Westminster Politics

Leadership election within a week?? The last one took months at a time when the country desperately needed leadership.
Yeah, they're panicking. They want it done as soon as possible so a movement demanding a GE can't gain momentum. Time will tell if it'll work. Either way the Tories are fecked, even if it's two years from now.
I'm not convinced unless another disaster happens. The economic outlook for next year is dire. It kind of feels to me that their best bet is to drag it out all the way to the end of the fixed term and hope that 'something turns up'.

What could that "something" be??

They are done for as a party.
Which criminal will be elected leader of the Criminalervative Party?
So feck off you horrible fecking bastard, I hope this shit haunts you for the rest of your miserable fecking life. Utter humiliation for you. I fecking love it.

Now get the rest of these cnuts out.
All of these Tories who are worried about their jobs, and their mortgages...

Just get another job you workshy bastards. There's plenty of jobs to top up your salary, don't you know?! Don't rely on the State to prop you up.
@rimaldo get your calculator ready. I'm going to need a chancellor when I take over from Truss!

i’ve already started ploughing through the rentboys. ordered a boat load of chang too. booked in to walk around a facility later, before vetoing a planning application for a special school.
Yeah, they're panicking. They want it done as soon as possible so a movement demanding a GE can't gain momentum. Time will tell if it'll work. Either way the Tories are fecked, even if it's two years from now.
I do love that they're excluding their own supporters from the process as the Parliamentary party clearly realises they're fecking nutters :lol:
Which criminal will be elected leader of the Criminalervative Party?
With most old tories gone and this current criminalervative party being cut from the cloth of brexiteers it's bound to be an equally idiotic person who promises magic cake to anyone listening.
Why is she allowed to continue on, why has she not been chucked out of number 10?
"I'm a fighter, not a quitter!"

(fast forwards 14 hours)

I thought Truss would be catastrophically bad but even so….She’s smashed the record for shortest PM tenure.

Has to be a GE now.
We should really be making a concerted effort, at a grassroots level, do call for a GE asap.
Tory leadership is basically just the Watford job now.

Three PMs in the space of 2 months.
Guess she didn't Trusst herself to steady the ship.
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I never win anything, would make my day if my ballot is drawn and I get the chance to be PM. X