Westminster Politics

Exciting but I imagine it’s Chris Bryant briefing that

They should be actively encouraging Boris to take the party. Would be a disaster for them. Sunak would be a problem for Labour as he'd be harder to beat
They should be actively encouraging Boris to take the party. Would be a disaster for them. Sunak would be a problem for Labour as he'd be harder to beat

The Tories are beyond salvation at this point - it’s more about damage limitation. If I were Labour, I’d prefer a technocratic Sunak/Hunt duo so that they do not inherit after the GE an even worse mess than we already have.
What a shitshow this is. Putin has withdrawn all his KGB agents from the UK because they are no longer needed, this bunch of muppets can bring down the country on their own thanks. We have Jeremy Hunt who is married to a Chinese lady employed by the Chinese state TV channel but she must have been cleared by Mi5. Whoever wins will surround themselves with their mates regardless if they are competent or not. The NHS for instance needs someone with medical experience and/or experience running a big organisation. Last year the NHS spent £66m on Interpreters ffs. In Spain you have to provide your own interpreter, provid proof of identification, your passport, address in Spain and address of your GP in the UK. Over here, they can get off a plane or dinghy and present themselves at A&E and get treated. Absolute shambles and we can’t get to see a GP at all.
What a shitshow this is. Putin has withdrawn all his KGB agents from the UK because they are no longer needed, this bunch of muppets can bring down the country on their own thanks. We have Jeremy Hunt who is married to a Chinese lady employed by the Chinese state TV channel but she must have been cleared by Mi5. Whoever wins will surround themselves with their mates regardless if they are competent or not. The NHS for instance needs someone with medical experience and/or experience running a big organisation. Last year the NHS spent £66m on Interpreters ffs. In Spain you have to provide your own interpreter, provid proof of identification, your passport, address in Spain and address of your GP in the UK. Over here, they can get off a plane or dinghy and present themselves at A&E and get treated. Absolute shambles and we can’t get to see a GP at all.

Not sure what context you mean this but I listened to an interesting podcast yesterday about the large-scale recruitment and exploitation of foreign doctors. Key takeaway was something like the UK doesn't train anywhere near enough doctors and nurses domestically to fulfill the need (ie funding isn't there), so goes over to places like Nigeria to poach their talent. Thought it was quite eye-opening in a, well there's another example of how badly the NHS is run sort of way.

Not sure what context you mean this but I listened to an interesting podcast yesterday about the large-scale recruitment and exploitation of foreign doctors. Key takeaway was something like the UK doesn't train anywhere near enough doctors and nurses domestically to fulfill the need (ie funding isn't there), so goes over to places like Nigeria to poach their talent. Thought it was quite eye-opening in a, well there's another example of how badly the NHS is run sort of way.

I think it may have been meant in terms of translators for the patients, given the comments about refugees.
Not sure what context you mean this but I listened to an interesting podcast yesterday about the large-scale recruitment and exploitation of foreign doctors. Key takeaway was something like the UK doesn't train anywhere near enough doctors and nurses domestically to fulfill the need (ie funding isn't there), so goes over to places like Nigeria to poach their talent. Thought it was quite eye-opening in a, well there's another example of how badly the NHS is run sort of way.

The context is exactly as you have posted. Wasteful and inefficient. Successive Governments have promised to train more doctors but they raised the entry level o. Qualification, can’t remember which Government it was. I read somewhere that Lithuania has more GP’s per 1000 of the population that the UK. We don’t pay them enough so they bugger off abroad or to private practice. The Country needs to decide if we want to pay the NHS staff correctly and pay more tax to do that or carry on as we are. About 1000 new homes have been built in my area over the last two years and no new GP practices. It should be enshrined in planning law that facilities such as schools and surgeries be built at the same time as houses.
The 115k annual payment for ex-PMs was introduced in 1991 for Thatcher.

Since that time no PM has served more than a single term. If Johnson gets back, he will be able to claim both his 150k PM salary and the 115k annual grant for ex-PMs at the same time.
The Tories are beyond salvation at this point - it’s more about damage limitation. If I were Labour, I’d prefer a technocratic Sunak/Hunt duo so that they do not inherit after the GE an even worse mess than we already have.

In that eventuality, I do wonder how much license Sunak would give to Hunt as his XC. Especially if there is major disagreement on economic policy.
The level of hatred I have for these people right now
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What a shitshow this is. Putin has withdrawn all his KGB agents from the UK because they are no longer needed, this bunch of muppets can bring down the country on their own thanks. We have Jeremy Hunt who is married to a Chinese lady employed by the Chinese state TV channel but she must have been cleared by Mi5. Whoever wins will surround themselves with their mates regardless if they are competent or not. The NHS for instance needs someone with medical experience and/or experience running a big organisation. Last year the NHS spent £66m on Interpreters ffs. In Spain you have to provide your own interpreter, provid proof of identification, your passport, address in Spain and address of your GP in the UK. Over here, they can get off a plane or dinghy and present themselves at A&E and get treated. Absolute shambles and we can’t get to see a GP at all.

One of the few things I'm proud of, the way it should be everywhere
I've never heard of anything quite so bizarre as a PM forced to resign in disgrace and then running again 44 days later and it being actually possible he could win.
This fecking guy. How do his constituents continue to vote for him!
I feel a bit sick because I just found out he ran for office in my constituency back in 1997 and came third. 9% voted for some tofty feckwit with zero ties to the local area.

Imagine if he had won though, eventually he would have culturally adapted to his environment and he would have turned up to the HoC wearing a Kappa tracksuit clutching a bottle of Tizer. Him sleeping on the job is easily explained now, at least.
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The 115k annual payment for ex-PMs was introduced in 1991 for Thatcher.

Since that time no PM has served more than a single term. If Johnson gets back, he will be able to claim both his 150k PM salary and the 115k annual grant for ex-PMs at the same time.

Isn't it an allowance rather than a grant? As it's intended to help with duties of an ex-PM it wouldn't make much sense that costs are approved for a sitting PM. Not like they need to fund a secretary or anything.
Voting has now hit 50% Boris has 48 confirmed votes. The mysterious cabal of green rectangles is keeping him in the game. 24 hours ago Boris had 36 confirmed votes and Rishi had 32. Now Rishi has increased his share of confirmed votes by 52 whilst Boris has gained 12.
I feel a bit sick because I just found out he ran for office in my constituency back in 1997 and came third. 9% voted for some tofty feckwit with zero ties to the local area.

Imagine if he had won though, eventually he would have culturally adapted to his environment and he would have turned up to the HoC wearing a Kappa tracksuit clutching a bottle of Tizer. Him sleeping on the job is easily explained now, at least.
Haha. I suspect if he lost his seat they find somewhere else to parachute him in to a safe seat!
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What, putting electronic tags on people if they have been on a lawful protest and not broken any laws in the past five years? I have a horrible feeling this will be one of the laws a future Labour government just won't get round to repealing. It is too useful to people in power.

Wont get passed the Lords. The original version without the tags barely made it past.
Wont get passed the Lords. The original version without the tags barely made it past.

And the Lords had better not fold and instead insist on their amendments.

Or this will remain and will have to be challenged and ruled unlawful in the courts. Which may well have been the planned endgame for this Government in any event.
Even with Starmer's inevitable command for his Lords to abstain?

It won't get through Lords even if he did that. They need to be replaced by something else, but they are at least respectful of rights and know when the government has gone too far similar to how they rejected some of the worst demands through Brexit.