Westminster Politics

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This will be an excuse for the UK to exit the European convention on human rights, which they want to do anyway.
Even after the last few years, this feels like a new low. The economy is hamstrung by Brexit, the public sector has been trashed, we have an ageing population combined with huge inter-generational disparities in wealth and, to top it all, there is a potentially apocalyptic climate crisis well underway. The response of the party that has been in power for 13 years and arranged the hardest possible break from the rest of Europe short of declaring war - target some poor bastards coming over in dinghies (who choose that route as it is practically impossible to get in legally anyway).

This is definitely a new low.

This is a party that has trashed this country and has run out of ideas. There is no mask or dog whistle anymore. This is just openly far right politics and has been for a few years now.

So are they saying that anyone who comes to the UK via small boats can legitimately become a slave in the UK?
So are they saying that anyone who comes to the UK via small boats can legitimately become a slave in the UK?
1) Buy boats and slaves illegally in France
2) Sail boat and slaves to Britain
3) ??
4) Profit
5) Donate to Tory Party
6) Get Peerage
7) ??
8) More Profit
FYI they've stolen this "stop the boats" campaign from the Australian conservatives.

Welcome to our hell from the last 15 years.
1) Buy boats and slaves illegally in France
2) Sail boat and slaves to Britain
3) ??
4) Profit
5) Donate to Tory Party
6) Get Peerage
7) ??
8) More Profit
9) blame Labour when you pay tax on profits
10) don't pay tax
11) more Profit
We've done it. We've descended into political depravity. David Cameron was a cnut but they had a handful of achievements to prop them up. These morons have nothing but hateful slogans and distractions.

Before they stop the boats can I get on one so I can sail to the fecking moon?
“People voted to leave the EU for all sorts of different reasons – they did, don’t snigger down there. Not everyone that voted to leave the EU wanted to see Britain immediately descend into being an unaccountable single party state exploiting people’s worst prejudices to maintain power indefinitely. Some people just wanted bendy bananas."

Comes to mind...
See the BBC going in hard on Linekar this morning. Apparently breaches BBC impartiality.... Yet we still have a BBC general director, formerly a tory deputy chairman, who organised loans for a tory prime minister before getting his role.

Don't think the BBC can be taken serious for anything they say breaks "impartiality" while youre headed up by a tory
See the BBC going in hard on Linekar this morning. Apparently breaches BBC impartiality.... Yet we still have a BBC general director, formerly a tory deputy chairman, who organised loans for a tory prime minister before getting his role.

Don't think the BBC can be taken serious for anything they say breaks "impartiality" while youre headed up by a tory

It's quite amazing isn't it, the moment anyone speaks the truth, they use the 'out of touch' card on them yet the Tories have been out of touch with everything for a while now hence the state of the country. We are truly seeing gaslighting at the highest level. The problem in this country which we have seen with Brexit, people cannot handle the truth or they would rather bury their head in the sand.
See the BBC going in hard on Linekar this morning. Apparently breaches BBC impartiality.... Yet we still have a BBC general director, formerly a tory deputy chairman, who organised loans for a tory prime minister before getting his role.

Don't think the BBC can be taken serious for anything they say breaks "impartiality" while youre headed up by a tory
What are their thoughts on the articles Andrew Neil used to write and edit for the Spectator while BBC chief political editor?
I must say, it's very refreshing being able to say this about a non-US country: the UK is fecked.

i was going to racistly ask you whether this is worse than danish laws and attitudes, but realised you're from the wrong scandinavian country :/

on a slightly related note, i just watched the northman and am scared of all of you except olof palme.
i was going to racistly ask you whether this is worse than danish laws and attitudes, but realised you're from the wrong scandinavian country :/

on a slightly related note, i just watched the northman and am scared of all of you except olof palme.

Oh there's definitively stuff about Norway that isn't so great, it's just not quite at "we're fecked" levels yet. Currently there's a big thing about the super wealthy and/or their kids moving to this one particular town in Switzerland. Greedy leeches.

Also there's a big row about the (last?) government illegally building some windmills on traditional Sami reindeer areas, which led to protests and sit-downs at government agencies and then the government apologising. So that was exciting.

I hate the way they keep saying “foreign National” rapists, criminals etc

nationality has nothing to do with it. A scumbag is a scumbag and should be dealt with wherever they are from.

repeating this sand old rhetoric just enables them to keep doing what they are doing
Also @UnrelatedPsuedo
Just an ode to your comment about the transport in the city being incredible. Do you travel using London transport on a daily basis out of interest? Because I can’t actually fathom how anyone who does would think that :lol:

An ode?…

Yes I used London Transport and have done for two decades. It’s only ever got better at a time that nationals services have got progressively worse.

We have one of the best transport systems on the planet and some of the best cycling infrastructure that’s only getting better. I’ll talk a lot of shit about this godforsaken isle, but we move millions of people round exceptionally well.

We need less car journeys, less pollution, increased public health and money spent on people, not cars.

Sadiq’s point was so simple to understand. Try to listen again instead of just cherry picking and misrepresenting.

This is a serious question despite sounding silly but what is the cut-off point with this?

For instance if I'm a 10 year old non-Brit that comes to the UK, live here for 20+ years and then kill someone, am I classed as foreign still and open to deportation? If so, when does it stop?
This is a serious question despite sounding silly but what is the cut-off point with this?

For instance if I'm a 10 year old non-Brit that comes to the UK, live here for 20+ years and then kill someone, am I classed as foreign still and open to deportation? If so, when does it stop?

Is this a silly question? Windrush and Begum (as extreme as her case may be) show that you can be born in this country and still ultimately be deemed an outsider by the authorities.

As I said before, I hate the Tories, always have and always will but this current batch are particularly brutal. I couldn't imagine Cameron, Osborne, May etc, as much as I disliked them at the time, getting anywhere in this current party.

Seems like a new low every day to be totally honest.
This is a serious question despite sounding silly but what is the cut-off point with this?

For instance if I'm a 10 year old non-Brit that comes to the UK, live here for 20+ years and then kill someone, am I classed as foreign still and open to deportation? If so, when does it stop?
Is this a silly question? Windrush and Begum (as extreme as her case may be) show that you can be born in this country and still ultimately be deemed an outsider by the authorities.

As I said before, I hate the Tories, always have and always will but this current batch are particularly brutal. I couldn't imagine Cameron, Osborne, May etc, as much as I disliked them at the time, getting anywhere in this current party.

Seems like a new low every day to be totally honest.
Just to add - they also passed some legislation (it might have been under Priti) about how folks with dual citizenship can have their UK passport revoked.

New bill quietly gives powers to remove British citizenship without notice | Home Office | The Guardian

Frances Webber, the vice-chair of the Institute of Race Relations, said: “This amendment sends the message that certain citizens, despite being born and brought up in the UK and having no other home, remain migrants in this country. Their citizenship, and therefore all their rights, are precarious and contingent.

“It builds on previous measures to strip British-born dual nationals (who are mostly from ethnic minorities) of citizenship and to do it while they are abroad, measures used mainly against British Muslims. It unapologetically flouts international human rights obligations and basic norms of fairness.”
Is this a silly question? Windrush and Begum (as extreme as her case may be) show that you can be born in this country and still ultimately be deemed an outsider by the authorities.

As I said before, I hate the Tories, always have and always will but this current batch are particularly brutal. I couldn't imagine Cameron, Osborne, May etc, as much as I disliked them at the time, getting anywhere in this current party.

Seems like a new low every day to be totally honest.

I think it feels like it is because I find it hard to sometimes believe these are questions that need to be asked...

I still find it mad that my partner who is Mauritian/British can just have her citizenship revoked despite being born here.

EDIT: @The Corinthian - that's the one!
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