Westminster Politics

@Pexbo just to add on the Boris deal theory. I think he'll want the Foreign Secretary position so he can go playing the hero in Ukraine. The Ukraine official account posted this but deleted it

He won’t get it. Not after last time. He’s literally a national security threat.
I think the longer Boris stays silent, the more confident we should be of him not hitting the threshold.

He’d never want to suffer the humiliation of running and then not getting the 100 needed, so if he stays quiet and doesn’t he can just claim he’s back doing the job of an MP.

If he announces, he’ll already have the 100 in the bag.
This is spot on. Looking very likely Sunak will get in.
Putting aside the racism angle and focusing on Sunak’s US connections, didn’t Boris used to have US citizenship that he gave up mainly to avoid paying US tax?
Yeah but he's white therefore propa English.

As for his argument about Rishi not being able to come up to Scotland and be First Minister - you keep that racist shite to yourself, Jerry. There's a reason why your regressive little party are never winning an election up here.
I reckon Johnson’s plan is to do a deal to concede on the basis the investigations into him are finished.

With the investigation into Boris misleading the HoC, in other words lying shock horror, he should be barred from even running.
Kimi Badenoch also declaring for Sunak. The very representative party members will just have to accept someone whose parents were born in India rather than true British bulldog Alex de Pfeffel Johnson, born in New York and whose real surname would be Kemal if not for some convenient adoption of a maternal maiden name,
Kimi Badenoch also declaring for Sunak. The very representative party members will just have to accept someone whose parents were born in India rather than true British bulldog Alex de Pfeffel Johnson, born in New York and whose real surname would be Kemal if not for some convenient adoption of a maternal maiden name,

We can even be more pedantic. One parent was born in Kenya, the other in Tanzania, and both were born as British subjects.

But Sunak isn't white so that is clearly the decider for Tory members.

All ironic given their ridiculously positive views of Empire.
Putting aside the racism angle and focusing on Sunak’s US connections, didn’t Boris used to have US citizenship that he gave up mainly to avoid paying US tax?

Yes born in New York but he's white so completely English according to most Tories

That is disgusting, but it didn't surprise me. What did surprise me is how willing he was to walk into the implications she was making, then going to the point of fully admitting he had an issue with the colour of his skin. Then had the audacity to claim she was twisting it. What an absolute shitstain that man is.

Least surprising take by a Tory party member, really. With a proper military experience as well.

And then people complain about stereotypes.

EDIT: Have to say though, that bit with the globalist 'insult' is nonsense. This is what allows some of this bullshit to prosper. Some small minority are offended because someone used a general word to offend them and therefore you are not allowed to use it. Typifies the woke craziness.
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That is disgusting, but it didn't surprise me. What did surprise me is how willing he was to walk into the implications she was making, then going to the point of fully admitting he had an issue with the colour of his skin. Then had the audacity to claim she was twisting it. What an absolute shitstain that man is.

Disgusting human being is a horrific human being. These types are everywhere and need to be constantly called out on their sick rubbish.
That is disgusting, but it didn't surprise me. What did surprise me is how willing he was to walk into the implications she was making, then going to the point of fully admitting he had an issue with the colour of his skin. Then had the audacity to claim she was twisting it. What an absolute shitstain that man is.
He was probably disoriented. These folk generally say shit like this and the people around them either nod in agreement or ignore it. Being asked to elaborate on whatever nonsense has poured out of their runny heads is rare.

But don't worry because he had a trick up his sleeve; shout your argument. He doesn't have a large enough vocabulary to have a proper conversation with someone in real life (feck it's difficult enough just him to breathe, move his lips and think at the same time without shitting himself) so the handy Shoutaroo 4000 voicebox is a handy tool for these dipshits to have.
I think Bojo wants the meeting to suggest "Rishi leads the country to an election and then I come back in opposition"

Rishi, like all politicans, probably dreams of a comeback win under his leadership, BoJo knows he can wait out the investigation and then purge the non-believers in opposition.
So BoJo supporters keep pumping "he has the numbers", but he wants to have a chat with Rishi and the BBC can only still confirm ~50 even this morning.

Stinks of BoJo trying to get terms on a sweet deal.
As I said before, and like many others, this this will be wrapped up this evening. Boris won't really have the 100 and rather than him admitting defeat, he will "give it" to Rishi to become PM

In doing so he by default undermines Rishi as it looks like gracious Boris did what was best for the party. His supporters can keep up their cult for another run later.

If he flat out doesn't get the 100 then it looks terrible on him. So we won't get to that stage
Fecking disgusting scum.

When it was looking good for him at the start of the last leadership race, I said there isn’t a hope the Tory’s vote for him as a lot of them would see him as a ****, as a lot of them are racist, even though stevie wonder could see he was the best of a bad lot for the job.