Westminster Politics

The caller is a racist bigoted dickhead. But the host is a dickhead too.

The UK is not America. When someone says Globalist here… we think Musk and Bezos. Thoughts do not turn to some Jewish Cabal.

We’re importing nonsense through the media.

The usual icon used by the extremes is George Soros. I don't think the Americans use Musk or Bezos nearly as much if ever.
why did you guys allow this, now all indian media is going to pretend this is a national achievement
why did you guys allow this, now all indian media is going to pretend this is a national achievement

Modi and RSS stans will claim they are personally responsible for Sunak and this is the start of Akhand Bharat

This should seem obvious but isn't. Doesn't matter your race and ethnicity, the reality of living day to day where you worry about money and watch what you spend effects you and your family as a working class white person the same way it does as a working class Asian person. The perceived ethnic difference, while may exist culturally, is a construct when applied to the economical aspects of a community.
This should seem obvious but isn't. Doesn't matter your race and ethnicity, the reality of living day to day where you worry about money and watch what you spend effects you and your family as a working class white person the same way it does as a working class Asian person. The perceived ethnic difference, while may exist culturally, is a construct when applied to the economical aspects of a community.
Economic realities and class will determine outcomes moreso than culture or race.
Economic realities and class will determine outcomes moreso than culture or race.
I think overall this is probably right, but it’d be naive to think that race and culture doesn’t have a significant impact. For a white individual? Less so. But for a minority? I still think the overall population has a significant enough subset that they wouldn’t vote for them.
Because the words man, woman and mother don’t actually require protecting unlike the NHS, the environment, real-term wages, affordable mortgage rates, food, energy and rent costs and Ukraine - so my personal opinion is making bullshit claims to stoke a culture war that causes harm to individuals rather than focussing on important shit that actually matters all to court votes from nasty vile cnuts makes him a nasty vile cnut. Thanks for asking though.
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Economic realities and class will determine outcomes moreso than culture or race.

Certainly economic realities. Not sure about class. Even though I detest the Tories and what they have done to this country, in the event that we don't get the necessary GE, I hope that Sunak can stabilise the economy for all our sakes.
Because the words man, woman and mother don’t actually require protecting unlike the NHS, the environment, real-term wages, affordable mortgage rates, food, energy and rent costs and Ukraine - so my personal opinion is making bullshit claims to stoke a culture war that causes harm to individuals rather than focussing on important shit that actually matters all to court votes from nasty vile cnuts makes him a nasty vile cnut. Thanks for asking though.

Spot on.
Because the words man, woman and mother don’t actually require protecting unlike the NHS, the environment, real-term wages, affordable mortgage rates, food, energy and rent costs and Ukraine - so my personal opinion is making bullshit claims to stoke a culture war that causes harm to individuals rather than focussing on important shit that actually matters all to court votes from nasty vile cnuts makes him a nasty vile cnut. Thanks for asking though.
If you're looking for protection of the economy, you shouldn't be listening to Sunak.
I don't see how any politician /economic professional who supported brexit can be a 'good economist'.
To the surprise of absolutely nobody, Rishi has apparently ruled out an early election.

Buckle up Britain, we're stuck with the cnuts.
“Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me,” one ERG member noted.

But the decision not to run provoked fury in the group.

“He’s an absolute ****!” one blasted. “He has killed off our chances.”

One MP who said he “despises” Mr Sunak for being “a globalist sell-out” also admitted to having “deep concerns about Ms Mordaunt.”

The MP said: "First, she is not a true Conservative, she is quite a lefty and woke with all the trans stuff.

One party organiser said: “Boris has actually betrayed the membership as well.

“Already I have had two people inform me they are leaving the party.

“People just do not want Rishi Sunak.”

Reform Party leader Richard Tice said that since Mr Johnson was forced out he has had thousands of former Conservative members join his party instead.

Mr Sunak may calm the markets and will be in place for the next two years but the civil war in the Tory Party is only just beginning.


It's never going to end.
This Rishi fella is possibly the whitest non white person of all time is he? Dutch TV just did a profile on him :lol:
oh my god, listening to James O'Brien, a Boris fan on mums net has written an "ode to Boris" poem. :lol:
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but as a non-brit i have to ask

How the feck can the Tories still be taken seriously, never mind actually having sizable support after the complete and utter clusterfeck these last years have been?

People here are selfish.
The one silver-lining here is, it will be pretty funny to see the Daily Mail have to back an Asian bloke in the next GE (if he lasts that long).

A very posh upper class Asian... but still.
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but as a non-brit i have to ask

How the feck can the Tories still be taken seriously, never mind actually having sizable support after the complete and utter clusterfeck these last years have been?
House prices.
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but as a non-brit i have to ask

How the feck can the Tories still be taken seriously, never mind actually having sizable support after the complete and utter clusterfeck these last years have been?
I guess they blame it on a combination of covid, Boris' behaviour and Truss's incompetence. Rishi will have two years to steady the ship and get things relatively back on track. I think if he avoids any major controversy and doesn't call an early general election, he at least has some time to close the gap, throw in a popular policy or two and people will start taking them seriously again.