Westminster Politics

You’re probably going to have to reconcile with the idea of archcriminal Rish being pm for the next 2 years. Because that is what’s going to happen.

No thanks, I will not recognise or call any criminal a PM.
Indeed, it'll just be the Parliamentary party meaning he can't even claim to have the support of the party membership, never mind the country as a whole.

Anyone in that position, will have zero authority from the get go.
They are immature whingers anyway. They'd cry coup after locking themselves out of their own house.

However this current conservative parliamentary party was elected under Boris and as far as I can remember he got rid of anyone with a modicum of decency or competence. So why would they vote in someone decent or competent now!?

Boris got rid of quite a few that is true but not all. As it stands two remainers hold the top two positions in government after Truss's resignation. There are still plenty of other moderates (by Tory standards) in the party people like Mourdant, Tugendhat and Wallace. The Tory right are correct when they complain that they've lost control, at least for now.

And his own political party members just rejected him - he'd have even less of a mandate than Truss did.

I think it's arguable that he has less of a mandate. Truss came in a ripped up the manifesto that Boris was elected on and implemented something diametrically oppossed to it. Sunak at least was Boris's chancellor implementing that 2019 manifesto. Neither of them have/had a satisfactory mandate though, at least in the spirit of the British political system.
With those polling numbers, I’m shocked you lot aren’t taking to the streets to demand a GE. There is civility and there is silent lambs to the slaughter - France went full riot with 40%

It's inevitablethat we get one soon. No leader they appoint will fare any better than Truss. Their party is totally broken and divided.
Errrr......did you miss him getting a fine from the police??
Fixed penalty notice for the party in lockdown.
I thought there might be something else. I personally think that crime is not severe or recent enough for it to have much of an impact on Tory MPs though. Could be wrong but if he's in the running, surely he has a very good chance.
They will probably lose it though (at least if you believe the polls), so it makes no sense for them to call one from their perspective.
Probably, but they're in a lose lose situation anyway. If they let this linger on for two more years, they'll eventually lose an election from which they may never recover from. Spending some time in opposition and letting Labour take the reins during tumultous times while they lick their wounds and regroup might be their best chance at staying relevant in the future. They're also currently sitting on a healthy majority, so there's always the hope that with the help of the press' inevitable hatchet job for Starmer coupled to the shy Tory voting effect, they might just hang on, thereby prolonging their 'mandate'.
There won't be an election. Most of the 'sensible' tories with at least a twisted view of doing right by your country were ousted in 2019. If the majority was single figures then it would be a possibility. But not with the current make-up. Don't get your hopes up.
I thought there might be something else. I personally think that crime is not severe or recent enough for it to have much of an impact on Tory MPs though. Could be wrong but if he's in the running, surely he has a very good chance.

A crime is a crime, and he is a known criminal, so is Boris, no way should either be able to become PM.

A person found to have broken the law, shouldn't be able to write that law.
There won't be an election. Most of the 'sensible' tories with at least a twisted view of doing right by your country were ousted in 2019. If the majority was single figures then it would be a possibility. But not with the current make-up. Don't get your hopes up.

Yeah a GE right now would be suicidal for the Tories.
With those polling numbers, I’m shocked you lot aren’t taking to the streets to demand a GE. There is civility and there is silent lambs to the slaughter - France went full riot with 40%

There is a reason the UK has the reputation of being a bone idle nation.
It is still breaking the law, and once you break the law, you are forever a criminal.
So anybody who litters.... has a parking ticket... goes 1mph over the limit... drinks under 18 smokes s joint.... yeah if that's the expectation of people who go into politics we are gonna end up with an even stranger bunch of leaders
Which is not a recordable criminal offence.... Because it's a fpn like a speeding ticket

Not disputing that.

Morally you could make the case that it was different from other FPNs, not least because members of the public got fined thousands for doing similar, and the hypocrisy to boot. But that is a political argument rather than a matter of legal disqualification and one I expect Labour to deploy daily if Sunak is picked.