Westminster Politics

This whole thing has been properly disgusting.
All stems from the stupid, unrealistic goal of a migration level in the 'tens of thousands'. This pledge was made by Cameron, for the only reason that the phrase 'tens of thousands' sounded nice when read in a speech, and enthusiastically persued by Tharesa May because she hates Foreigners.

She's the monster that set up a migration system that makes it harder for people with kids to live together, that made family migration unaffordable for half the nation and who's 'hostile environment for migrants' leads to bullshit like this and Dr's being sent home.

Though this is no surprise, it really is alarming to see it laid out in bullet point form.

This whole thing has been properly disgusting.

Just a reminder that the British tax payer only stopped paying off the loan to pay the slave owners of these very descendants in 2015 (iirc)

With no reparations, no justice, and now no right to stay - the descendants of slaves are still subject to inequality.

Yet, Theresa May will turn to the Commonwealth for trade after Brexit. Feck off.
We give America and Trump shit over things like the dreamers etc. This country is no different. Every country gets the government it deserves. Unfortunately for us, there are too many cnuts in this country.
May is cnut. I can't even look at her face on TV.
Though this is no surprise, it really is alarming to see it laid out in bullet point form.

Just a reminder that the British tax payer only stopped paying off the loan to pay the slave owners of these very descendants in 2015 (iirc)

With no reparations, no justice, and now no right to stay - the descendants of slaves are still subject to inequality.

Yet, Theresa May will turn to the Commonwealth for trade after Brexit. Feck off.
Been hearing some have been denied access to the NHS after paying taxes for decades.
I'm so angry. .
Can't even find the words...
What really irritates me is that the Beeb are, once again, nowhere to be seen when a Conservative/non-black Labour shadow minister says something so incendiary. All they have about the comment is 'The re-started session also addressed the so-called "rape clause"' under the headline McVey Holyrood committee hearing halted after gallery outcry.

If these vicious people are never brought to account then what is the point?!
What really irritates me is that the Beeb are, once again, nowhere to be seen when a Conservative/non-black Labour shadow minister says something so incendiary. All they have about the comment is 'The re-started session also addressed the so-called "rape clause"' under the headline McVey Holyrood committee hearing halted after gallery outcry.

If these vicious people are never brought to account then what is the point?!

Amazing to think that not that long ago the BBC were being accused of left wing bias..
Bit of a row growing following PMQs about the apparent destruction of the Landing Cards relating to the Windrush case. May seemed to catch out Corbyn by claiming the destruction was ordered under Labour in 2009 but a source in the Home Office is saying it was in 2010.

No need to worry, the BBC made sure May's talking point was not just repeated but extended to explicitly say that the Labour government in 2009 made the decision.

It's a shit excuse anyway. If I find a piece of paper from the person who had my job before me and it says "pull down your pants and set fire to the building" should I just do it and then act like I am not responsible for the actions, or should I not do what any right minded individual would and think "hmm, something isn't quite right about this". May was severely under-qualified for her role in the Home Office and as PM she is an absolute joke.
No need for excuses when the state broadcaster can do stuff like that for you. As fecking awful as Maybot is, she avoided claiming it was a government decision (i.e. under a government, not by). Not Andrew Neil on the BBC though, he put his head down and brought that wall of distinction down.
It's a shit excuse anyway. If I find a piece of paper from the person who had my job before me and it says "pull down your pants and set fire to the building" should I just do it and then act like I am not responsible for the actions, or should I not do what any right minded individual would and think "hmm, something isn't quite right about this". May was severely under-qualified for her role in the Home Office and as PM she is an absolute joke.
It's not a shit excuse. Labour were tearing her apart for dumping them. She reminded them that the decision to do so was taken on Labour's watch. It is not usually the incoming governments practice to totally scrutinise every bit of legislation the previous government made. Or overturn it. Do you have any idea how big the HO is or how much info it holds? Besides whatever was on the Landing cards in terms of passenger names and ages will be obtainable from the ships' manifests. It doesn't matter who ordered it. It is a bureaucratic disaster and it should be sorted - pronto.
It's not a shit excuse. Labour were tearing her apart for dumping them. She reminded them that the decision to do so was taken on Labour's watch. It is not usually the incoming governments practice to totally scrutinise every bit of legislation the previous government made. Or overturn it. Do you have any idea how big the HO is or how much info it holds? Besides whatever was on the Landing cards in terms of passenger names and ages will be obtainable from the ships' manifests. It doesn't matter who ordered it. It is a bureaucratic disaster and it should be sorted - pronto.
Citation needed.
"Honest" John. Debating isn't even worth it because you ignore what you don't want to hear.
It was supposedly a UKBA decision, but what they should be hounded on are their later reforms that made such documentation needed for people that had lived here for decades to prove it. The cards themselves seem to be a distraction to that.
It was supposedly a UKBA decision, but what they should be hounded on are their later reforms that made such documentation needed for people that had lived here for decades to prove it. The cards themselves seem to be a distraction to that.
Can't be right. Andrew Neil, fresh from having everyone claiming he's a national treasure and in no way biased towards the Tories, just said that it was a Labour government's decision.
It was supposedly a UKBA decision, but what they should be hounded on are their later reforms that made such documentation needed for people that had lived here for decades to prove it. The cards themselves seem to be a distraction to that.
I can't wait to see who gets the grovelling apology donation this time.

So did Jeremy Corbyn not walk out or does he not blame Theresa May for the Windrush scandal?
Those are the two things that the tweet says so presumably if you're expecting an apology you think one of those things isn't true so which is it.

Corbyn does blame May for the Windrush scandal. He did leave the commons. Those two things are true. One person may think he was hypocritical and insensitive on the basis of that, others might think he's justified and was perfectly entitled to leave when he wanted to. It's quite extraordinary that anyone should think either one of those interpretations of events is reason for an apology and a donation to charity to make amends for their interpretation.

But this is where we are now. These threads and politics in general are just full of people whose political persuasion is best described as belonging to How Dare You Hold That Opinion About Jeremy Corbyn party. It's absolutely cultist. There's a bizarre and sometimes terrifying devotion to him. Some people's only interest in politics seems to be in finding a Tweet where someone voices a contrary view or negative opinion, and attack them for it.

Political debate is at the point now where unless you accept that one politician is beyond criticism you will be attacked for it. That's absolutely where we are. These boards are haunted by a group or three or four posters who do nothing but that. The second anyone criticises Corbyn or Corbyn's policy or Corbyn's handling of the media - there they are. Any form of criticism makes you a "Tory", because that's how politics works now.
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The arms dealing, Brit deporting, vicar's daughter stopped short of saying it was 'a decision taken by Labour', on account of it being complete bollocks. Not trusty Ben Bradley though, he hasn't got time for such distinctions.

Also, a big fan of you complaining that criticising Corbyn makes you a Tory, a paragraph after labelling the other end of the spectrum as cultist. Bravo.
So did Jeremy Corbyn not walk out or does he not blame Theresa May for the Windrush scandal?
Those are the two things that the tweet says so presumably if you're expecting an apology you think one of those things isn't true so which is it.

Corbyn does blame May for the Windrush scandal. He did leave the commons. Those two things are true. One person may think he was hypocritical and insensitive on the basis of that, others might think he's justified and was perfectly entitled to leave when he wanted to. It's quite extraordinary that anyone should think either one of those interpretations of events is reason for an apology and a donation to charity to make amends for their interpretation.

But this is where we are now. These threads and politics in general are just full of people whose political persuasion is best described as belonging to How Dare You Hold That Opinion About Jeremy Corbyn party. It's absolutely cultist. There's a bizarre and sometimes terrifying devotion to him. Some people's only interest in politics seems to be in finding a Tweet where someone voices a contrary view or negative opinion, and attack them for it.

Political debate is at the point now where unless you accept that one politician is beyond criticism you will be attacked for it. That's absolutely where we are. These boards are haunted by a group or three or four posters who do nothing but that. The second anyone criticises Corbyn or Corbyn's policy or Corbyn's handling of the media - there they are. Any form of criticism makes you a "Tory", because that's how politics works now.
Didn't you vote Lib Dem in the last election ? If so you might as well be a tory.
Didn't you vote Lib Dem in the last election ? If so you might as well be a tory.

Yeah this IS pretty much where we are, just in case anyone was in any doubt.


It's depressing but there we are. This is what happens when the morons take charge of the debate. We've nothing but 'You're a Tory' and 'How dare you question our Lord'. We just pivot between the two. It's what happens when people whose only exposure to adult conversation is an Adrian Durham football phone in. No debate on issues, no nuance, no honest held opinion.

"TORY!!" *points*
Blimey the 'Someone's criticised Corbyn' bat signal must have been strong this morning, two have turned up. One more to go.

But it isn't a cult, obviously. Their honest held view on absolutely everything is whatever Corbyn has said or will say on various issues. And anyone who doesn't hold those views IS A TORY!!! *points again*

Just a collection of shit Malcolm Tuckers.
Chucking labels around based on political opinion is bad and proof that the debate is being driven by morons.

PS. Everyone who disagrees with mine is in a cult. I am the wise man, hear my cry.
Yeah this IS pretty much where we are, just in case anyone was in any doubt.


It's depressing but there we are. This is what happens when the morons take charge of the debate. We've nothing but 'You're a Tory' and 'How dare you question our Lord'

God your easy to wind-up.

Blimey the 'Someone's criticised Corbyn' bat signal must have been strong this morning, two have turned up. One more to go.

But it isn't a cult, obviously. Their honest held view on absolutely everything is whatever Corbyn has said or will say on various issues. And anyone who doesn't hold those views IS A TORY!!! *points again*

Just a collection of shit Malcolm Tuckers.
I didn't say you are tory just that might as well be because you voted Lib Dem.
It's just that you can trace this, and the Corbyn thread back, and whenever there is a criticism or anything that deviates from praise the same two or three names pounce, immediately. Really fecking quickly actually as if my jibe of a anti-Corbyn bat-signal shining into the sky is actually worryingly close to the truth.

People who seem to have no opinions of their own other than see it as some kind of duty to attack anyone who criticises anything Corbyn says, does (or doesn't say and doesn't do) or any position he's taken in the past or any position he takes at present. Absolutely suffocating any political thread here not about Donald Trump. Only one opinion is allowed, anyone who deviates from that and within moments there's half the Corb Club ready to pounce.

It's the story of any political thread here not about Donald Trump.

It's the same as anyone who criticises him on social media. Find any Tweet from anyone with more than 1,000 followers being critical of him (I haven't checked, is being critical of a politican still legal?) and immediately they're similarly attacked in the same way by people who seem to have a problem with anyone having a different opinion to them.

"You're a Tory" (Redcafe)

"You're a Zionist bitch" (Social Media)

It's tiring having to pretend there isn't a link and pretend this isn't a problem from the left where their only response to differing opinion is abuse and assault. Recently on the Corbyn thread I was asking whether his free bus pass for U25s should be limited to those working and in education in response to someone saying it would be good for those in education or starting out work.


It's not a huge stretch of the imagination to wonder if something as innocuous as discussing a policy on free bus passes gets his supporters angry and irate, what abuse they send to people anonymously on social media when they've actual real criticism of his leadership.
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Up is down. Stating things that demonstrably didn't happen, even after this has been pointed out by the party you belong to, as fact is just a Tory MP expressing an opinion. Muhammad Ali would never hurt a fly.

Framing your political view point as grouping anyone who disagrees with you is damaging politics. Cult, cult, Corbyn club, cult, cult. Oh and you're probably also antisemitic because...reasons.

It's just that you can trace this, and the Corbyn thread back, and whenever there is a criticism or anything that deviates from praise the same two or three names pounce, immediately.
It's political correctness gone mad. You can't even directly quote a person without it seeming like they get some sort of 'notification' that you've done so via the software the forum in question runs on and reply in kind.
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It's just that you can trace this, and the Corbyn thread back, and whenever there is a criticism or anything that deviates from praise the same two or three names pounce, immediately. Really fecking quickly actually as if my jibe of a anti-Corbyn bat-signal shining into the sky is actually worryingly close to the truth.

People who seem to have no opinions of their own other than see it as some kind of duty to attack anyone who criticises anything Corbyn says, does (or doesn't say and doesn't do) or any position he's taken in the past or any position he takes at present. Absolutely suffocating any political thread here not about Donald Trump. Only one opinion is allowed, anyone who deviates from that and within moments there's half the Corb Club ready to pounce.

It's the story of any political thread here not about Donald Trump.
I don't mean to be rude but none of this stuff happens, there's been plenty of criticism towards Corbyn(especially before the general election and the recent news about anti semitism in the Labour Party).

I think part of the problem is someone feels like they are getting ''attacked'' when the reality is they are just getting

1)Called out

2)Challenge on their political stance.

A couple of examples. Your views on the local elections - how the Labour gains should be more than moderate considering the who's in charge in the government but when asked what those gains should be, you completely avoid the question and instead talked about people being ''uncultured'', making it sorta of clear that you'll be complaining whatever the local results are. Your stance on Labour's plan to have free buses for the under 25's (you said it shouldn't go to the unemployed) got called out as fecking over the unemployed(Which is it)and it being sort of tory-ish(Which well... it is). None of this stuff is attacking you or some sort of fandom following you around, it's just people talking politics on a forum.

Also(Sorry this bit is rude)I would say it's clear from reading your posts that your failing to understand why the type of politics you like/connect with not only doesn't work electorally anymore but has in part massively help cause the situation we are in today. If your the only running around screaming ''cult' ''cult'' ''it all a cult'' then you might want a re think.
Amy Nice, 21, had battled with mental and physical ill health, but fears over her benefits proved the final straw, an inquest in Preston heard yesterday.

Preston Coroner’s Court heard that Chorley artist Amy, who was unemployed, was also struggling to cope financially to provide for herself and her young son.

Coroner James Newman talked of Amy’s underlying physical illness and mental health issues.

He also said that she had been “placed under great financial pressure because of the changes to her benefits”.

He said: “She had a long and documented history of physical illnesses that I believe led to the onset of depression as well.

“In 2016 and 2017 there’s a picture of a cyclical depression and anxiety together with underlying and undiagnosed medical conditions that I can understand would have played on Amy’s mind.

“She had a history of self-harm but there were protective factors - she was well supported by family and friends and she cared for her son.

“However, her condition appears to change quite dramatically in late 2017. I heard that she was under pressure from the DWP, a source of income that she relied upon.

“I can foresee that financial pressure would play massively in a young woman’s mind, a young woman with a young child and with a history of mental illness.

“It would seem to me that matters had been coming to a head and on October 24, 2017 Amy has taken that ultimate step, after dropping her son off at school."

Amy was found by dog-walker Paul Taylor, after she had committed suicide in Birkacre Wood in Chorley on October 24, 2017.

Speaking at the inquest Amy’s mum Joy Nice said: “Universal Credit was a massive thing.”

The inquest heard that because of Amy’s health problems she was in constant pain and was struggling to keep up with the pressure from the job centre to hunt for work.

She was fearful that as changes took place with Universal Credit that she would lose her benefits.

Amy’s GP Dr Susan Heald, who was called to give evidence, told the court that her colleague had given Amy a sick note to hand over to the job centre.

“My colleague felt at the time that she wasn’t capable to be looking for work,” said Dr Heald. She added: “I understand that a lot of the reason behind her depression was financial because she was bringing up her son on her own.

“She was looking after him really well, there was no question about that. There was just one mention of her ex partner being in the scene where she was extremely anxious at one point.”

Dr Heald also told the inquest that Amy had had panic attacks in October 2016, a year before her death, because “her previous partner had been abusive towards her”.

Giving evidence detective inspector Jane Webb of Lancashire Constabulary told the inquest that four handwritten notes were found at the scene of Amy’s death, one to Amy’s family and friends and another to the person who would find her. She said that they told of how Amy was “deeply sorry for her actions but she couldn’t see a way forward”.

The detective inspector added: “It was the ongoing mental health issues that she had coupled with the physical difficulty that she had at the time which were compounded with the financial pressure of providing for herself and her son.” Emma Clayton, a mental health nurse for Start Team, said: “The main part of the assessment was around her benefits and that was causing her a lot of concern.” She said that Start Team commonly hear from people coming to them with concerns over changes to the benefit system.

A DWP spokesperson said: “Our thoughts are with Ms Nice’s family at this difficult time. Suicide is a very complex issue, so it would be wrong to link it solely to someone’s benefit claim. We’re committed to ensuring that people with mental health conditions get the full support that they need.”

For help and support for those suffering from suicidal thoughts, the Samaritans can be found on 116 123.
