Westminster Politics

Labour is going to win the next one.

Don’t know what percentage of the Tory base is gammon but surely it’ll be enough to sink Tories.

I think you know they’re going to lose when most people openly say “we need a general election”. Not something you ask for if you’re content with how things are going.

Hopefully the sentiment continues through to when they actually call one.
I'm really concerned about what's to come now. Sunak is an intelligent man, but he also strikes me as quite arrogant and lacks any empathy or compassion, he also has no understanding of the actual challenges facing the average person.

I suspect we are going to see some hard austerity he is intelligent enough not to crash the markets and destroy the economy but not compassionate enough to do it without making sure the poorest pay for it with yet more public service cuts, more pay freezes etc etc.
I think you know they’re going to lose when most people openly say “we need a general election”. Not something you ask for if you’re content with how things are going.

Hopefully the sentiment continues through to when they actually call one.
This is why the Tories will do anything to avoid one in the near future. They know that public apathy will return and in a few months the clamour for an election will die down
He'll do well against Starmer I feel...Labour lead will defo be cut.
Kinell. I thought he was over 6ft but he's tiny.

If he plays cricket he’ll always have to field at short leg.
I'm really concerned about what's to come now. Sunak is an intelligent man, but he also strikes me as quite arrogant and lacks any empathy or compassion, he also has no understanding of the actual challenges facing the average person.

I suspect we are going to see some hard austerity he is intelligent enough not to crash the markets and destroy the economy but not compassionate enough to do it without making sure the poorest pay for it with yet more public service cuts, more pay freezes etc etc.

Timely reminder

Another tory bluffer in charge with the cabinet playing musical chairs. Just seems pointless and hopeless at this point.

Couldn't care about his ethnicity a bad politician and person is that no matter their skin colour. And it's not like he was elected PM either, he just fell into the position because there is no other viable option.
He’s bringing back Braverman apparently so he can feck off the big (small) bellend. So much for “compassionate Tories” and a return to sanity.

I audibly groaned when I saw the alert that she had endorsed him because I knew that meant the rancid cnut would be back.
Fine certainly. Point is that does UK even have a tradition of working class PM? At least in my lifetime it has not been a theme. Even for Labour PMs or leaders.

Would John Major not be classed as someone who had significant working class roots?
Would John Major not be classed as someone who had significant working class roots?
There’s plenty of reasons to hate the Tories and Sunak but one PM from a long time ago doesn’t change the reality that hardly any PMs have a true working class background. It’s an odd fight to pick.

You don’t need to be, either, to have compassion and an understanding of the issues for working class people. Sunak doesn’t, but it’s not because he doesn’t have a working class background.
Sunak is on the right wing of the Tories and is going to be horrendous. Just because he can present himself reasonably well especially compared to that onion Truss doesn't mean he is any better, just smarter.
I think @11101 is looking at it from a market perspective. We're increasingly becoming seen as an economic and political basket case by investors, this makes us poorer as a country as the cost of debt rises. The early signs are that investors are reassured by Rishi, think the GILT rate went down by 0.25% once it looked likely that Sunak would win. If we go into an election right now it's just more churn and if we end up with a hung parliament and more chaos then we descend further. The Tories can't claim to be a party of financial acumen and stability any more but Sunak may be able to calm the volatility. There is at least an argument that this is in the national interest in the short term.

Exactly. The golden rule in markets is certainty trumps uncertainty, even if the news is bad its better to know it. A GE just prolongs the uncertainty.

Sunak actually knows what he is doing with the economy and yes 10 year gilt yield dropped on his conformation as PM. Its what the country needs right now. Elections can come later.
Yeah - he’s a fecking cnut.

That was well known from before.

He's just marginally less so compared to truss and probably marginally more so than mordaunt.

They're all pretty awful really.
He can’t even use a contactless machine and from his first speech, he looks uncomfortable speaking in public. He didn’t react well to the scrutiny of his wife so let’s see how he does on the tough questions.
The caller is a racist bigoted dickhead. But the host is a dickhead too.

The UK is not America. When someone says Globalist here… we think Musk and Bezos. Thoughts do not turn to some Jewish Cabal.

We’re importing nonsense through the media.

Not so sure about that, there's a common thing on Twitter and Comments section right now amongst that lot about it all being a WEF conspiracy. Started during Covid about a great reset plot.

Whether people are linking that themselves to the Jewish trope who knows but the far right in Europe definitely intended it.
Yeah - he’s a fecking cnut.

About time… whenever anyone I know dare says any of those 3 words out in public they always get intimidating looks or viciously attacked. Clearly 3 words that have always been and still are under attack