Westminster Politics

One thing I've noticed while listening to the radio this evening is that tory MPs spend much more time talking about what's good for the party, what will be better for them at an election and who will unify the party a hell of a lot more than they talk about the country.

Both utterly unsurprising and utterly infuriating
They're not calling an election without a leader in charge for a few weeks so there's not much point discussing it. If they were a somewhat serious party they would realise that none of their MPs have the standing or support to be the PM and they should cast their eyes towards the peers in the Lords. If I were them I would consider trying to get William Hague in as PM as he's far better than anything they've got to offer in the commons. They won't though and they could elect Braverman who is perhaps the most mental of the lot.

I know you can hold a cabinet position as a Lord but can you be PM without also being an MP? I didn’t think you could.
I‘m not sure there is direct evidence of the two being linked but the timing strongly suggests that Suez led to a reappraisal of Britain’s role in the world (remember Dean Atcheson’s famous comment about “lost an empire but not found a role”). After Suez, the final illusions of independent great power status had evaporated and, by the early 60s (still under the Conservatives), Britain tried to join the European project but was vetoed by de Gaulle (who in hindsight was perhaps prescient rather than petulant).
Oh that's an interesting take, not one that I agree with however and to be honest I think they would have tried to join in irrespective of the suez debacle, just the realities of the post ww2 world kicking in.

And I don't think it had anything to do with Conservatives being in power either , it's admittedly a small sample size but nothing in atlee's foreign conduct convinces me that he would have acted otherwise although at that point it all becomes hypothetical.

De Gaulle was certainly prescient in many regards but I argue his vision of the European project was decidedly different than the one it ended up being but that's another topic.
Oh that's an interesting take, not one that I agree with however and to be honest I think they would have tried to join in irrespective of the suez debacle, just the realities of the post ww2 world kicking in.

And I don't think it had anything to do with Conservatives being in power either , it's admittedly a small sample size but nothing in atlee's foreign conduct convinces me that he would have acted otherwise although at that point it all becomes hypothetical.

De Gaulle was certainly prescient in many regards but I argue his vision of the European project was decidedly different than the one it ended up being but that's another topic.

I mentioned Conservatives to emphasise the continuity between Eden,Home and Macmillan (as opposed to Labour taking over after 1956). As for “they had to join”, that is logical but, as 2016 showed, dreams of exceptionalism die hard. In the 1950s, just 10 years after WWII (reinforced by films every year like “The Dambusters”) and as the Commonwealth was being being devoloped, I can’t imagine the British wanting to go into a partnership with what they saw as frogs, krauts and wops without a reality check like the fall out from Suez.
Legally yes (Lord Halifax was nearly PM over Churchill) but there is a constitutional convention that holds all PMs should be from the elected Chamber.
Ah, so they can ignore convention like they've done before. If it happens then fecking hell might as well get back in Geebs' bunker.
Let’s take a moment to recognise the absolute idiots who when asked to describe him in ONE WORD, used some of:

I'd be inclined to say that the tweet is incorrect and they asked people to describe him in as few words as possible. I know the average person is fecking stupid but come on, they can't be that thick.
I'd be inclined to say that the tweet is incorrect and they asked people to describe him in as few words as possible. I know the average person is fecking stupid but come on, they can't be that thick.
Yea, the tweet is incorrect. The answers given were in full sentences and they weren't asked to describe him in one word. Happy that my fellow countrymen are not as totally stupid as what was portrayed in the original tweet.

a scottishman eating the shit of an irishman whilst a southern englishman watches on. a sad indictment of british politics.
As crazy as it seems boris might actually have a chance

30 loyal buddies... he can probably muster that
30 promises of government salaries yo get some people on board
30 erg loons if he promises a full on trade war over the ni protocol
30 red wall type mps who think he's their only chance in an election and / or they convince 2019 still gives him some mandate

If he can get 120 mps he pretty much has to make the final two... and he will for sure win an online poll of Conservative members
We're still in the dark about whether the lettuce voted to leaf or romaine.
Seriously, I swear the UK are in dire need of going into a general election once and for all as this revolving doors for PMs will only make things far more dysfunctional down the road.

And I thought that Japan was the biggest joke when it comes to revolving doors for PMs from the same party in power except for the long tenure under Shinzo Abe.
From https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-63333462

"One of Ukraine's MPs - Oleksiy Goncharenko - also thanked Ms Truss for her support, saying that "Ukraine will never forget you!"

However, there was little sympathy for Liz Truss from Russia. Its foreign ministry spokeswoman welcomed her departure, saying Britain had "never known such a disgrace of a prime minister."
