Westminster Politics

Party Chairman!? He can't endorse 1 leader for more than 30 seconds without changing his mind ffs :lol:
:lol:That cabinet deserves each other.

The Raab appointment is seriously worrying, given be wants to unpick every legal protection. Hopefully Braverman fecks up badly quickly and gets binned again.
It's ironic as the UK would still be a Catholic country, were it not for the lasciviousness of Henry VIII. The CofE was simply made-up to suit his personal situation.

He was probably a hero of Boris who made up lies about the EU to suit his personal situation.
:lol:That cabinet deserves each other.

The Raab appointment is seriously worrying, given be wants to unpick every legal protection. Hopefully Braverman fecks up badly quickly and gets binned again.

Really disappointed to see Raab is back in the so called big time. A more overrated person I have not seen.
Think it is a point that has been raised in this thread before but it absolutely bewilders me how the Cabinet ministerial posts can just be passed around so freely. How can individuals flit from Health Secretary to Chancellor or Education Secretary for example? I know it is just the function of how our government/Parliament works but surely the amount of unqualified people taking these roles is a factor in the rank incompetence that follows?
They’re taking the piss. Absolute shit show. We need a GE now.
Therese Coffey is minister for the environment... yes, you read that right first time
Therese Coffey is minister for the environment... yes, you read that right first time

At least she takes up enough space in the environment. I wonder how many cows have been killed to feed her? The carbon footprint must be the size of Jupiter.
Therese Coffey is minister for the environment... yes, you read that right first time

Well I guess, along with Raab, this appointment puts to bed any possibility of a more sensible government.

On the bright side, that probably means they won't last 2 years.
Morduant stays where she is.

They should shoot these like the sky sports footy line ups before the start of a match.
See Michael Gove spin round and walking up to the camera, crossed arms, or pointing to his Tory pin badge. That will relate
Anyone seeing the slight change in tone in the MSM? They know this cabinet is a ticking time bomb! All after so much optimism as well... bless :lol:
Thought he'd give Mordaunt foreign secretary. Might have been able to put together a semi-competent looking cabinet but all the clowns are still in the circus, Mogg aside this is basically a Johnson cabinet.

Just her being in the cabinet makes that a possibility for some
He intends to lead a government of integrity ethics and most of all trust.
And so he reinstates Suella Braverman as Home Secretary only 6 days after she was effectively sacked for breaching the Ministerial Code.

Good start Rushi.
He intends to lead a government of integrity ethics and most of all trust.
And so he reinstates Suella Braverman as Home Secretary only 6 days after she was effectively sacked for breaching the Ministerial Code.

Good start Rushi.
That move alone tells us all we need to know about him
I hope you all realise that after Braverman you are getting into seriously twisted individuals. Hunt plebs for sport twisted. Be grateful.
Does anyone or everyone else work off of the assumption that a lot of this crop of Tory's don't even carry out their ministerial jobs once they get them? I honestly imagine the likes of Dorries, Mogg, Braverman, Truss, Johnson and a few others to actually do nothing outside of vying for better positions, leaking gossip to the media and making public appearances. Does anyone think they actually do any level at all of genuinely substantial work? I can't even imagine them doing surgeries in their constituencies, looking constituents in the eye and jotting down their problems so they can sort their issues out or at least attempt to. In meetings I imagine them to have nothing to say with any more substance than the nonsense rehearsed lines they reel out on TV.

Am I over egging how atrocious I think they are due to all of the current chaos or might they be that hollow as politicians?