Westminster Politics

Wont have enough support from the MP's to get into the final 2.

I think he could quite easily. These narcissists are out to protect their jobs now. Boris attracts the village idiot vote and is a master manipulater. I can see many supporting him in the interest of self preservation.

" I'm a fighter not a quitter"


"I quit."

It's literally just an endless loop of:

1. Tory person says/does something
2. Tory person proven wrong/U-turns within days (often mere hours)
3. Tory person ignores what they did/said and tries to move on with something else.
The Times think so, They are desperate and will do anything to cling onto power
Am I the only one feeling sick? We are being held to ransom by this party.
Seems very unlikely he could make the final ballot. You get the feeling that the Tories will get Rishi and someone like Mourdant in the final two?
I wonder if they will even have public debates. It could be so messy if Boris and Sunak are debating.
Am I the only one feeling sick? We are being held to ransom by this party.

They don't really care who is leader as long as they're still in power. Chaos will continue to ensue while the rest of us suffer.
The R word has been mentioned a lot, but Boris coming back? Surely we riot?
Whilst the parliamentary pantomime keeps on entertaining the world the country is falling apart with households and many businesses struggling to stay afloat.
The tweet from Cummings in July which I referred to earlier. Googled why he refers to Boris as a trolley and it's because he described him as "a shopping trolley smashing from one side of the aisle to the other" :lol:

The R word has been mentioned a lot, but Boris coming back? Surely we riot?
He does/did have a mandate from the public. There were a lot of theories floating around the time of resignation he would be back to lead. God have mercy on us!
Yes!!! The entire party is going to implode upon itself!

Boris Johnson running for PM is in the national interest? Thank God for Boris, always thinking about others and not himself (or his many, many children)....
Let’s take a moment to recognise the absolute idiots who when asked to describe him in ONE WORD, used some of:

& likeable.
Time for another General Election me thinks, surely it’s the only way for Britain to get out of this mess created by the Tories.
This has to be a real low point in modern British politics. The level of incompetence is unbelievable. Just goes to show you don’t need to be capable to reach the top. It’s not what you know, but who you know. The last two PM’s have really taken the country up the dry shitter thanks to their incompetence.