Westminster Politics

Have we been quite as 'two party' for a while? Seems to be going that way.
Nope, 2017 reverted a decades-old trend of a shrinking 2-party share of the vote.
Have we been quite as 'two party' for a while? Seems to be going that way.
In England and Wales anyway. NI is obviously out of the question for big two, Scotland will probably remain mostly SNP for a long while. Labour's picking up soft Brexit England & Wales, Tories are picking up hard Brexit England & Wales.
Labour doing well in Trafford, Tory-remain area.
Same it just looks like gibberish :lol:
It could be worse, some fecker was on about brackets before as well. Apologies to whoever it was, but jeez, fecking brackets?
I've seen at least 7 different ones in the last 6 months.

I honestly thought #ABTV was a reference to arsenal fan tv.
#StopBrexit #FBPE #WATON #ABTV #LE2018 #The3MillionVote #BrexitShamples #People #PeoplesVote #FinalSay #FinalSayForAll #ExitfromBrexit #EU #BrexitReality #BrexitReality #StopBrexitSaveBritain

It's madness
I'm gonna get twelve emails tomorrow thanking me for my help in the Green Party gaining one councillor.
Locally the big surprise was the lack of green party campaigning. Labour won this ward with 986 to the greens 904 in 2014, 1015 to the greens 961 in 2016. We've had dozens of labour leaflets, high presence of campaigners, big effort to get the vote out etc. Comparatively, we've had one green leaflet and there's been no physical campaign and very little (I saw none, but I have to assume they at least knocked on some doors) effort to get the vote out.
I don't think you can tell naff all from these results beyond UKIP being wiped out because they have done their job & ceased to be relevant. Conveniently for this perspective they didn't even bother to stand in a lot of places.

Labour ought to have done better, Conservatives are believed to be managing Brexit quite well. Could all change next time out. And is depressing.
Labour ought to have done better, Conservatives are believed to be managing Brexit quite well. Could all change next time out. And is depressing.

On the first part, I fear there simply won't be any kind of introspection or analysis of this. Instead focus will turn to how wrong (and probably how 'Tory') people are to notice. Basically the same treatment anyone with the temerity to have spotted the Tories won the last election receive. But that's the bubble. That's why the only 'results' here that were posted overnight were ones that were positive for Labour. What matters is spin and perception.

Labour had a great 2016 GE if we pretend that what matters isn't MPs elected but share of vote.

Labour did well in the 2018 LE if we only concentrate on those areas where Labour gained, and pretend that 2014 was some kind of untouchable high.

Full-on echo chamber that the Tories benefit from as they get to remain in charge and also safe in the knowledge that the only lesson Labour will learn is how quickly to tell anyone who points these issue out how much of a Blairite they are. Effectively the lesson Labour will learn from this is: 'How can we be more efficient in telling people who notice it hasn't gone well to shut up?'
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Didn’t have time to vote in the end. Not particularly bothered. Totally unbearable set of inept, lazy, issue avoiding tossers.

Just your candidates or a comment on the state of politics at the moment. We have the worst government and worst opposition I can remember, a non-existent third party and 'independents' that are usually racist nutters. Woo. Right?
Mine went from NOC to Tory but was expected as the previous Ind/Lab council was forced to put out the local plan for house building which of course was very unpopular.

Wonder how many of the tory gains followed a simmilar trend

Also my local councilor is now a 22 year old university student. Feck wits don't even know who they're voting for!
Tories benefited from collapse of UKIP vote, as expected. Labour tried hard to win them too by in many ways trying to out UKIP UKIP especially if you look at the concessions to the hard right on the Brexit issue, immigration and freedom of movement the party has given to that constituency of voter over the last two years. But whilst there was an element of disenfranchised Labour voters moving to UKIP in previous elections, the bulk of the UKIP support was always ex-Tory voters and that's where they were always going back to.
Don't know how anyone can say the results validate Labor Brexit strategy. But of a meh night. Tories will be pleased considering the shambles they're in.
Now we know why McDonnell was saying the results won't matter.
Sky projected that based on results Tories and DUP would lose power in a General Election.
Tories benefited from collapse of UKIP vote, as expected. Labour tried hard to win them too by in many ways trying to out UKIP UKIP especially if you look at the concessions to the hard right on the Brexit issue, immigration and freedom of movement the party has given to that constituency of voter over the last two years. But whilst there was an element of disenfranchised Labour voters moving to UKIP in previous elections, the bulk of the UKIP support was always ex-Tory voters and that's where they were always going back to.
Totally agree.