Westminster Politics

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Boris bringing up “cutting crime”. That’s an open net surely?
Interesting from Wakeford. As Bury South MP he is MP for the two most Jewish areas in Manchester. I wonder if his Jewish constituents are moving back in with Labour now
He won by a tiny margin (less than 1% I think) so I don't think it would take any major shift to have him scared.
Boris with the terrible optics again
The lack of respect they show Blackford is awful, everyone in Scotland watching this every week must want to leave the union more and more.
It just shows how little difference there is between the two parties on policy.

Aye, once the jubilation of seeing that absolute cnut get hauled over the coals dies down you remember Keir's Labour is awful in almost every way. This PMQs has proved it; Johnson is on the ropes and all his answers were crap, as per, but Keir has no conviction either and is happy dropping feeble gags and not pinning him to the wall like he should.

Blackford, who I can take or leave, is better with two questions than the LOTO is with six, as was Angus Robertson when Corbyn was in charge I must say.
That’s why when there was protest votes against the SNP they went to the torys.

Same in England, when the protest vote against Labour under Corbyn/Brexit stance also went to the Tories.

Which is why to entertain any hope of ever forming a UK government again, Labour has to redeem itself with its onetime Scottish voters and/or persuade an awful lot of Libs and Greens to hold their noses and vote Labour.
now that jezbollah has gone and we are riding high in the polls... just like i said... feeling vindicated thanks
What’s your thoughts on Boris’s views on Muslims, Africans, Malaysians, LGBQT+ and Women? You we’re ok voting for those but not Corbyn’s?
The lack of respect they show Blackford is awful, everyone in Scotland watching this every week must want to leave the union more and more.
Yep, always been relatively on the fence with independence but I’m now a passionate supporter of it. What this government has done to the country is beyond disgusting, I no longer want to be anywhere near it. The size of the corruption going on can’t be understated and the lack of any morals or accountability from MPs to hold their party to account is unbelievable.
Yep, always been relatively on the fence with independence but I’m now a passionate supporter of it. What this government has done to the country is beyond disgusting, I no longer want to be anywhere near it. The size of the corruption going on can’t be understated and the lack of any morals or accountability from MPs to hold their party to account is unbelievable.
I really want Scotland as part of it but I know for a fact if I was Scottish I’d be desperate to leave.
What’s your thoughts on Boris’s views on Muslims, Africans, Malaysians, LGBQT+ and Women? You we’re ok voting for those but not Corbyn’s?
It's simple enough. Now the Jew hater is gone, sun doesn't need to vote for the author of Seventy-Two Virgins, in which Jews control the media and fiddle elections.
One thing that really resonates with me during all this is that through all the banter and mocking and laughing, Angela Rayner doesn’t find any of it funny and is rightly disgusted by the lot of them.

Fair play to her. These antiquated shouting matches serve no-one except those who became politicians to engage in private school debate club cosplay rather than to actually do something useful. You can't expect voters to feel represented by the system when our politicians seem to spend the bulk of their time in the chamber acting like kids on a playground, or when politicians of both stripes' reaction to scandals which have real-life impacts on their constituents is obvious glee.

Obviously I'm more than happy to watch Johnson get a rollicking, but generally speaking we need to massively overhaul how we do politics.
I think it is a bit.

Ultimately though I think she was worried about people like you. Living in 1 bed flats no outdoor space and shared bathrooms.

"10 years prior to that 5.47m people had come to the uk and that was 8.7% of the total uk population)"

We were never going to be able to build enough housing for all the people coming. You are now stuck with the consequences of that policy, while calling her a bigot for pointing out the eventual detrimental effect you seem upset about.

Just a thought for debate nothing personal.
That's the classic distraction tactic though that you have fallen for.

The government have not built enough affordable housing, council housing or supported housing associations (quite the opposite in fact). Which has put more pressure on housing for everyone. Demand on housing increases even without immigration we would have had this issue.

They then blame immigrants for reducing available housing, distracting from the government policies which have caused this problem.

Same with GP's, NHS, dentists and schools. Govt massively reduces funding which reduces supply and ruins the quality of service offered. The media and government then highlight immigration as the cause of this problem. Even though the funding is not even enough to keep up with UK population increases and demand e.g. ageing population and the NHS/ social care budget slashes.

Some people fall for it. Some don't...
Fair play to her. These antiquated shouting matches serve no-one except those who became politicians to engage in private school debate club cosplay rather than to actually do something useful. You can't expect voters to feel represented by the system when our politicians seem to spend the bulk of their time in the chamber acting like kids on a playground, or when politicians of both stripes' reaction to scandals which have real-life impacts on their constituents is obvious glee.

Obviously I'm more than happy to watch Johnson get a rollicking, but generally speaking we need to massively overhaul how we do politics.
Yeah but she called someone scum once so you know….
Whats the point of PMQs if no questions are answered? The guy in charge doesnt really hold him to account to answer the question.
I really want Scotland as part of it but I know for a fact if I was Scottish I’d be desperate to leave.
There’s work to be done and clarity required but I don’t know how anyone in England can look at what is going on in their country and be happy with where it’s heading. ‘Desperate’ being the key word here, if we can go independent and rejoin Europe I’d be feeling a lot more positive about our future than this shit show.
now that jezbollah has gone and we are riding high in the polls... just like i said... feeling vindicated thanks

But...they're riding high in the polls precisely because of how awful the government you apparently voted for is. Shame would be a more fitting emotion than vindication.

Edit: just saw you voted Lib Dems, someone above said you voted for Boris and I assumed they were saying that because of something you said
He did a great article on not introducing voting ID too - I’ve agreed with him twice in as many days…help!
Without the lens of brexit making everyone muppets it means even the biggest muppet can occasionally say something that is actually sensible.

Our PRIME MINISTER mocking the suggestion that he broke rules! As I used to work in Secondary Schools I would expect that type of behaviour to stop at Year 10!!!
sorry did the libs win in 2019... missed that one

Yeah edited my post after you clarified in a response to another poster - someone above said you'd voted for Johnson and I incorrectly assumed they'd done so because you'd said it previously
I don't quite understand why Labour are so full of glee about getting rid of Boris:

1. It won't trigger an election so it won't speed their potential election to Government.
2. The likelihood is that someone more competent, or less incompetent, will be elected leader who could turn the party's fortunes around by the next election.

Wasn't Starmer seen quaffing a beer during a work 'do' anyway?
I don't quite understand why Labour are so full of glee about getting rid of Boris:

1. It won't trigger an election so it won't speed their potential election to Government.
2. The likelihood is that someone more competent, or less incompetent, will be elected leader who could turn the party's fortunes around by the next election.

Wasn't Starmer seen quaffing a beer during a work 'do' anyway?

That story is a year old and was within the rules. The Daily Mail tried to rehash it.

While I understand your point, having a sitting PM resign against his will is a big deal. The aim would be to tarnish whoever else comes in presuming they are from the Cabinet with the same brush as Johnson as they are all backed him.
I don't quite understand why Labour are so full of glee about getting rid of Boris:

1. It won't trigger an election so it won't speed their potential election to Government.
2. The likelihood is that someone more competent, or less incompetent, will be elected leader who could turn the party's fortunes around by the next election.

Wasn't Starmer seen quaffing a beer during a work 'do' anyway?

It's mad how that bollocks story on Starmer having a beer seems to have worked on people.

It was in the rules , The Sun tried to make it a controversy in May 2021 and it failed and the Daily Mail tried again last week because they're desperate.
I don't quite understand why Labour are so full of glee about getting rid of Boris:

1. It won't trigger an election so it won't speed their potential election to Government.
2. The likelihood is that someone more competent, or less incompetent, will be elected leader who could turn the party's fortunes around by the next election.

Wasn't Starmer seen quaffing a beer during a work 'do' anyway?
Eh? It shows conservatives have no leadership and their decisions will be put into further doubt as they elect someone the public never voted for.

And no, his beer was when there weren't restrictions. Probably need to see the date of the article that tried to smear him.
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