Westminster Politics

Once again I wake up and i'm feeling very frisky.....nothing like conservatives fecking themselves over to get you going in the morning.

It should tell you something about the state of Western Conservatism that when they do something and the rest of the world (global markets) react, their first reaction is to assume a coup.

The disease that is hyper-nationalism and conservatism not only blinds you to political reality, it also allows for genuinely dangerous and vicious people to claim power.
I don't think they'll bring Boris back, each Tory regime's goal is to move as much money from state funds into private hands

you can't do that and not eventually piss everyone off, so the only way this works is if they keep moving to a new regime

they've obviously been pillaging far too much and for far too long this time, so we'll get a brief restbite whilst Labour have power for a few years

but in a few years time the country will be chomping at the bit to get the Tories back to save us from the wokerati
She wasn't great, but she wasn't evil or incompetent like Boris or Lizz, and she wasn't quite the spineless coward Cameron was.

Makes me nostalgic Gordon Brown, really.

Not evil or incompetent? She was the architect of Windrush FFS!

Compared to what's followed she might be better but her and Cameron were both selfish, heartless, incompetent bastards.
Not evil or incompetent? She was the architect of Windrush FFS!

Compared to what's followed she might be better but her and Cameron were both selfish, heartless, incompetent bastards.

She was vile at the Home Office, and I think that for some reason goes under the radar with a lot of people.
On the basis that it is possible that Boris could get the required 100 nominations.
And on the basis that it is then possible that there could be 2 MPs in the running including Boris, the Conservative members would be more likely to vote for Boris than MPs.
I can't believe I am saying this. But Boris can be back by next Friday.
On the basis that it is possible that Boris could get the required 100 nominations.
And on the basis that it is then possible that there could be 2 MPs in the running including Boris, the Conservative members would be more likely to vote for Boris than MPs.
I can't believe I am saying this. But Boris can be back by next Friday.

If he comes back we riot

That gap is too big for Johnson. Labour have got enough ammo on him now and he’s still got a long and painful inquiry to deal with next month which will air it all over again.
Love the way some of the audience on Question Time were still blaming the opposition and remainders for the political mess the country’s in.

The only right way forward is a general election and now. The country desperately needs stable, responsible and competent government immediately or irreversible harm will be done. The country is in danger of becoming 2nd or even 3rd world country. It will be the poor country of Western Europe if immediate action is not taken. Thank feck I don’t live there.
Love the way some of the audience on Question Time were still blaming the opposition and remainders for the political mess the country’s in.

The only right way forward is a general election and now. The country desperately needs stable, responsible and competent government immediately or irreversible harm will be done. The country is in danger of becoming 2nd or even 3rd world country. It will be the poor country of Western Europe if immediate action is not taken. Thank feck I don’t live there.

I stopped watching QT ages ago, but since Brexit became a topic its seemed just full of mouth breathers and tory plants from the clips

That gap is too big for Johnson. Labour have got enough ammo on him now and he’s still got a long and painful inquiry to deal with next month which will air it all over again.

The polls are exaggerated at the moment because they're full of Tory heartland voters protest voting by proxy by telling pollsters they wouldn't vote Tory. But when it comes to actually voting for their local MP, they'll still tick the blue box.

That said, Labour definitely want Boris to take over, not Sunak or Mordent. As you say, there's an absolute tonne of ammo on him. He has a privileges enquiry into partygate at the start of November, which apparently will see him sat there for a few days a week for several weeks in a row facing all the witnesses who saw him at the various parties. Not to mention the fact that he's hated by a big chunk of Tory MPs and he will definitely struggle to hold the party together. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw big fall outs by Christmas.
What are people's thoughts on Boris coming back? On one hand I do think he will be their most popular option among the voters, especially in the red wall but on the other hand he could destroy the party such is his divisiveness. From a purely anti-Tory perspective I'm in favour of him coming back although it is risky.
What are people's thoughts on Boris coming back? On one hand I do think he will be their most popular option among the voters, especially in the red wall but on the other hand he could destroy the party such is his divisiveness. From a purely anti-Tory perspective I'm in favour of him coming back although it is risky.
It would be an unmitigated disaster for the Tories and the country.
Still finding it so funny how desperately Truss wanted that job for ages. She started dressing like Thatcher a while back and trying to act Prime Ministerial. That plus the wildly overblown confidence she had in herself, only to be absolutely humiliated on the world stage and become the worst PM in history whilst being openly and widely mocked by all including her own party and compared to (and losing to) a wet lettuce. Unreal stuff. :lol: nothing less than she deserves.
I stopped watching QT ages ago, but since Brexit became a topic its seemed just full of mouth breathers and tory plants from the clips

what people on here don’t understand is QT make the audience up based upon the % of voters in the last (by)election for each party in the constituency it’s being held. So yeah, in the current climate the chances are there will be a lot of Tory voters in most episodes.
But would you prefer someone like Rishi who could stabalise the party? It's a difficult one as I'm torn between wanting to see the Tory party destroyed but it will come at a cost to the country in the short term.
To be honest I think the Tories could have the reincarnation of Thatcher as leader and it wouldn't change the fact that they are finished at the next general election.
Still finding it so funny how desperately Truss wanted that job for ages. She started dressing like Thatcher a while back and trying to act Prime Ministerial. That plus the wildly overblown confidence she had in herself, only to be absolutely humiliated on the world stage and become the worst PM in history whilst being openly and widely mocked by all including her own party and compared to (and losing to) a wet lettuce. Unreal stuff. :lol: nothing less than she deserves.
Even in the world of Tory arrogance, she had a level of self belief and arrogance that was beyond almost anything we have seen before.
Still finding it so funny how desperately Truss wanted that job for ages. She started dressing like Thatcher a while back and trying to act Prime Ministerial. That plus the wildly overblown confidence she had in herself, only to be absolutely humiliated on the world stage and become the worst PM in history whilst being openly and widely mocked by all including her own party and compared to (and losing to) a wet lettuce. Unreal stuff. :lol: nothing less than she deserves.
She seems like one of those people where she's confident because she's so dumb and unperceptive that nothing damages her self-belief.