Westminster Politics

The Home office is probably the third most powerful office in the country after the PM's and the Chancellor's, he'll have an obscene amount of powers as other Home Secs have had. He won't because it would be political suicide, but feck me, please try, it'll only make Jeremy stronger.
I know the Home Secretary has the power to do it.
I'm saying I don't think he has the balls.

He’s got the stance of a man with enormous balls tbf.

What the hell is it with Tories and their inability to look like human beings? Maybe they really are all lizards after all?

Most definitely.

I just read tbat according to a poll in the evening standard rape clause Ruth is the Tory supporters preferred next leader choice.
I just read tbat according to a poll in the evening standard rape clause Ruth is the Tory supporters preferred next leader choice.

In many ways she's the natural go-to - she's well-spoken, fairly young and fresh, and remains untainted by Westminster scandals after having rejuvenated the Tories up north. Her LGBT credentials also help if the party are looking for a fairly liberal, modern leader.

But I do think she'd face a lot of problems. For one, she's spent her entire time as a politician in opposition and as a result she's become very good at generating soundbites without having to actually defend government policy at all, which is always much tougher than constantly being on the attack. She tends to get an easy ride from the media as well - when she's on QT for example she tends to be the sole Scottish representative, and as a result often gets away with exaggerating certain truths without being stringently called out on them. And as of yet she's completely untested at Westminster - it's a very different environment to Holyrood, and she'd have a tough time trying to manage an already fractured Westminster party when a lot of them would view her as an inferior who's been parachuted to the top without notice, especially since she's an ardent Remainer.

Also she's Scottish. And so would be expected (you'd imagine) to take a Scottish seat if she wants to appear at all credible up here. But the problem is there's not really any such thing as a safe Tory seat, and so if she wants to remain as an MP up here then the Tories would have to rely on having a PM could be unseated in any strong swing against them.
In many ways she's the natural go-to - she's well-spoken, fairly young and fresh, and remains untainted by Westminster scandals after having rejuvenated the Tories up north. Her LGBT credentials also help if the party are looking for a fairly liberal, modern leader.

But I do think she'd face a lot of problems. For one, she's spent her entire time as a politician in opposition and as a result she's become very good at generating soundbites without having to actually defend government policy at all, which is always much tougher than constantly being on the attack. She tends to get an easy ride from the media as well - when she's on QT for example she tends to be the sole Scottish representative, and as a result often gets away with exaggerating certain truths without being stringently called out on them. And as of yet she's completely untested at Westminster - it's a very different environment to Holyrood, and she'd have a tough time trying to manage an already fractured Westminster party when a lot of them would view her as an inferior who's been parachuted to the top without notice, especially since she's an ardent Remainer.

Also she's Scottish. And so would be expected (you'd imagine) to take a Scottish seat if she wants to appear at all credible up here. But the problem is there's not really any such thing as a safe Tory seat, and so if she wants to remain as an MP up here then the Tories would have to rely on having a PM could be unseated in any strong swing against them.
To be fair i think she is actually a better fit for the country than May. I suspect that she would be stronger in relation to Brexit.

He’s got the stance of a man with enormous balls tbf.

What the hell is it with Tories and their inability to look like human beings? Maybe they really are all lizards after all?


Ffs, the May stance gets me every time.
To be fair i think she is actually a better fit for the country than May. I suspect that she would be stronger in relation to Brexit.

She's be stronger in opposing Brexit, but then that runs contradictory to the wishes of the party she's in.
Does she actually oppose it though or is that the party line designed to win seats in Scotland?

She won't oppose its actual implementation (poor word choice from me), but she was strongly against it in 2016 and argued quite strongly against it. She'd largely toe the party line if in power but would probably lean closer towards a softer Brexit model, which will probably put off the Tory members from actually voting for her.
Can't believe the Lib Dems seceded on issue 3 during the coalition. Spineless.
May has ordered a 3 line whip against a Labour motion to release all papers relating to the Windrush scandal. That seems a fairly desperate move, if she feels the criticism she'll no doubt get from that is better than what could be in those documents it must be pretty bad.

Edit: Also talk of a massive cancer screening scandal about to break.

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The Labour numbers look right but no way do only 44% of tories think immigration should be tougher.

Wonder how many different surveys they had to do before they got the result they wanted

You're misreading the poll. It's modelling the opinion of the general public towards the parties not a particular party's voters.
You're misreading the poll. It's modelling the opinion of the general public towards the parties not a particular party's voters.

Ah that makes a lot more sense, its been one of those days.

In that case i think its better than i thought considering Labour don't really have a position on immigration
I'm sure the BBC will be covering this in great detail in the coming days.
Only if documents revealing May’s activities in the Home Office are leaked.

It’s like the run up to the Scottish Independence referendum when suddenly the country became a part of Britain, only to become obsolete weeks after the vote.

He’s got the stance of a man with enormous balls tbf.

What the hell is it with Tories and their inability to look like human beings? Maybe they really are all lizards after all?

Cameron seems to be the only one doing it right, without looking a complete idiot.
By the way, am I missing something or why is there almost no one talking about this vote? A massive deal was made last time.
What do we want? Local election results.

When do we want them? Spread awkwardly over the dead hours of the night.

Early results suggesting the remain/leave dichotomy still very much in evidence.