That's what comes when you are so removed from everyday existence.
That is what comes when you belong to a 'club', whose cardinal sin is to be
caught out!
Politics is a 'club' where certain people who belong, regularly say one thing and mean another, whose motto is more or less is "don't do as I do, do as I say". This isn't just Tory members, although I would forgive anybody under 30, believing that it was (they will not remember the last Labour Government).
'Partygate' is symptomatic of a group of people in the 'political club,' many of whom hold high office, who believe they make the rules... for others to follow not them, as with Covid. However don't think Labour doesn't have it share of such people, e.g. in the past at least there were many Labour politicians, among them senior shadow cabinet members, who consistently complained about the Private Education System and the Tories backing for it, but who themselves sent their children to private schools... because a) they can afford it, and b) its the best available, c) it has its privileges and rewards later in life.
You can call me a cynical old man, and you would probably be right, but in my lifetime I would be hard pressed to name more than 20 senior politicians, across the board, who did '
exactly what it said on the tin' in terms of their personal and political lives.
NB I refer mainly to frontbench politicians, since most back-bench MP's appear/seem to get on with the job they were elected to do. If we really do expect our leading politicians to be paragons of virtue, we need a different system completely.