Westminster Politics

Interesting debate the last few pages. I do think Labour supporters should introspect that despite majority of the non-white minority in UK supporting their party, no leader of note from those communities seemed to have risen up their ranks in a significant manner. At least from the level of UK news that filter out to someone like me, the Tory twats like Sajid Javid, Patel have been prominent in recent times. From Labour, only one I can recall is Diane Abbott. Who are the prominent non-white leaders after Starmer in Labour party?
Even more odd is that, if I recall correctly, there are far more ethnic minority Labour MPs, both proportionally and in actual numbers than in other parties, but very few seem to rise to positions of prominence.
Thoroughly disagree, he held his own better than anyone in the Conservative party could.

Only time I saw he was rattled was during the tax thing.
Yeah I agree with this. Think he speaks quite well.
Maybe I've listened to the wrong clips then, but this was a few months/years back so maybe he's had media training as well.

:lol: sorry

Say that to our Lisandro and he’ll flatten you!

So basically the person that should have been PM 7/8 weeks ago is now the PM anyway.

Complete and utter idiots aren’t they. Subjected us to Truss, ruined the already fragile economy, made the country a laughing stock then went back to Sunak.

Incompetence of the highest level from those who are meant to be running the country.
He has almost the same heritage as me. Except he’s Hindu and I’m Muslim. His ancestors like mine left India to Tanzania and Kenya, and then came to England. He is relatable as it gets to myself. I’ve never voted Tory but it makes me incredibly proud. I hope he smashes it. If he has a good few years he would get my vote.
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Not the most well-choreographed speech from Sunak.

Staring off-camera and awkwardly lingering at the beginning and end.
Not the most well-choreographed speech from Sunak.

Staring off-camera and awkwardly lingering at the beginning and end.

He's a rubbish public speaker when it doesn't involve finances.
So this is the fifth Tory cnut forced onto us, all were shit what makes this one any better?
No worries at all mate, nothing wrong with spirited conversation.

I think a lot of people are replying to an imagined 'enemy' with some of the replies. Nobody is saying that Sunak is a good person or that the tories deserve credit or that it's a good thing for the country.

It's just a step that would have been literally unthinkable even 20 years ago.

People have extrapolated from that to argue with presumed enemies I think.

100% agree. I was out of order for some of my comments and I'm sorry for that.

Thanks for understanding though and accepting my apology.

It is a momentous occasion and whatever I think of the indidivual, its still a step forward and a historic moment.

Hopefully he doesn't stick around too long though haha.
I never knew Sunak was so short, what the hell. He looks 6 foot plus on the tv.
Of course it makes sense. At the time, they won't have forseen what would happen. So at 16 (at the time), I'm saying they would have looked up and seen nobody like them. A 16 year old can look up now and see all of thee people now.

Again, nobody is denying the very real and important lens of class politics alongside race too.

Yes but none in 2001, when the election was held.
You're right, Sanjay stopped paying attention to demographical change at 16.
Putting aside the race debate for a second. While he is undoubtedly more competent than truss (not exactly tough) he's not a great off the cuff public speaker, he seems to get flustered and annoyed quite easily when challenged and is going to be extremely vulnerable to attacks about his incredible wealth every time he enacts a policy which hits working people.....which of course he will.

Will be interesting to see if he can begin to unite the party too or if the Johnson faction will continue to snipe and demand a GE constantly.

We desperately need them out and fundamental electoral reform too.
You're right, Sanjay stopped paying attention to demographical change at 16.

Yep definitely what I'm saying.

South Asians were also clearly non existent back in 2001, they've only started to migrate to the UK in the past 10 years. Hence their lack of participation before.

They also don't play football in this country because of similar reasons I'm sure.
He's a rubbish public speaker when it doesn't involve finances.

Not the best start when you're trying to reassure the nation and you're not even looking directly at them.

He'll obviously get a bigger moment to do so tomorrow though.
It was 2 minutes of weirdness. If I was told this was an AI robot it wouldn’t shock me.

Hes reading a statement off a screen Im not sure how its not going to come across rehearsed and prepped?
100% agree. I was out of order for some of my comments and I'm sorry for that.

Thanks for understanding though and accepting my apology.

It is a momentous occasion and whatever I think of the indidivual, its still a step forward and a historic moment.

Hopefully he doesn't stick around too long though haha.

No worries mate! Easy for tensions to flare on text based conversations in a way they probably wouldn't with in person ones.

Would be happy for him to stay just a day longer than Truss so at least his premiership isn't as farcical and then move on with a GE. They're out of ideas and destroying the country even more with their petty squabbles.
Interesting debate the last few pages. I do think Labour supporters should introspect that despite majority of the non-white minority in UK supporting their party, no leader of note from those communities seemed to have risen up their ranks in a significant manner. At least from the level of UK news that filter out to someone like me, the Tory twats like Sajid Javid, Patel have been prominent in recent times. From Labour, only one I can recall is Diane Abbott. Who are the prominent non-white leaders after Starmer in Labour party?

One takeaway I get from these kind of debates (and it's a familiar takeaway too) is that people so often project onto others what their interests are, or should be. And the follow on from that in this particular case is that any person from an ethnic minority who deviates from what others assume is the best interests of that minority, has either done so for nefarious reasons; wants to ingratiate himself/herself with the dominant majority; or has been hoodwinked in some way.

Is there an actual breakdown of UK ethnic minority political preferences/allegiances anywhere?
Should finally get some good long term planning now the PM rightly believes in reincarnation.
Maybe by reading it like a normal human? Politicians regularly read things off auto-cues - so do TV presenters - they don’t make it look like a deep fake video.
Haha maybe its just me. I didnt think it was an issue
He has almost the same heritage as me. Except he’s Hindu and I’m Muslim. His ancestors left India to Tanzania and Kenya, and then came to England. He is relatable as it gets to myself. I’ve never voted Tory but it makes me incredibly proud. I hope he smashes it. If he has a good few years he would get my vote.
Are you married to a millionaire rather than a billionaire?

Jokes aside, I do understand though. To see someone who looks like you and has a similar history in terms of ethnicity or nationality is a nice moment to have. Identity politics doesn't mean a great deal in practice but it is ironic how it's Labour that has only ever had white male leaders.