Westminster Politics

Child poverty: Pale and hungry pupils 'fill pockets with school food'


The response is really quite something;

The Department for Education said it wanted to create a country where everyone could go as far as their talents could take them.

"That's why we launched our social mobility action plan, which sets out measures to close the attainment gap between disadvantaged students and their peers, and targets areas that need the most support through the £72m Opportunity Areas programme."

A spokesman also highlighted the £2.5bn it invests in disadvantaged pupils through the Pupil Premium and a recent £26m investment in breakfast clubs.

None of which addresses the root cause of child poverty. I also wouldn't be surprised if those figures are crap either.
Be interesting to see a study of malnutrition in children during school holidays when they're not getting one hot meal a day, or going to breakfast club or whatever. Suspect time spent away from school could be the most unhealthy for children.
The Tory Government has been forced to admit there will be no new money for school breakfast clubs in a humiliating u-turn days after promising a “funding boost” of £26 million.

Education Secretary Damian Hinds announced on 19 March “more children across the country will get a healthy and nutritious breakfast to set them up for the school day thanks to an investment of up to £26 million”.

But questions by Labour have revealed that the money has already been pledged by the Tories.

This is the latest in a series of embarrassments for the Conservatives on this issue, from the controversial promise of a “7p breakfast” in the election campaign, to abandoning their commitment to end universal infant free school meals following pressure from the Labour opposition.

Just weeks ago, Mr Hinds was forced to retract claims that the Government was increasing school funding and that no schools faced cash cuts after a rebuke from the statistics watchdog.

The Education Secretary personally announced the £26 million for breakfast clubs on 19 March, but avoided mentioning that the funding had already been announced months ago and that the money will be spread over three years.

But on 26 March Education Minister Nadhim Zahawi was forced to admit the Government was repeating an old commitment in answer to a written question asked by Labour’s Shadow Education Secretary Angela Rayner.

Tory ministers have previously revealed the £26 million, which comes from a tax on sugary drinks, will be spread over three years with £1 million in 2017-18, £12.5 million in 2018-19, and £12.5 million in 2019-20.

Since there are 4.7m primary school pupils in England, £12.5m amounts to less than 1p per day per pupil.

Labour’s Angela Rayner said: “Once again, the Education Secretary has been caught trying to fiddle the figures rather than face the facts.”

“The so-called new money for breakfasts isn’t new, is spread over years and isn’t remotely enough to make up for the children being denied free school meals under the Tories’ Universal Credit.

“The Education Secretary has already been slapped down by the statistics watchdog for wrongly claiming that schools are getting more money when the Tories have cut billions from their budgets. Now another one of his claims is falling apart.”

Tim Roache, General Secretary of the GMB trade union which represents school catering staff, blasted the Tories: “Playing politics with meals for hungry kids is beyond the pale. No one is going to be fooled by smoke and mirrors when we struggling families know the reality. It’s time for Ministers to stop messing about and put sorely needed money the facilities and staff we need to provide healthy meals.

“How can feeding kids who need a warm meal in their belly even be a point of debate?”

He bullshitted and lied every single day when he was health secretary and set the tone for Hunt with his support of the royal fecking up of the NHS. Feck him, no sympathy whatsoever.

His screening was too late? Join the fecking club pal because there’s a long fecking list.
Be interesting to see a study of malnutrition in children during school holidays when they're not getting one hot meal a day, or going to breakfast club or whatever. Suspect time spent away from school could be the most unhealthy for children.

Is that really still an issue in Britain?

I knew those feckers were stealing our material. :mad:

Walter the Softy.
The Tories are now cutting out the middle man, by lying and citing evidence of their lie in one tweet.

Davidson's a lot more incompetent than people give her credit for, just doesn't get as much attention.
It's what happens in the Labour movement when one wing gains control. From the SDP to the various other 'socialist' or 'real' or whatever other small factions have popped up from the right or left of the party over the years.
Ah the old Tory trick of running away to avoid a question. Incredible how they shrug it off, if any Labour politician did that they'd be rounded on.

I only learned about Enoch Powell and his speech via documentaries/wikipedia, but this doesn't seem the best of times to give such a hateful and fearful person a second listening.
If they don't bottle it and this is broadcast I'll give it a listen.

I'm certainly concerned that the 'critiqued by voices from across the spectrum', as Amol describes it, could include people dog-whistling - as I'm not sure I trust the BBC these days to be brave enough to only include clear refutations.

In theory, I don't have a problem with the idea but it's sure as feck one that could be gotten very wrong.
If they don't bottle it and this is broadcast I'll give it a listen.

I'm certainly concerned that the 'critiqued by voices from across the spectrum', as Amol describes it, could include people dog-whistling - as I'm not sure I trust the BBC these days to be brave enough to only include clear refutations.

In theory, I don't have a problem with the idea but it's sure as feck one that could be gotten very wrong.
The whole speech is so virulently racist, to the extent it even makes Farage squeamish, would I think make it difficult for them to include anything but critical points. The "I met Gareth on Hampstead Heath" anecdote is about an old woman that refuses to serve black people (I think she owned a B&B or something). It would be mind-blowing for them to try and include faux "balance", but you never know.