Westminster Politics

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It's a custom built bike with an electronic/wireless drivetrain, hand built wheels, and custom paint. One of their standard frames is about $3k for a steel frame. I hope Boris does give it a ride without paying attention to the brakes too much (they're set up like everyone else in the world but the reverse of most in the UK).

Custom bikes are extremely expensive.

I sell bikes for a living, and I can confidently say it's not worth $6k, even if it's a custom build.
Good news that 'newspaper' is losing money, although it probably means it will become even more extreme with culture war bollocks.
Print media is dying full stop. It doesn’t help that their website is almost as bad as Guido Fawkes
Is he wrong? I've had two runs in with them, once when they nicked a car the other when they nicked a washing machine.
Well that settles it then doesn’t it? Thanks for sharing your anecdote, it’s really reinforced my opinion of the entire traveller community.
It’s a pain in tits to drive there, and I don’t think you can easily train it. No issue with flying.
I drive right down to the Penzance area which is very near St Ives regularly and it’s no more a pain in the tits to drive than anywhere else.

You’re just being obtuse if you don’t see how bad the optics are of him taking a private jet there is.
I drive right down to the Penzance area which is very near St Ives regularly and it’s no more a pain in the tits to drive than anywhere else.

You’re just being obtuse if you don’t see how bad the optics are of him taking a private jet there is.

Im aware of the optics. Most people couldn’t care less, it’s the PM getting somewhere he needs to get to.

It used to be an utter pain from Bristol, even more so from London. It’s 3 hours to Bristol from london, so all in, maybe 5 hours in total, if you get a decent run - that’s a pain in the arse to drive.
It’s a pain in tits to drive there, and I don’t think you can easily train it. No issue with flying.
That’s bollocks. Trains go there direct from London (and there’s 1 change if you’re going from the north) and driving there is easy.
Yeah, good luck on 'suspending' Brexit agreements, agreements you fecking negotiated and signed off on, you ridiculous buffoon.
Odd occasions where journalists actually press politicians and they can’t handle it:

How people vote for this shower is beyond me.

This shows just how much journalism has failed us over the last decade and how the right wing press is in charge of the country. If you’d have had this sort of interrogation, highlighting the inconsistencies and failures, people would have a much different view of the party. Instead the BBC amongst others has provided a platform for these people to regurgitate their lies without challenge and now we are in a complete and utter mess, with these people still leading us.
Odd occasions where journalists actually press politicians and they can’t handle it:

How people vote for this shower is beyond me.

Thought the 2nd interview was far better than the 1st to be honest. I spent the first minute of the first video hearing the interviewer talking over Boris Johnson again and again. Which makes for great gotcha TV but not so great actual interviews.

The intricacies of the UK may well be lost on some of the leaders in Europe but regardless, the deal which he himself signed is not.

Of course, the EU may not be quite so militant about preserving the integrity of its market with re to NI if a) the Tories hadn't been so clear in mentioning that one of the benefits they themselves see from Brexit is the ability to diverge from EU standards in the medium to long term and b) if we hadn't been using inflammatory rhetoric and and been negotiating in such bad faith for most of the last 5 years and in particular, under the Johnson administration.

Of course, they likely still would, which is totally their right. I'm sure the EU doesn't seriously believe we're about to flood Ireland and subsequently the whole of the EU with subpar quality meats. But if you've spent the last few years outlining how eventually you want to have different standards and lying again and again.
That is not an interrogation, that's pointing a few things out and Johnson lies his way out of them quite easily.
Now moving to the next stage where more restrictions start coming into play at the end of June and again in six months time and so on.

Johnson has nowhere to go, his only route to stay onside with the brainwashed electorate is to say it's all the EU's fault for sticking to the agreement he signed.

Until there's a whole new set of politicans and mindset amongst the British public it's going to get worse.
He's developed an us against them flag waving following. Little do they know that their real enemies are the people they are cheering for.
Thought the 2nd interview was far better than the 1st to be honest. I spent the first minute of the first video hearing the interviewer talking over Boris Johnson again and again. Which makes for great gotcha TV but not so great actual interviews.

The intricacies of the UK may well be lost on some of the leaders in Europe but regardless, the deal which he himself signed is not.

Of course, the EU may not be quite so militant about preserving the integrity of its market with re to NI if a) the Tories hadn't been so clear in mentioning that one of the benefits they themselves see from Brexit is the ability to diverge from EU standards in the medium to long term and b) if we hadn't been using inflammatory rhetoric and and been negotiating in such bad faith for most of the last 5 years and in particular, under the Johnson administration.

Of course, they likely still would, which is totally their right. I'm sure the EU doesn't seriously believe we're about to flood Ireland and subsequently the whole of the EU with subpar quality meats. But if you've spent the last few years outlining how eventually you want to have different standards and lying again and again.

The intracacies of the UK may be lost on a vast number of the UK voters but somehow don't think the EU leaders are quite that stupid.

The UK have a choice of doing what they signed up to, adopt alignment of EU standards or rip up the agreement.
So you think all EU leaders have an intricate knowledge of the political systems and workings of all the other European/EU countries?
That is not an interrogation, that's pointing a few things out and Johnson lies his way out of them quite easily.
Now moving to the next stage where more restrictions start coming into play at the end of June and again in six months time and so on.

Johnson has nowhere to go, his only route to stay onside with the brainwashed electorate is to say it's all the EU's fault for sticking to the agreement he signed.

Until there's a whole new set of politicans and mindset amongst the British public it's going to get worse.
He's developed an us against them flag waving following. Little do they know that their real enemies are the people they are cheering for.

He has said it.
The EU Leaders just misunderstand what has been signed up to.
You know the score. It is always the fault of the EU. Always was and always will be.
They are an easy target.
But I am hopeful that Biden won't let the lying git get away with it.
So you think all EU leaders have an intricate knowledge of the political systems and workings of all the other European/EU countries?

The problems of NI were pointed out long before the referendum. You think that they haven't been discussing this point for the past 5 years. It's beyond belief.

You're seriously buying into Johnson's bollocks of 'I had to explain to our friends' that this is one country....' It's just gibberish for the morons who keep supporting him and excusing his lies and incompetence.
Apologies Paul, it was my fault for engaging.

I think you know full well that I don't buy any of Johnson's crap (even a cursory read through the original post you quoted would show that) but again, my fault for engaging with you on this topic in any way.
Apologies Paul, it was my fault for engaging.

I think you know full well that I don't buy any of Johnson's crap (even a cursory read through the original post you quoted would show that) but again, my fault for engaging with you on this topic in any way.

I know you don't agree with Johnson but you wrote The intricacies of the UK may well be lost on some of the leaders in Europe - seriously?
He has said it.
The EU Leaders just misunderstand what has been signed up to.
You know the score. It is always the fault of the EU. Always was and always will be.
They are an easy target.
But I am hopeful that Biden won't let the lying git get away with it.

Johnson is playing to the British gallery. However, the world is watching. Biden will be watching intensely.
I know you don't agree with Johnson but you wrote The intricacies of the UK may well be lost on some of the leaders in Europe - seriously?

Well yes. The EU leaders aren't mythical, omniscient figures, they are human men and women, who don't necessarily have an intimate knowledge of everything, including the internal politics of a country that isn't their own. Just as I wouldn't necessarily expect UK leaders to necessarily know the ins and outs of Irish, German, Italian or Hungarian politics or geography and I wouldn't consider it some great slight if someone were to say so.

Of course, you are so quick to believe the absolute worst about anything to do with the UK ( like seriously believing the MHRA was full of chancers who make their decisions based on politics based on a clearly sarcastic remark I made about how people on here think things work there) and the opposite for anything that isn't the UK that you jump on anything that doesn't fit your own views. Such as a post which is 99% talking about how Johnson is a total buffoon and how his own party's rhetoric and approach have removed the possibility of any goodwill from the EU on this issue (and rightly so) and picking up on a passing comment about how some leaders (including one who called a vaccine quasi effective) may not totally get every intricacy of a political system of another country.

Let me put it this way. If I were to write 'The intricacies of France may well be lost on Johnson/May/Cameron/Blair/Brown/Thatcher/insert whichever leader you like', how would you feel about that statement?
Johnson is playing to the British gallery. However, the world is watching. Biden will be watching intensely.

I really hope so.
Johnson simply loves everything that comes with being the leader of the UK and everything that goes with it.
But he cannot be allowed to just pick and choose what type of behaviour goes with that. He displays zero credibility and zero ethics.
Once a liar, always a liar.
Once a conman, always a conman.
And as we have seen before with Nixon, eventually your lies catch up with you.
Cannot wait to see that.
I really hope so.
Johnson simply loves everything that comes with being the leader of the UK and everything that goes with it.
But he cannot be allowed to just pick and choose what type of behaviour goes with that. He displays zero credibility and zero ethics.
Once a liar, always a liar.
Once a conman, always a conman.
And as we have seen before with Nixon, eventually your lies catch up with you.
Cannot wait to see that.

I'd be far happier if I didn't already know he'll be lapping up the speaking/memoirs/ consultancy circuit that all these twats do after leaving office, making much more money than he is now, rather than disgraced and/or in jail where he belongs.
Well yes. The EU leaders aren't mythical, omniscient figures, they are human men and women, who don't necessarily have an intimate knowledge of everything, including the internal politics of a country that isn't their own. Just as I wouldn't necessarily expect UK leaders to necessarily know the ins and outs of Irish, German, Italian or Hungarian politics or geography and I wouldn't consider it some great slight if someone were to say so.

Of course, you are so quick to believe the absolute worst about anything to do with the UK ( like seriously believing the MHRA was full of chancers who make their decisions based on politics based on a clearly sarcastic remark I made about how people on here think things work there) and the opposite for anything that isn't the UK that you jump on anything that doesn't fit your own views. Such as a post which is 99% talking about how Johnson is a total buffoon and how his own party's rhetoric and approach have removed the possibility of any goodwill from the EU on this issue (and rightly so) and picking up on a passing comment about how some leaders (including one who called a vaccine quasi effective) may not totally get every intricacy of a political system of another country.

Let me put it this way. If I were to write 'The intricacies of France may well be lost on Johnson/May/Cameron/Blair/Brown/Thatcher/insert whichever leader you like', how would you feel about that statement?

The intricacies he’s referring to are quite unique though. Every single one of those leaders lived through the political conflict in NI, and aside from the basque separatist movement, there was no other region in Europe that was even remotely comparable in terms of horror stories. It wasn’t something you could avoid even if you wanted to.

They understand the importance of the Good Friday agreement and the delicate issue of an Irish border well enough to make decisions that account for them. That’s ultimately what he’s talking about, and lying about.

It is obviously true they aren’t aware of some of the minutiae, but then that’s true of Johnson too, and ultimately the finer details aren’t something they need to know for these decisions. They just need to know the contours and they do know them. Particularly given one of the EU members is Ireland, and they’re vocal about it. Plus the US president chips in.

It’s not the same as knowing whether there’s a particular territory in Hungary that has a particular sense of identity and ties to its neighbours. I’m sure they don’t know much about the relationship between England and Wales, for example, because they don’t need to and nothing would have brought it to their attention.
see my earlier reply ref the train.

driving is at least 5 hours.

I think arguing ober this is really petty - and I know that’s 50% on me.

Sorry to carry this on but he's leading a summit of most of the world's richest and most powerful nations, where he hopes to focus attention on climate change (and rightly so).

Macron, Draghi, Merkel, Biden, yes they have to turn up by plane realistically. Though if they were also really serious, train is not out of the picture. But to be a few hours away from somewhere and to take private jet there is of course both a ridiculous look and anathema to the message he's trying to put forward.

I'd also understand if he was going there for a few hours or something or even a day but he is going for quite a few days.

I'm sure he likes the feelings of power it gives him though.
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