Westminster Politics

Are you married to a millionaire rather than a billionaire?

Jokes aside, I do understand though. To see someone who looks like you and has a similar history in terms of ethnicity or nationality is a nice moment to have. Identity politics doesn't mean a great deal in practice but it is ironic how it's Labour that has only ever had white male leaders.
No that part is different!
Are you married to a millionaire rather than a billionaire?

Jokes aside, I do understand though. To see someone who looks like you and has a similar history in terms of ethnicity or nationality is a nice moment to have. Identity politics doesn't mean a great deal in practice but it is ironic how it's Labour that has only ever had white male leaders.
Me too - my parents are from Kenya/Tanzania just like his.
There are so many Indains in my generation in the UK who had a rough time coming from African countries and building a life here. This day is one of immense pride regardless of which party we favour (I'm Labour for example but so happy today).
Yep definitely what I'm saying.

South Asians were also clearly non existent back in 2001, they've only started to migrate to the UK in the past 10 years. Hence their lack of participation before.

They also don't play football in this country because of similar reasons I'm sure.
What? This doesn't make any sense. Let's not continue.
Me too - my parents are from Kenya/Tanzania just like his.
There are so many Indains in my generation in the UK who had a rough time coming from African countries and building a life here. This day is one of immense pride regardless of which party we favour (I'm Labour for example but so happy today).
I fall into this camp too, but I personally can’t say I’m proud. Don’t get me wrong, I know how important role models are for minorities and women - in every profession - and it’s a fact often overlooked by people who don’t have that same barrier because they don’t understand the subconscious impact it has not seeing someone to aspire to. But, and perhaps I’m a minority in the minority, it really bothers me that he stands for something I simply don’t agree with. And that worries me because I really hope it doesn’t create a role model for his way of thinking for others like us, especially the younger folks like us.
Haha maybe its just me. I didnt think it was an issue
Not an issue for me - it’ll harm him at election time when campaigning which I’m chuffed about! He’s clearly the best of a very bad bunch by a large margin though as he’s at least competent. The markets have calmed down and hopefully he’ll reign the Tories in from the utterly crazy loons on the right of their party more toward the centre - though I’m not holding out much hope regarding his cabinet considering some heavy hitters on the right did back him.
Not an issue for me - it’ll harm him at election time when campaigning which I’m chuffed about! He’s clearly the best of a very bad bunch by a large margin though as he’s at least competent. The markets have calmed down and hopefully he’ll reign the Tories in from the utterly crazy loons on the right of their party more toward the centre - though I’m not holding out much hope regarding his cabinet considering some heavy hitters on the right did back him.
This is where my head is at. GE should be now but we know that won’t happen unless the conservatives fully implode (we can hope). If not and they’re going to stick around until 2025, then at least we have someone who will a) lose to Labour when the time comes but also b) is not a complete moron who will destroy our livelihoods in the meantime.
Isn’t this guy worth about £700m?

5 leaders in 12 years…yeah it’s time for a general election.
Hes reading a statement off a screen Im not sure how its not going to come across rehearsed and prepped?

I’m not sure how you can watch that clip and the words “rehearsed and prepped” be your takeaway.
I’m not sure how you can watch that clip and the words “rehearsed and prepped” be your takeaway.
You're right it didn't come across as a rehearsed and pre-prepared statement :wenger:
I like how in the first post he goes for the veiled reason why he doesn't like Sunak but then just blurts out his real reason immediately afterwards.

The best thing about racists is, how 99% of them are really really thick. I love trolling them.
He has almost the same heritage as me. Except he’s Hindu and I’m Muslim. His ancestors like mine left India to Tanzania and Kenya, and then came to England. He is relatable as it gets to myself. I’ve never voted Tory but it makes me incredibly proud. I hope he smashes it. If he has a good few years he would get my vote.
It depends on what a good few years looks like.

I imagine for him it's the continuation of taking from the poor and vulnerable in order to benefit wealthy constituencies. As he admitted on his little campaign trail. If that's your thing go for it.

I'm just surprised he has the front to continue after that little utterance.
The best thing about racists is, how 99% of them are really really thick. I love trolling them.
Yeah but they're clearly part of the superior race or whatever shite they tell their equally dipshit friends when they hold their monthly meetings.
i’m not going to get bogged down in all the racism but all i’ll say is we didn’t have a brown pm before covid-19.
I am from the same ethnic background as Sunak. I don't care, it doesn't change who he is as a person. He does not represent me

On an artificial level of course it looks good a first Indian being PM of the UK. But what use is it if he is not helping the poorest and instead serving the richest? Just cos he is also Indian doesn't mean he is going to help fellow Indians/other minorites. He is supposedly bringing back Braverman for feck sake
Uk has such diversity in its political system but it sounds like this one is a sellout.
It's easier to understand if you use this helpful guide;

Tories = cnuts
Labour = cnuts but not as much as the Tories
Lib Dems = cnuts who first time voters choose because they don't know better
SNP = cnuts wearing kilts
I am from the same ethnic background as Sunak. I don't care, it doesn't change who he is as a person. He does not represent me

On an artificial level of course it looks good a first Indian being PM of the UK. But what use is it if he is not helping the poorest and instead serving the richest? Just cos he is also Indian doesn't mean he is going to help fellow Indians/other minorites. He is supposedly bringing back Braverman for feck sake

No fecking way, is he!?! :eek::mad: :(
His delivery sure as shit didn’t!
His delivery looked over prepared if anything. Coming out robotic reading off a sheet (or TV promt).

Ive been to around 10 indian weddings a year for the past 3 years, that is definitely common when people over prepare and read off say their phone.

Not defending it obviously, he needed to add more charisma bit hes definitely prepared for it! Just didnt add his own freestyle midway which I agree is monotonous.
My brother spoke to a Tory activist last week who told him that she had to vote for Truss in the last leadership election as she couldn't bring herself to vote for someone who worships elephants.
My brother spoke to a Tory activist last week who told him that she had to vote for Truss in the last leadership election as she couldn't bring herself to vote for someone who worships elephants.
Far more intelligence in an elephant than the average Tory voter.
Patel Asian but still a cnut
Javed Asian but still a cnut
Braverman Asian but still a cnut.

If youre a cnut youre a cnut regardless of your skin colour, and this one (Sunak) is another cnut.