Westminster Politics

All to assuage the wants of Tufton Street. People will die this winter, and this Government will have killed them.

Scariest part of this is that ‘Tufton Street’ has been accepted as ‘Fleet Street’ adjacent.

My parents believe that Tufton Street just means ‘media’.
Conservative "Leavers" are parking their vote in "don't know", can't deny a MASSIVE labour lead, but it looks like a lot of conservatives are just too embarrassed to be classified as Tories atm.

This is like a horror story. The only good thing I can think of if Boris does get in again is that the Tories are utterly finished for a very long time.
Boris saying that he's "up for it", the Mail saying he and Rishi can unite the party. All of it is a game and not one single feck given about the actual country. It's tiring at this point.
Wont get passed the Lords. The original version without the tags barely made it past.
And the Lords had better not fold and instead insist on their amendments.

Or this will remain and will have to be challenged and ruled unlawful in the courts. Which may well have been the planned endgame for this Government in any event.
Bills can still be passed without the House of Lords approval. It's just a matter of waiting a set time.

Can the UKSC overrule the UK Parliament?
No. Unlike some Supreme Courts in other parts of the world, the UK Supreme Court does not have the power to 'strike down' legislation passed by the UK Parliament. It is the Court's role to interpret the law and develop it where necessary, rather than formulate public policy.
It’s all a myth:

Just going back to this, on the current Yougov polls his popularity is at 30%, given that he won an 80 seat majority at the last election with only 26% of the voting age population voting for him, are we not perhaps underestimating him within the context of the electoral system that our 'democracy' operates under?


No doubt that a lot of people loathe him, unquestionably a majority of people but that might not matter when we go to the polls.
Just going back to this, on the current Yougov polls his popularity is at 30%, given that he won an 80 seat majority at the last election with only 26% of the voting age population voting for him, are we not perhaps underestimating him within the context of the electoral system that our 'democracy' operates under?


No doubt that a lot of people loathe him, unquestionably a majority of people but that might not matter when we go to the polls.

I'm not sure what judgement you're trying to make with those figures but whatever it is the answer is no. Ed Balls in the most popular in their data and Farage is 5th with David Blunket 7th.

Boris has always shown as more popular than Starmer (although he's also hated much more) but it doesn't translate to election polling. A positive sentiment on Boris is not the same as saying I'll vote for the Tories. He's a clown basically and the characteristic polling shows that, only 11% see him as trustworthy on YouGov, only 23% say he's competent.
I'm not sure what judgement you're trying to make with those figures but whatever it is the answer is no. Ed Balls in the most popular in their data and Farage is 5th with David Blunket 7th.

Boris has always shown as more popular than Starmer (although he's also hated much more) but it doesn't translate to election polling. A positive sentiment on Boris is not the same as saying I'll vote for the Tories. He's a clown basically and the characteristic polling shows that, only 11% see him as trustworthy on YouGov, only 23% say he's competent.

Would the 23% of people that think he's competent be largely made up of the 26% who voted him into office in 2019?

I hope you're right by the way I'm just sceptical he's a dead duck from the off.
Oh just feck off. Brain dead idiots.

Tracking these thing in the media is so dangerous, all these vox pops give the impression of a demand for Boris but that's not what polling shows at all. Soon enough it'll translate into polling though as that what tends to happen.

The media need to stop going for the shocking and sensational otherwise we'll always end up trodding the worse path.
Boris saying that he's "up for it", the Mail saying he and Rishi can unite the party. All of it is a game and not one single feck given about the actual country. It's tiring at this point.

I wasn’t expecting to be angry given the amount apathy I now feel for whichever kronenberg gets leader, but Boris saying “I’m up for it” as though he’s being asked if he wants to come to another piss up is fecking infuriating.

Spot on with my thoughts

i'm not the biggest fan of my Labor PM in Australia. He's further "left of centre" than Kier but he also does some "let's appeal to the centre-right just for the sake of it" positions. The UK left have forgotten how much anxiety lifts when you remove a right-wing "feck experts" government. I tell you this as someone that probably sits between a socialist and a Social Democrat, waking up and not having to worry about a right-wing government that is fecking people over "to make the left cry" has been my biggest reduction in stress and worry in close to a decade.

It sucks that Kier tends to the centre-right on things, but you lot are living in a hostage crisis situation. This is not normal, this isn't government. It's a bunch of Oxbridge fecking cnuts trying to feck you all over continuously and then having a bitch-slapping fight because they might lose power. LAB/LIB DEM/GREENS/SNP have just got to suck it up and get rid of these authoritarian cnuts. Tacitical vote, coalitions...whatever it fecking takes.
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"We didn't give him a fair chance"
"Did a good job during a crisis"
"He made a few mistakes but who doesn't?"
Would the 23% of people that think he's competent be largely made up of the 26% who voted him into office in 2019?

I hope you're right by the way I'm just sceptical he's a dead duck from the off.

Largely but surprisingly not all. For former Tory voters only 49% think he's competent which is the better indicator of an issue as his incompetence score increased from 17% to 43% since 2019.

They're better used as trend analysis rather than trying to figure out how people will vote.

I'm sure within days we'll have a poll out on how each candidate matches up to Starmer. Only relevant poll I've seen so far has Sunak as doing the best job (43/40 good and bad) against Johnson (34/56).
BBC's current confirmed numbers are quite a bit different to Guido's.

Boris on 45 with roughly 45% of votes in.

He’s just going to sneak it. He will offer every back bencher and his dog a job in his cabinet.
Oh just feck off. Brain dead idiots.

What is so annoying with the British press is, some dumbo spouts something like
Boris got us through Covid - why doesn't the reporter say but the rest of Europe were better?
Boris got Brexit done - why doesn't the reporter ask and how has that made your life better?
And so on

Such shallow reporting.
Possibly. I would say that Rishi's numbers grew far quicker than Boris's yesterday who made pretty small official gains in comparison

Another update, Rishi gains 5 to Boris's 1.

I'm assuming most of Mordaunt's supporters will back Sunak once she's knocked out?
I'm assuming most of Mordaunt's supporters will back Sunak once she's knocked out?

might seem weird but Sunak probably wants her to stay in til the end to try and take as much of the BoJo vote as possible, i just don't see the Mordaunt-BoJo cross voter MP. If it could keep him under 100 then potentially just offer Mordaunt a plum job.

I doubt she has enough pull power though. This looks like going to a Rishi BoJo run off.
I'm assuming most of Mordaunt's supporters will back Sunak once she's knocked out?
Yes not that it will be worth much if Johnson and rishi are the only ones with 100+


107 rishi
70 boris
25 morduant

To be honest I think there will be a bunch of erg members who back boris as they are desperate to blow up the ni protocol to a full scale trade dispute and boris will probably be down with that

I suspect rishi will come in with something like 200 votes around 110 for boris and 50 for morduant

The really ballsy move would be if they think they can keep boris below around 120 does rishi lend votes to morduant to keep boris out of the final two

My gut feel would be that not enough mps trust other mps enough to vote as they promise so they won't
Is Boris really in the running again? What a fecking joke :lol: Utter shambles
The Conservatives are basically just the Nihilistic Party at this stage aren't they?
So the press have decided that Boris will be PM again. Glad to see democracy working as it should.

feck this. You're on your own. I'm putting my kilt on and camping on Ben Nevis until the world gets hit by a meteor.

This shows at least that Torism as we know it is in terminal decline. It's in stark contrast to the 1979 general election when Thatcher won 42% of the 18-24 vote.

“'The problem with neoliberalism is that you eventually run out of home owners.”

While it’s not the whole answer, a lot of what we are seeing with the Tory party is that Thatcherism was always a ticking time bomb.