Westminster Politics


UK government refused to work with a French investigation into money laundering because the criminals gave the tories money.


That background response is usually the type of stuff you'd pass to MPs and higher ups for review. I'd be very intrigued to know the process behind approving such requests and if for such high profile cases they get passed up through the chain.

Can't say i read Buzzfeed but that's some very good reporting right there. Main papers have picked it up so will be interesting to see if there's the backlash it deserves
Can't say i read Buzzfeed but that's some very good reporting right there.

It’s crazy how quickly they’ve gone from a ‘50 ways to shave your dog!’ clickbait site, to a place that produces hard hitting investigative journalism.
It’s crazy how quickly they’ve gone from a ‘50 ways to shave your dog!’ clickbait site, to a place that produces hard hitting investigative journalism.

That is their business model. The clickbait lists and the like fund the investigative journalism.
That is their business model. The clickbait lists and the like fund the investigative journalism.

Good on them. I know that when they produced the Steele dossier though there was a lot of ‘Buzzfeed?! WTF?!’ going around though. Bit of a hard reputation to break.

UK government refused to work with a French investigation into money laundering because the criminals gave the tories money.


well actually from the article

"The HMRC response went on to say that Lycamobile would be likely to challenge any raids on its properties in court and may succeed because the French request did not contain enough “solid information”. The request stalled, and Lycamobile’s UK offices were never searched."

so basically they knew the laywers would look at the search warrent and that they did not (at the time) have strong enough evidence for one to be legally granted

so in essence a more accurate interpretation of the story would be Civil service lawyer recommends civil service don't break law... but yeah sure go spin / fake news it any way that suits an agenda
well actually from the article

"The HMRC response went on to say that Lycamobile would be likely to challenge any raids on its properties in court and may succeed because the French request did not contain enough “solid information”. The request stalled, and Lycamobile’s UK offices were never searched."

so basically they knew the laywers would look at the search warrent and that they did not (at the time) have strong enough evidence for one to be legally granted

so in essence a more accurate interpretation of the story would be Civil service lawyer recommends civil service don't break law... but yeah sure go spin / fake news it any way that suits an agenda
As opposed to what? Going only after people who are likely to roll over whenever the see a suit? And why even take their political donations into consideration?

The conservative party has practically decimated the serious crime unit. And it's not because people are committing less high level fraud.
As opposed to what? Going only after people who are likely to roll over whenever the see a suit? And why even take their political donations into consideration?

The conservative party has practically decimated the serious crime unit. And it's not because people are committing less high level fraud.
So they don't have enough evidence to secure a legal warrent
They know a lawyer is going to scrutinise the warrent
Clearly in that instance they should back off

Unless you fancy a state where the police and judiciary don't actually have to obey laws and provide evidence

The crimes were alleged to have taken place abroad... were investigated abroad and the French authorities did not provide sufficient evidence... perhaps the French police should get a strong enough case?
So they don't have enough evidence to secure a legal warrent
They know a lawyer is going to scrutinise the warrent
Clearly in that instance they should back off

Unless you fancy a state where the police and judiciary don't actually have to obey laws and provide evidence

The crimes were alleged to have taken place abroad... were investigated abroad and the French authorities did not provide sufficient evidence... perhaps the French police should get a strong enough case?
The French police had a strong enough case to arrest 19 people for money laundering. Buzzfeed news found evidence of money laundering in the UK. The UK government responded with some tosh about them being donors to the conservative party. How else other than corruption can that be viewed?
I'm not sure what is worse - the story, or the fact that she thinks the story is something to be proud of.

Not to appear particularly defensive of the Lib Dems, but it does say in one of the replies that the tightening of sanctions in this case didn't pass and so the Lib Dems managed to get their 5p bag policy without conceding anything in the end. Although relying on the prescience of a party who have mostly destroyed themselves is admittedly stretching a bit.
Not to appear particularly defensive of the Lib Dems, but it does say in one of the replies that the tightening of sanctions in this case didn't pass and so the Lib Dems managed to get their 5p bag policy without conceding anything in the end. Although relying on the prescience of a party who have mostly destroyed themselves is admittedly stretching a bit.
According to her other tweets, they'd been advised the changes would be illegal so wouldn't go through, up to people to decide whether they believe that or not. The point she's actually making though is that the Tories have gone from a party that looked at a 5p tax on plastic bags and demanded increased benefit sanctions in return to one proposing the banning of single-use plastics, because state intervention actually worked (see also: sugar tax).
The French police had a strong enough case to arrest 19 people for money laundering. Buzzfeed news found evidence of money laundering in the UK. The UK government responded with some tosh about them being donors to the conservative party. How else other than corruption can that be viewed?
No... the article states that the reason a warrent was not executed by hmrc is that their legal advuce qas the evidence provided did not reach the standard Likely to be sufficient for a warrent to be granted in the UK.. . As they knew the warrent was likely to be scrutinised by a lawyer they did not apply knowing it would fail
As someone put it on twitter - ''She can’t resign without committing her successor to a change in policy, and the policy cannot change because it’s the prime minister’s pet campaign.''
As someone put it on twitter - ''She can’t resign without committing her successor to a change in policy, and the policy cannot change because it’s the prime minister’s pet campaign.''
Something has to give. Both can't possibly hope to ride this out.
Something has to give. Both can't possibly hope to ride this out.

I feel like Rudd realised that yesterday, and hence went for that little 'we're not wed to leaving the customs union' play to try and change the media narrative and put pressure on May.
A stronger leader would have asked for Rudd's resignation. Or a strong leader who wasn't entirely compromised by the fact she is likely entirely responsible for the complete calamity at the HO. In that respect Rudd is actually in a fair strong position if she doesn't want to resign, as May isn't likely to sack her. feck knows what it says for accountability in politics these days but if Rudd wanted to try and ride this out and hope it goes away for a few weeks, I think the cards are stacked in her favour.

Jesus. Surely this finishes her? That’s attempting to pervert the course of justice, plain and simple. She’s literally trying to get rid of a key witness in a case that she’s implicated in.
The Tory bots* are in full force on the latest Beeb article today. The highest rated comments are;

What a load of hot air. Some people got mistaken classed as illegal immigration because they’d never bothered to keep identification paper and the lefties go mad. I bet that they’re not really bothered to be honest and are just trying to make mountains out of molehills.

Lammy and Abbot represent everything your average voter detests about opportunistic, over promoted and blatantly racist politicians. The only saving grace is we are now generally spared the now utterly disgraced Vaz also wading in on any cause where the colour of the MP’s skin appears to qualify them to spout nonsense and attack the country that provides them a wonderful and undeserved living.

Getting a bit tired of this Windrush obsession.

The 'Windrush generation' had decades to apply for a British passport but never bothered

*bots might not be the right word. Vote Wankers?
If it's a coup they're being a bit obvious about it, with Boris Johnson's sister in law being one of the main journalists uncovering the scandal.
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Any Tory coup will involve someone who supports those policies to a greater extent replacing her, to be fair.
If it's a coup they're being a bit obvious about, with Boris Johnson's sister in law being one of the main journalists uncovering the scandal.
True to both but I think they'll want her gone before the next election. Just a matter of when they push.
The Tory bots* are in full force on the latest Beeb article today. The highest rated comments are;

*bots might not be the right word. Vote Wankers?
Plenty of them on here too. "Tories blocking raids on the donors? Fake news! feck your evidence!"
If it's a coup they're being a bit obvious about, with Boris Johnson's sister in law being one of the main journalists uncovering the scandal.
Doubt anyone wants to be prime minister untill brexit is over.
Doubt he can do it.
The Home office is probably the third most powerful office in the country after the PM's and the Chancellor's, he'll have an obscene amount of powers as other Home Secs have had. He won't because it would be political suicide, but feck me, please try, it'll only make Jeremy stronger.