Great post, although I can't agree with it 100%, in the same way I can't totally agree with
@Sweet Square (I'm sure there are others, but he's the first that comes to mind) when he advocates for the opposite approach. It does bother me though when he or you, or anybody else for that matter, seem so sure about what the
right thing to do is in this, sometimes to the point of sickening condescension or even outright insults. It's quite more nuanced than that and both sides of the argument have
some merit. I consider myself to be a quite radical leftist, but I understand why for some literally anything would be better than this Tory party and thus think voting for this Labour Party is necessary at the moment, even if a bit of nose-holding is required. I also understand the other side in that, if Labour doesn't actually need to put out genuine left-wing policies that will effectively help those who need it most at the expense of the most well-off then what's the point, and what incentive will they have in the future to be anything else than a Tory-lite party.
I don't have the answer, and neither do any of you, no matter how fiercely you pretend you do.
Having said that, in this particular case, it's hard to forget how painfully dishonest Starmer has proven to be in relation to his pledges when he was trying to get elected as Labour leader. I understand the anger. And I also think that we are better than them. We need to be and it needs to show. Is it enough that Starmer and his potential Labour government are just slightly less bad than the tories? It shouldn't be, but at the same time millions of families would immediately live a bit better with a watered-down Labour government than with the tories, and waiting five more years for a more left-wing may be too late for them, perhaps literally.
I haven't really said anything new, I know, and I would make more interesting (hopefully) and elaborate points if I were having this discussion in my first language, but I just wanted to say that.
TL;DR: Some posters could do with some humility and with some high horse dismounting. Their answer is not the ultimate answer they think it is.