expecting enough letters to force a vote and for Boris to narrowly avoid a VONC because there’s enough shrewed politicians still in the Tory party to know that Boris is their lightening rod right now and they need him to ride this out for a while yet. One thing is for certain though - he’s not going to lead them to another election and they will time his dismissal just right and there will be a huge media campaign behind the next leader (Sunak) which will inevitably result in a swing back up to 42-44% Tory support leading into the next election.
This is a very cynical view.

It's probably exactly what will happen.
Labour agreeing to a second referendum would surely destroy Labour? I can’t see them allowing that.
Corbyn was in favour already so presumably that wing of the party will be happy provided hes happy
as for the grown ups I think provided it was accompanied with reform to the voting system (which would make sense as it would change the make up of westminister) I think they would be on board with it
I fully expect backing PR to be amongst the top issues at conference and if an undertaking of putting that in the manifesto happens then it opens up a reform alliance with greens and libs as well
Pretty clear the government has been trying to bully the red wall Tories. Falling to pieces. Echo @DOTA ’s sentiment that a failed VONC right now would be catastrophic for them. They need to cut the head off the snake.
Christian will be the first of many. Can’t wait for PMQ today, gonna be juicy!
people asking questions (plus the usual leaders and ad hocks)
  1. Wendy Chamberlain (LibDem)
  2. John Baron (Con)
  3. Mark Pawsey (Con)
  4. Jessica Morden (Lab)
  5. Peter Grant (SNP)
  6. Diana Johnson(Lab)
  7. Hywel Williams (Plaid)
  8. Mark Menzies (Con)
  9. Kate Griffiths (Con)
  10. Paul Howell (Con)
  11. Andrew Lewer (Con)
  12. Liz Twist (Lab)
  13. Sir Robert Goodwill (Con)
  14. Stephen Kinnock (Lab)
Christian Wakeford, what a man of principle. MPs crossing the floor between Labour and the Tories in either direction make my flesh creep.

Obviously it's funny seeing it fall apart for Johnson, and a fair point from Mr Wakeford mentioned above:

It was reported in The Times on 5 November 2021 that Wakeford approached Owen Paterson and called him "a cnut", after the Government, under the instruction of prime minister Boris Johnson, instructed its MPs to vote to change rules on the way MPs' conduct is policed.[16]
This is going to be juicy when Starmer welcomes Wakeford to his side of the bench :lol:
Christian Wakeford, what a man of principle. MPs crossing the floor between Labour and the Tories in either direction make my flesh creep.

Obviously it's funny seeing it fall apart for Johnson, and a fair point from Mr Wakeford mentioned above:
It just shows how little difference there is between the two parties on policy.
A coalition with commitment to
1. PR voter reform in the UK (if scotland stays or goes)
2. authorising a 2nd referendum for scotland

That would seem a perfectly realistic objective and one i think libs and greens could also support

I understand where you are coming from, but with respect, think you are being very optimistic.

The two party (FPTP) hierarchy has never been stronger than just now. In order to get rid of the Tories its very clear you have to vote Labour in first, all over the UK. Across England, Wales and Scotland.
With Boris's position seemingly becoming untenable Labour may well pick up most of its lost red wall seats, but not all, Labour has to win all over the UK under the current system which means persuading large numbers of Libs/Greens voters (not just the party leaders) to vote strategically, or in other words lend their votes to Labour. Also of course pushing back the Scots Nats bandwagon!
If Labour does win, will it be tempted to go for it with its own Socialist agenda and back pedal on changing the voting system to PR... good chance of that happening if the sentiments of the Labour Party I use to belong to still exists anywhere within the current Party ranks!

Mind you if in the current political climate less than 50 Tories submit their letters, it all becomes supposition, anyway!
I love the people who ask these stupid softball questions, absolutely no principles :lol:
BBC are saying slightly different - 54 letters does trigger a leadership contest - if the current leader loses a vote he will be banned from taking part in said contest. So 54 letters does trigger a contest regardless of if he loses a majority vote?:

“A leadership contest is triggered once 54 MPs have sent letters of no confidence to the chairman of the committee, Sir Graham Brady.

A leader who loses a vote is banned from taking part in the subsequent contest to replace them, which takes place in two stages:

  • Conservative MPs put themselves forward as candidates, with their colleagues voting in a series of rounds until two remain
  • The final pair are then put to head-to-head vote of Conservative Party members”

Holy shit

Starmer very much enjoying himself.
Starmer's lawyer background coming through nicely there. Cross examining Boris with so much glee :lol:
I think talking about furlough and EMA are perfectly acceptable answers about a party.
Tories template Sue Gray answers to any and every question are getting more and more hilarious by the day.
One thing that really resonates with me during all this is that through all the banter and mocking and laughing, Angela Rayner doesn’t find any of it funny and is rightly disgusted by the lot of them.
Do the 'red wall plotters' really believe getting rid of Boris now will help them retain their seats?.....if so, then there is hope for Labour yet.... as long as they get their act together in Scotland as well!

Since 1945 the Scottish vote changed the outcome of the general exactly 4 times. And that was when labour weren’t the shit show they are today. There’s a reason the SNP are as popular as they are here. Labour betrayed us, and we all know it. That’s why when there was protest votes against the SNP they went to the torys.

No point looking to us to save you. Labour are just red Tories to most of us.

And speaking for just myself, I wouldnt throw a vote at labour for next weeks lottery numbers. I’d rather just not vote. Just so there’s no confusion at all. What I’m saying is, feck labour.
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