Westminster Politics

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Seems far too eloquent to be the actual Nadine Dorries.

Although she has seemed to have spelled her own surname wrong..
WhatsApp shows the name based on how the individual who screen ahotted this had stored Dorries contact details in their phone. It seems entirely plausible that someone else might misspell her name.
I wonder if Steve Baker would make a run at becoming Tory leader. Out of all the free market libertarian loons in the Tory party he’s comes across best.
I have been unfortunate enough to have witnessed him address a room. He's a typical Tory cnut who thinks the less unfortunate don't work hard enough.
The last one was Alec Douglas-Home. In this day and age it would be practically unthinkable.

Oh I don't know though, didn't Lord Home* follow (as PM) Harold Mcmillian and the infamous 'night of the long knives.'
When caught with their backs to the wall, Tories often go back to their 'Lordships' for leaders.

(* at one time Home's family owned 99 farms and small holdings in Lanarkshire, or as one Labour MP noted at the time, "what they didn't own in Lanarkshire wasn't worth owning"!!)
Erm, Boris was an incompetent and corrupt Mayor of London, an incompetent and corrupt Foreign Secretary, and now he's an incompetent and corrupt Prime Minister. He's more proving that Hitler's principles of propaganda can still get you to the top (https://www.physics.smu.edu/pseudo/Propaganda/goebbels.html), and Lincoln's principle that you can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

He's had a good go at that!... and what does it say about the Londoners who gave him the Mayors job & the general electorate who voted him PM and Mrs M who give him the job of Foreign Secretary... I suggest its more likely the case of " we get the politicians we deserve".
He's had a good go at that!... and what does it say about the Londoners who gave him the Mayors job & the general electorate who voted him PM and Mrs M who give him the job of Foreign Secretary... I suggest its more likely the case of " we get the politicians we deserve".

Blaming the electorate for something that's fooled "the people" throughout history time after time is missing the point in my opinion. The use of propaganda and shutting down of our democracy while the media sit cheerleading on the sidelines is the bit that should be shameful. And yet even when everyone seems to hate the government, the attempted destruction of the Human Rights Act still gets no coverage.

The media are more upset about not being invited to the Tory Christmas parties than they are about £37bn wasted on a test and trace system that doesn't work, billions wasted propping up failing privatised health, energy and transport systems, the human rights violations happening every day to asylum seekers, the criminalisation of protest, the sabotage of British industries and agriculture, and the corruption of the Human Rights Act. That's where we need your damning indictment.
The idea that either Frost or Baker could lead the tories shows just how far into incompetence they have sunk. Frost has always been a mediocre charlatan, and Baker always a fringe extremist and conspiracy junkie. Not much better than Piers Corbyn leading labour.

I almost went there. But honestly comparing Jeremy to Frost would be an injustice. One led a movement, however flawed; the other was recalled from a cushy ambassadorship because his staff [and the Danes] couldn't stand him.
Blaming the electorate for something that's fooled "the people" throughout history time after time is missing the point in my opinion. The use of propaganda and shutting down of our democracy while the media sit cheerleading on the sidelines is the bit that should be shameful. And yet even when everyone seems to hate the government, the attempted destruction of the Human Rights Act still gets no coverage.

The media are more upset about not being invited to the Tory Christmas parties than they are about £37bn wasted on a test and trace system that doesn't work, billions wasted propping up failing privatised health, energy and transport systems, the human rights violations happening every day to asylum seekers, the criminalisation of protest, the sabotage of British industries and agriculture, and the corruption of the Human Rights Act. That's where we need your damning indictment.

Not really, if the electorate keeps 'getting fooled' (at least according to you) time after time, then the quote about those 'who do not learn from the mistakes in their history are condemned to repeating them', should be acknowledged as the 'free' workings of democracy, and not a case of shutting it down.
The wide range of media that now exists, does so to sell, goods, services, etc. and ideas.... everyone is free (at the moment) to accept or reject these ideas; although recently attempts at 'shutting down' those ideas we don't like seems to be gathering pace, especially through the workings of social media.
Real news or honest news, or if preferred, 'not fake News' becomes a casualty of the 24/7 news coverage (which it appears we all crave for) and with it therefore the rise of the 'almighty' news editors. Such professionals, (so I am told) are only primarily interested in those stories which ' have legs' and can be redone, rehashed, re-angled many times over; the Tory Christmas Party debacle was one such story, a God send for some, whereas the money wasted on test and trace was a one off!
Unfortunately one of the things all Governments do (of what every persuasion) is 'waste money' the tax payers money, my memory goes back as far as things like the 'Blue Streak' missile debacle and continued right through to the PFI contracts, handed out by the last Labour Government... I lost interest after that!.
This Government and its PM having been getting 'cocky lately'; especially with their 80+ majority, as all political parties do when they think nothing can touch them... its up to the electorate not to give them another go at the next GE, but who would we elect instead?
Not really, if the electorate keeps 'getting fooled' (at least according to you) time after time, then the quote about those 'who do not learn from the mistakes in their history are condemned to repeating them', should be acknowledged as the 'free' workings of democracy, and not a case of shutting it down.
The wide range of media that now exists, does so to sell, goods, services, etc. and ideas.... everyone is free (at the moment) to accept or reject these ideas; although recently attempts at 'shutting down' those ideas we don't like seems to be gathering pace, especially through the workings of social media.
Real news or honest news, or if preferred, 'not fake News' becomes a casualty of the 24/7 news coverage (which it appears we all crave for) and with it therefore the rise of the 'almighty' news editors. Such professionals, (so I am told) are only primarily interested in those stories which ' have legs' and can be redone, rehashed, re-angled many times over; the Tory Christmas Party debacle was one such story, a God send for some, whereas the money wasted on test and trace was a one off!
Unfortunately one of the things all Governments do (of what every persuasion) is 'waste money' the tax payers money, my memory goes back as far as things like the 'Blue Streak' missile debacle and continued right through to the PFI contracts, handed out by the last Labour Government... I lost interest after that!.
This Government and its PM having been getting 'cocky lately'; especially with their 80+ majority, as all political parties do when they think nothing can touch them... its up to the electorate not to give them another go at the next GE, but who would we elect instead?

Ok but the electorate is an average of the collective "switched on"-ness of everybody in the country and the average really doesn't change much through the generations. Trying to blame people for being the product of their genetics and environment is pointless. What you can blame is the system that's supposed to educate them as opposed to trick them i.e. the media, and the system that's supposed to teach them critical thinking i.e. the education system, presided over by successive poor governments.

And as for who you'd elect instead, I tend to think the Lib Dem and Labour leaders are both pretty awful but you'd have to hope there's some decent people in their parties somewhere. The right answer to your question is pretty much "someone else". And then if they are shit the answer again becomes "someone else", ad infinitum.

Whenever you're afraid to change the people who are failing in case the next lot are worse, you're removing the incentive to not be cnuts from the incumbent as they will believe they can act with impunity. In that way you're pretty much guaranteeing poor performance and corruption. You see it with councils all over the country, whenever the councillors don't believe there's any threat to their seats they start supplementing their salaries in all sorts of creative ways (usually property development).
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So liz truss is heading the eu negotiations

This should be an utter car crash

Liz Truss and Nadine Dorries now pretty much Boris' 2 most important ministers :lol:
On another note there's absolutely no fecking way they can reasonably excuse that photo, even though they will do it anyway (and get away with it because nobody will have a follow up question such as "are you taking the piss?"). But the fact that this photo was taken at the same time that people were being harassed by police for walking their dog in a park, and three days before Boris told people that they needed to be patient and wait for lockdown to ease...and they're all drinking wine in what is apparently a business meeting including the PMs wife who isn't an employee, with fecking WINE...and.

.....right. Here it is. My dad, who lives in Australia, has had Parkinson's for three years now and he's at the point where it can't get worse. He's also had to deal with cancer and liver failure as well, because apparently Parkinson's wasn't fecking enough. But if we weren't at a point where life was still being fecked by this Covid thing he wouldn't still be waiting to meet his grandchild for the first time. He would've been over in May 2020, that got cancelled. Then this year was cancelled twice. Unless by some miracle things get better and he can come over next year, that's probably that.

Anti vaxxers, post truthers, Boris fecking Johnson and his band of "don't give a feck about anyone but me" Tory scumbags. I'm not saying that without them Covid wouldn't be around, but they're not exactly helping are they? feck them, and feck anyone like them.

But back on topic; feck City.
On another note there's absolutely no fecking way they can reasonably excuse that photo, even though they will do it anyway (and get away with it because nobody will have a follow up question such as "are you taking the piss?"). But the fact that this photo was taken at the same time that people were being harassed by police for walking their dog in a park, and three days before Boris told people that they needed to be patient and wait for lockdown to ease...and they're all drinking wine in what is apparently a business meeting including the PMs wife who isn't an employee, with fecking WINE...and.

.....right. Here it is. My dad, who lives in Australia, has had Parkinson's for three years now and he's at the point where it can't get worse. He's also had to deal with cancer and liver failure as well, because apparently Parkinson's wasn't fecking enough. But if we weren't at a point where life was still being fecked by this Covid thing he wouldn't still be waiting to meet his grandchild for the first time. He would've been over in May 2020, that got cancelled. Then this year was cancelled twice. Unless by some miracle things get better and he can come over next year, that's probably that.

Anti vaxxers, post truthers, Boris fecking Johnson and his band of "don't give a feck about anyone but me" Tory scumbags. I'm not saying that without them Covid wouldn't be around, but they're not exactly helping are they? feck them, and feck anyone like them.

But back on topic; feck City.
Sorry man, that is rough. Made even worse by the constant piss taking by these lying, immoral self-serving elitist cnuts. feck them all and everyone who enables their vile behaviour
On another note there's absolutely no fecking way they can reasonably excuse that photo, even though they will do it anyway (and get away with it because nobody will have a follow up question such as "are you taking the piss?"). But the fact that this photo was taken at the same time that people were being harassed by police for walking their dog in a park, and three days before Boris told people that they needed to be patient and wait for lockdown to ease...and they're all drinking wine in what is apparently a business meeting including the PMs wife who isn't an employee, with fecking WINE...and.

.....right. Here it is. My dad, who lives in Australia, has had Parkinson's for three years now and he's at the point where it can't get worse. He's also had to deal with cancer and liver failure as well, because apparently Parkinson's wasn't fecking enough. But if we weren't at a point where life was still being fecked by this Covid thing he wouldn't still be waiting to meet his grandchild for the first time. He would've been over in May 2020, that got cancelled. Then this year was cancelled twice. Unless by some miracle things get better and he can come over next year, that's probably that.

Anti vaxxers, post truthers, Boris fecking Johnson and his band of "don't give a feck about anyone but me" Tory scumbags. I'm not saying that without them Covid wouldn't be around, but they're not exactly helping are they? feck them, and feck anyone like them.

But back on topic; feck City.
I’m really sorry to hear that mate, hope somehow he can come and meet baby pigeon next year.
Liz Truss getting the Brexit job is a tactical move by Boris just when she started positioning herself for a leadership challenge right?

What better way to ruin an MP’s (already risible) public image than to give them an impossible job?
I did wonder whether the size of the Tory rebellion last week will scare Johnson off from sanctioning tighter COVID restrictions over the winter. I didn't think that there would tighter restrictions before Christmas (he'd have a riot on his hands if that happened), but I thought that his government would consider implementing straight after Boxing Day from next Monday.

But even if they come in post-Christmas, I do think that any move towards tighter restrictions could still lead to full-scale warfare within his own party. Many of the Tory rebels staunchly opposed COVID restrictions last winter during the second wave, and well before any of us had been vaccinated. The irony of many of the same MPs saying that we should ignore the advice of financial experts during the EU referendum, demanding financial impact assessments ahead of implementing tighter COVID restrictions last year let alone this year, hasn't been lost on me. Neither has the irony of those MPs defending the public's 'civil liberties' in the face of such restrictions, while also supporting measures to remove their rights to freedom of movement within the EU, to peacefully protest etc.

I have to admit that part of me is enjoying the fact that many of the same people who enthusiastically supported Johnson in 2019 to 'get brexit done', have become his biggest critics.
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I still don’t get the logic in this train of thought, as much as I detest Boris & Co, why would they deliberately shut down parts of their economy, pay millions more in welfare unless they absolutely had too?

Your mistake is classifying it as logic, it's backwards rationalisation to justify their baseless opinion. Same as Brexit and every other debate these tools are involved in.
Find it amusing that Tories are using the “oh, we were already there and after we had a hard days work, we got the cheese and wine out to unwind”.

You didn’t see nurses, doctors and other frontline staff whom had unbelievably gruelling jobs, having a sit down and glass of wine after they finish their shifts.

Lousy excuse, but it’s the best one they got which tells you they don’t have a leg to stand on.
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