Westminster Politics

Time for another General Election me thinks, surely it’s the only way for Britain to get out of this mess created by the Tories.
This has to be a real low point in modern British politics. The level of incompetence is unbelievable. Just goes to show you don’t need to be capable to reach the top. It’s not what you know, but who you know. The last two PM’s have really taken the country up the dry shitter thanks to their incompetence.
Time for another General Election me thinks, surely it’s the only way for Britain to get out of this mess created by the Tories.
This has to be a real low point in modern British politics. The level of incompetence is unbelievable. Just goes to show you don’t need to be capable to reach the top. It’s not what you know, but who you know. The last two PM’s have really taken the country up the dry shitter thanks to their incompetence.
The fixed parliament act has really had the opposite effect it was supposed to, hasn't it? Any conservative voting for an election now might as well resign as mp in the same process. Can't even blame them for hoping things will be better in a year or two in all honesty.

Then again if this continues for another 2 years they might have more to lose than a seat in parliament...
The fixed parliament act has really had the opposite effect it was supposed to, hasn't it? Any conservative voting for an election now might as well resign as mp in the same process. Can't even blame them for hoping things will be better in a year or two in all honesty.

Then again if this continues for another 2 years they might have more to lose than a seat in parliament...

The fixed parliament act has gone.
Truss or Boris?

The absolute amount of damage done by Boris must be bigger but Truss' damage per minute is impressive...

Truss definitely will take the crown from Anthony Eden. Personally I'd have Cameron as worse than Boris given he was a pro EU politician who took the UK out of Europe which was the catalyst for the politically choatic times we now live in.
Truss or Boris?

The absolute amount of damage done by Boris must be bigger but Truss' damage per minute is impressive...
Boris was consistent for longer but Truss had a higher peak
Truss definitely will take the crown from Anthony Eden. Personally I'd have Cameron as worse than Boris given he was a pro EU politician who took the UK out of Europe which was the catalyst for the politically choatic times we now live in.
Cameron's damage was also epic however it was Johnson who turned Brexit into national economic suicide as opposed to self-flagellation.

Boris was consistent for longer but Truss had a higher peak
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Probably the worst PM in history for me

Truss is a useless toad by anybody's bar, but lets not forget that tens of thousands of people died as a result of Boris & Sunak's covid policies, plus the 40bn wasted on ppe and other shady government contracts.
Likewise Cameron and how many people died from austerity or have been in poverty for a generation - plus of course Brexit.
Cameron's damage was also pretty epic

Hold on there, "call me Dave" won the first post coalition GE, to give the Tories their first clear majority in years; he rallied the troops in Scotland and blew a 'Raspberry' at Ms Sturgeon, to get a 10% 'No; vote... but yes, it's true he missed out on Brexit, a couple of million votes, (which we are told is no winning margin, really) so come on now, 2 out of 3 isn't bad... (Marcus would have taken that last night!).

Let's hear it for the 'golden boy' the Tories once, adored.... maybe Cameron will be the 'comeback kid '(not Boris) and make amends for his former 'Eton Mess' ;)
Hold on there, "call me Dave" won the first post coalition GE, to give the Tories their first clear majority in years; he rallied the troops in Scotland and blew a 'Raspberry' at Ms Sturgeon, to get a 10% 'No; vote... but yes, it's true he missed out on Brexit, a couple of million votes, (which we are told is no winning margin, really) so come on now, 2 out of 3 isn't bad... (Marcus would have taken that last night!).

Let's hear it for the 'golden boy' the Tories once, adored.... maybe Cameron will be the 'comeback kid '(not Boris) and make amends for his former 'Eton Mess' ;)

This does also mean that the last PM to be booted out of office by the voters was Gordon Brown.
Cameron and Boris caused more harm overall. But on an average amount of harm per day basis, she’s hard to top.
They're not calling an election without a leader in charge for a few weeks so there's not much point discussing it. If they were a somewhat serious party they would realise that none of their MPs have the standing or support to be the PM and they should cast their eyes towards the peers in the Lords. If I were them I would consider trying to get William Hague in as PM as he's far better than anything they've got to offer in the commons. They won't though and they could elect Braverman who is perhaps the most mental of the lot.
This does also mean that the last PM to be booted out of office by the voters was Gordon Brown.

Yes, it probably does... but Gordon had to have some distinction to mark his career, you wouldn't deny him that would you?
They're not calling an election without a leader in charge for a few weeks so...

...they're playing the game of 'whose turn is it in the barrel' and will keep doing this every couple of months up to the next GE, when the barrel finally topples over!
2 years is a long time in politics. Constant propaganda with the threat of woke mobs taking over would be enough for the Tories to win again
Sorry if this has been answered before, but: how come Truss's intentions (in the form of the mini-budget) were a surprise? The leadership campaign that she won went on for weeks, with various debates and other ways in which the candidates presented herself. She won that quite clearly, yet the first meaningful thing she does shocks everyone and basically instantly leads to her ouster.

Did she not explain during the campaign (which I didn't much follow) what she intended to do for the economy, or in general? Or how did this happen?
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Probably the worst PM in history for me

Nah, she'll be a pub quiz question in years to come, barely remembered. You have plenty more with a far longer and more damaging claim to fame. Cameron and Brexit, Blair and Iraq, Callaghan and the Winter of Discontent. Truss will be long forgotten as ever being PM in a few years.
2 years is a long time in politics. Constant propaganda with the threat of woke mobs taking over would be enough for the Tories to win again

This. It's why the call for General Elections has to be loud and heavy. It has to come from the public mostly to stop them using the "Public want stability, not an election" argument
Truss definitely will take the crown from Anthony Eden. Personally I'd have Cameron as worse than Boris given he was a pro EU politician who took the UK out of Europe which was the catalyst for the politically choatic times we now live in.

Suez was a much needed shot of reality about Britain’s status which led the UK to start thinking seriously about joining the forerunner of the EU. Maybe this Truss debacle marks the point when the Brexit delusions start to die?

As for worst PMs, Cameron unleashed this mayhem. He’s number 1 on the list of shame.
This. It's why the call for General Elections has to be loud and heavy. It has to come from the public mostly to stop them using the "Public want stability, not an election" argument

Yeah people need to get out on the street but they won't and the cycle will continue.