Westminster Politics

It's ironic as the UK would still be a Catholic country, were it not for the lasciviousness of Henry VIII. The CofE was simply made-up to suit his personal situation.

There’s an obvious parallel with 2016 and the personal ambitions of another overweight lascivious leader tearing the UK apart from Europe. Although Johnson has no problem producing heirs, I’ll give him that.
I am disgusted that Braverman is home secretary again. She is like Priti Patel but on crack
Cruella Braverman is back after breaking the ministerial code.

"Integrity and professionalism at every level" eh Rishi? :lol:
Think it is a point that has been raised in this thread before but it absolutely bewilders me how the Cabinet ministerial posts can just be passed around so freely. How can individuals flit from Health Secretary to Chancellor or Education Secretary for example? I know it is just the function of how our government/Parliament works but surely the amount of unqualified people taking these roles is a factor in the rank incompetence that follows?
So Cruella breaks the ministerial code but is back 1 week later?! Good to see accountability being important to the Tories.
Think it is a point that has been raised in this thread before but it absolutely bewilders me how the Cabinet ministerial posts can just be passed around so freely. How can individuals flit from Health Secretary to Chancellor or Education Secretary for example? I know it is just the function of how our government/Parliament works but surely the amount of unqualified people taking these roles is a factor in the rank incompetence that follows?
Sunak's best chance was to bring some fresh faces in however he has gone for the same old scum who put the country into this mess. He's clearly tied to the Tory machine who only care about themselves and the country. I mean they've reappointed someone banging on about tofu. This is going to be another turd of a Government.
While I see the political logic (throwing red meat to the far right of the party), Braverman as Home Sec is grim. About the only point Truss got right is that we need more immigration. This reduces the chances of growing the economy (both in terms of filling vacancies and entering into a sensible dialogue with the EU) and so, as I doubt big, creative thinking on taxes is on the way, two years of (greater) austerity here we come. Still, we’re all in it together with Rishi and his wife.
So he's just handed a stick to the opposition to beat him over the head with about his decision making... and it's only his 1st day in the job! :lol:
It's like they're entirely incapable of learning. Not only corrupt and evil but thick as two short planks.

They don't care, their first priority is their own party, jobs/contracts for their mates and fleecing the country. They couldn't give a crap about working class people. The greatest con pulled by the right of the party was making working class people think they are on their side by using racist rhetoric. It's depressing stuff, I hope they implode.
:lol: :drool: It was obvious that Braverman was up to funny business aside from being a massive cnut.