Westminster Politics

Genuinely gutted she’s gone.

Longer she stayed more and more chance the country would finally get rid of the fecking tories.

Plus it was hilarious watching her.

They’ll put someone else in and win another election, somehow. And everyone will blame Labour for this or that.
With a new PM most likely comes another reshuffle of his or her cabinet, so another new chancellor, new home Secretary etc etc...
Genuinely gutted she’s gone.

Longer she stayed more and more chance the country would finally get rid of the fecking tories.

Plus it was hilarious watching her.

They’ll put someone else in and win another election, somehow. And everyone will blame Labour for this or that.
I think that time has finally passed
What could that "something" be??

They are done for as a party.

Things can turn up to be fair. Thatcher benefitted massively from things outside of her control like the North Sea Oil bonanza and the Falklands War. I wouldn't expect anything as dramatic as that to happen but they'd be better off gambling that in two years time inflation will be lower (it most likely will) and that maybe the worst of the economic pain has been ridden out (entirely possible). It would be a better position to be in than how the near future is shaping up.
Because I specifically asked you to clarify that this was your view in order to avoid any confusion. Are you now saying it isn't?
My view is this is how the establishment thinks.

Again, how are you not getting this? I couldn't be any clearer. You're trying to attribute a view I believe a group holds as my own. Very odd.
I mean surely a GE has to be called now?? This is farcical
They would get wiped out.

The Tories just aren't fit to govern. More time wasted on leadership elections, no real mandate. It will break into two factions and it's all Dave Cameron's fault for chasing a referendum.
Maybe Boris is actually a genius....wasn't Cummings saying that he backed Truss as he expected her to feck things up which might open the door back up for Boris?
Genuinely gutted she’s gone.

Longer she stayed more and more chance the country would finally get rid of the fecking tories.

Plus it was hilarious watching her.

They’ll put someone else in and win another election, somehow. And everyone will blame Labour for this or that.

Nahh...they are done for, the Conservative Party is finished.
This the end of days for them.
Surely its farcical if they don't call a GE now. Watford have gone through less managers than we have PMs lately.
From the outside, it's absolutely crazy that there wont be a General Election. I know, they still have a huge majority and I know holf of them would lose their seats, but as public representatives, they have to know a GE is needed for the good of the country and it just shows that they really couldn't give a shit about the people they represent, just their pay cheques and pensions.
So some 'safe pair of hands' comes in, the polling narrows and we spend the next two years worrying as they regain ground. The right wing media will stop carping about immigration for a bit, knowing its only helping Labour, and we'll have them relentless attacking Starmer for a bit. Hope this mess didnt end too soon.
Maybe Boris is actually a genius....wasn't Cummings saying that he backed Truss as he expected her to feck things up which might open the door back up for Boris?

Apparently there are a number of people willing to go on the record to prove that Bodger knowingly lied to parliament..

If the inquiry goes ahead he's fooked
We need a general election desperately

I am concerned that most people now will look less stupid so pull back in the Conservative voters again
Things can turn up to be fair. Thatcher benefitted massively from things outside of her control like the North Sea Oil bonanza and the Falklands War. I would'nt expect anything as dramatic as that to happen but they'd be better off gambling that in two years time inflation will be lower (it most likely will) and that maybe the worst of the economic pain has been ridden out (entirely possible). It would be a better position to be in than how the near future is shaping up.

Nahh, a war wouldn't unite the country behind the Conservative Party, the Falklands was a completely different time, with no twitter to see just how pointless and small fry it actually was in the grand scheme of things.

There is nothing that can save them.
Imagine the scenes if Suella Braverman wins the tory race for new PM
So some 'safe pair of hands' comes in, the polling narrows and we spend the next two years worrying as they regain ground. The right wing media will stop carping about immigration for a bit, knowing its only helping Labour, and we'll have them relentless attacking Starmer for a bit. Hope this mess didnt end too soon.
Wishful thinking, but I feel like not holding a GE would go down very badly with the public. They have to try and now conjure up a somewhat palatable leader, call a GE, and hope the media hammers in on Starmer again.
So some 'safe pair of hands' comes in, the polling narrows and we spend the next two years worrying as they regain ground. The right wing media will stop carping about immigration for a bit, knowing its only helping Labour, and we'll have them relentless attacking Starmer for a bit. Hope this mess didnt end too soon.
Possibly - but don't think Starmer hasn't had conversations with those controlling the media.
The country should take to the streets if the new PM doesn't call an election.
With those polling numbers, I’m shocked you lot aren’t taking to the streets to demand a GE. There is civility and there is silent lambs to the slaughter - France went full riot with 40%
With those polling numbers, I’m shocked you lot aren’t taking to the streets to demand a GE. There is civility and there is silent lambs to the slaughter - France went full riot with 40%

Public will never do anything. The prices are rising and all sorts and most people just shrug their shoulders
So some 'safe pair of hands' comes in, the polling narrows and we spend the next two years worrying as they regain ground. The right wing media will stop carping about immigration for a bit, knowing its only helping Labour, and we'll have them relentless attacking Starmer for a bit. Hope this mess didnt end too soon.

There is no "safe pair of hands", everyone has their own issues.
They won't regain any ground, if anything they will fall further and further away.