Westminster Politics

From the outside, it's absolutely crazy that there wont be a General Election. I know, they still have a huge majority and I know holf of them would lose their seats, but as public representatives, they have to know a GE is needed for the good of the country and it just shows that they really couldn't give a shit about the people they represent, just their pay cheques and pensions.

Politics stopped being about the good of the country a long time ago. I think there’s a good number of politicians who would rather see the country burn than allowing the opposition to get in.
The country should take to the streets if the new PM doesn't call an election.
Do people in Britain really protest these days? I feel like they've been riddled with a grim sense of apathy after all the shit that's happened over the last number of years.
I propose a squid game style leadership contest. Get rid of some of them whilst we get a new 'leader'
Do people in Britain really protest these days? I feel like they've been riddled with a grim sense of apathy after all the shit that's happened over the last number of years.

Nah we’re absolutely shite at it when it comes to stuff like this.
Not completely relieved as we all know that the next Tory cnut will just finish what she started and run this country to the ground even more
Do people in Britain really protest these days? I feel like they've been riddled with a grim sense of apathy after all the shit that's happened over the last number of years.
Yeah no one's protesting. This isn't France unfortunately.
We are going to have a right wing loon aren't we so everything will be at the behest of the ERG.
Braverman. The last throw of the dice for the Tories is to go full Trump Mode. Attack the lefties who cancel everyone, you can't say anything nowadays, etc.
Braverman will be a disaster for the Tories.... so hopefully they pick her
Series 5 of The Thick of It this past six weeks has been quite something. Iannucci you’ve done it again you genius bastard.
How can Rishi stand, a) he is a criminal, and b) he was found to be less wanted than Truss!
He is a criminal for what exactly? Genuinely don't know what you're referring to.

In every round of voting he was the top candidate from Tory MPs though.
So feck off you horrible fecking bastard, I hope this shit haunts you for the rest of your miserable fecking life. Utter humiliation for you. I fecking love it.

Now get the rest of these cnuts out.

Aye. Similar to Boris' defenestration, it doesn't mean everything is suddenly OK but you have to take your pleasure where you can. These fecking narcissists getting thrown so unceremoniously from the positions of power they've craved all their lives is sweet sweet nectar, enjoy it when it happens but be ready for next shithouse is what I say.
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How can Rishi stand, a) he is a criminal, and b) he was found to be less wanted than Truss!
By the Conservative membership, by the Conservative MPs and general public I would think Rishi is much more preferable. He also has the benefit that I cannot remember anyone ever having that he said "if you do X then Y will happen" and it 100% coming to pass within a few weeks.
Why would they call an election?
Because we will have gone with 3 prime ministers in as many years, the latter two of which will have had no public mandate (outside of the 0.2% of the electorate who 'elected' them). They can't appear remotely credible without having secured a fresh mandate on the back of a new election.
Yeah no one's protesting. This isn't France unfortunately.

Protest where exactly??

Have you seen the cost (and reliability) of train tickets to get anywhere?

There are already people going without food as they can't afford that, and now there are calls for people to go places that they can't afford to go to??

Plus protesting has been outlawed by this sack of s**t government.
Hunt and Shapp who now hold the top two positions are definitely more to the centre. The right of the party are crowing that it's a centrist coup already. I mean the centre of the Tory party by the way.
They are immature whingers anyway. They'd cry coup after locking themselves out of their own house.

However this current conservative parliamentary party was elected under Boris and as far as I can remember he got rid of anyone with a modicum of decency or competence. So why would they vote in someone decent or competent now!?
How can Rishi stand, a) he is a criminal, and b) he was found to be less wanted than Truss!
And his own political party membership just rejected him - he'd have even less of a mandate than Truss did.
Because we will have gone with 3 prime ministers in as many years, the latter two of which will have had no public mandate (outside of the 0.2% of the electorate who 'elected' them). They can't appear remotely credible without having secured a fresh mandate on the back of a new election.

It's 3 prime ministers this year alone.
Truss should be charged with misconduct in public office.

45 days and only by announcing budgets which never even got voted upon she sparked a massive wave of new austerity paid for by millions of working people and the further degradation of public services.

All to assuage the wants of Tufton Street. People will die this winter, and this Government will have killed them.
Protest where exactly??

Have you seen the cost (and reliability) of train tickets to get anywhere?

There are already people going without food as they can't afford that, and now there are calls for people to go places that they can't afford to go to??

Plus protesting has been outlawed by this sack of s**t government.
You know in other countries that's precisely the sort of reason why people take to the streets.
Politics stopped being about the good of the country a long time ago. I think there’s a good number of politicians who would rather see the country burn than allowing the opposition to get in.

Ah I know, but there was at least. a pretence that it was still about the good of the country and the people. Now, they're not even trying to pretend.
He is a criminal for what exactly? Genuinely don't know what you're referring to.

In every round of voting he was the top candidate from Tory MPs though.

Errrr......did you miss him getting a fine from the police??
There's some cnut on 5Live (Tory MP named Bob, didn't catch the full name) saying there wasn't fighting yesterday, too busy attacking the SNP when being asked about a General Election. It's the standard response from these robots. Even when the country is fecked and they're causing chaos their only thought is about themselves and their shitty, toddler like, backchat to criticism.
Because we will have gone with 3 prime ministers in as many years, the latter two of which will have had no public mandate (outside of the 0.2% of the electorate who 'elected' them). They can't appear remotely credible without having secured a fresh mandate on the back of a new election.
They will probably lose it though (at least if you believe the polls), so it makes no sense for them to call one from their perspective.