Westminster Politics

My brother spoke to a Tory activist last week who told him that she had to vote for Truss in the last leadership election as she couldn't bring herself to vote for someone who worships elephants.
That sounds like a punch line to a joke
Patel Asian but still a cnut
Javed Asian but still a cnut
Braverman Asian but still a cnut.

If youre a cnut youre a cnut regardless of your skin colour, and this one (Sunak) is another cnut.
The entire tory party are cnuts though
My brother spoke to a Tory activist last week who told him that she had to vote for Truss in the last leadership election as she couldn't bring herself to vote for someone who worships elephants.
“Rishi Sunak,
Rishi Sunnnaaaaakkk
His dad worships Elephants
And his mums a slag”
Kinell. I thought he was over 6ft but he's tiny.

It's weird because if you just saw his face you'd think he was a tall person. Long head, big ears, etc..
I am amazed to discover he is 170cm. I honestly thought he was 185cm+ with his head and the photos of him in the press.
*googles height conversion…*

5’7 - what a shortarse!
My eldest daughter is older than both the British PM and the French President.

I have three grandsons all of whom are taller than the British PM and the youngest is only thirteen.

Must be getting old.
Kinell. I thought he was over 6ft but he's tiny.

This is the Martinez saga again. Why do you need giants in the league government?
Uk has such diversity in its political system but it sounds like this one is a sellout.

Interestingly, there's 14 black or asian MPs out of the 357 tories.

They do very well at getting the top jobs in the party. I'll leave you to decide why that might be.

Labour has 30+ out of 196. Closer to a fair representation of the country.
Mark Drakeford has also offered “llongyfarchiadau” to Rishi Sunak

Always wanted to know what f*ck off was in Welsh.
Clearly a height joke, which I thought we were all above that sort of behaviour. Except Sunak, what with him being tiny and all that.
It's easier to understand if you use this helpful guide;

Tories = cnuts
Labour = cnuts but not as much as the Tories
Lib Dems = cnuts who first time voters choose because they don't know better
SNP = cnuts wearing kilts
They were my first ever vote, Clegg conned me completely. :lol:
Went to private school, Oxford and Stamford
Worked for hedge funds
Best part of a billionaire

He's certainly from a minority background.
What labour need to continue to drive home is the state of the NHS, public services and the economy prior to covid and Liz Truss.

Be very easy for Tories to try and run the "all the problems are due to Liz and Corona" train.

Get the graphs up and show how bad things were before either of those two things occurred.
I am generally surprised making fun of his stammer is a popular opinion on the Caf.

I think it's more that this stuck up little cnut of a man has landed the top job without any real scrutiny up to this point. His public appearances have been very carefully managed and yet he's still shown that he can't handle confrontation, often doesn't understand the issues, and is arrogant to an extreme level. The fact that he's also a poor public speaker will become much more of a problem in the coming months as people start to realise that while he might be clever, he's about as suited to the job as the last two pathetic excuses for PMs.
Seen this about "impartiality" today - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-63376310

It's a fecking joke so it is. Impartiality rules only apply to protect torys. Say anything which can be interpreted as bad about them and the torys are all over you.

However when the BBCs governing body investigates a journalist breaking both impartiality and inaccuracy rules being broken when speaking about the left, the BBC director comes out and says he disagrees with the ruling and that they're an outstanding journalist - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-38666914

Get these corrupt tory cnuts out. Their supporters own nearly every media outlet in the country, their members run the BBC, they want to get rid of channel 4 and they sanction nearly every single BBC journalist who says anything which can be interpreted as negative about the torys.
Labour is going to win the next one.

Don’t know what percentage of the Tory base is gammon but surely it’ll be enough to sink Tories.
If I am not wrong then every UK PM since Blair. other than Brown has attended Oxford and even Starmer has. How does it matter then if Sunak is also supposedly carrying that privilege?
Seen this about "impartiality" today - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-63376310

It's a fecking joke so it is. Impartiality rules only apply to protect torys. Say anything which can be interpreted as bad about them and the torys are all over you.

However when the BBCs governing body investigates a journalist breaking both impartiality and inaccuracy rules being broken when speaking about the left, the BBC director comes out and says he disagrees with the ruling and that they're an outstanding journalist - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-38666914

Get these corrupt tory cnuts out. Their supporters own nearly every media outlet in the country, their members run the BBC, they want to get rid of channel 4 and they sanction nearly every single BBC journalist who says anything which can be interpreted as negative about the torys.

I find the BBC attempts at impartiality often mind numbing lying boring. They always seem to take the side of the government quoting statements made which everyone realises are total lies. And ITV does much the same.
If I am not wrong then every UK PM since Blair. other than Brown has attended Oxford and even Starmer has. How does it matter then if Sunak is also supposedly carrying that privilege?
Yeah, it's really a non issue. It'll only become one if he attempts a "man of the people" rhetoric like Boris tried.