Westminster Politics


Classic Sajid.
No idea why she’s so smug, her and Javid will be our on their arse in the first reshuffle. The positive discrimination is no longer necessary.

Not far off.
Yeah it really doesn't and that segregation is an important element of our governmental structure. The treasury being quite an integral office needs some autonomy and the ability to challenge central policy. It seems like Javid and his advisers saying no is the main reason he's got the chop.

We're getting further and further down the populism route. They already constantly attack the civil service and you can guarantee more and more of them will be politicised.

Also how the feck has Sunak got the job beyond being a boot licker over the last year.

Thats a good point I didn’t think of. Thinking it through further I’m not sure that the traditional arrangement offers that much in the way of checks and balances. After all the PM can put a lackey in as Chancellor any time they choose. And set against that is the increased friction you’ll get in the actual business of work. In an environment as time poor as Number 10 that has real world consequences.

But sure, it lowers the scope for dissent of the PM by eliminating a potential power base and while populists are in charge that’s bound to open the door to abuse I suppose.

She want to curtail the power of the judiciary.

The Conservatives were so butt hurt that courts insisting that the judiciary voted to invoke Article 50, and the government could not suspend Parliament in order to avoid scrutiny or risking its plans being opposed by Parliament. Now she's on the warpath to dilute their powers.

Basically, more dictatorial government awaits. Fewer checks and balances.
He always looked very uncomfortable with relaying the party lines and i assume this means all his reported clashes with Cummimgs are true.

It's a bad sign for me as it's another testament to the idea that Cummings is running the show and Boris won't run as a moderate.

My thoughts as well.
Government by bullying.
It's a bad sign for me as it's another testament to the idea that Cummings is running the show and Boris won't run as a moderate.
Unelected advisor rules back door. Basically, more power than ministers and probably the cabinet.
Unelected advisor rules back door. Basically, more power than ministers and probably the cabinet.

Exactly ministers are supposed to have departmental accountability (i.e. they resign for departmental feck ups) and collective responsibility (they resign as a government for cabinet collective decisions).

Instead we now have ministers afraid to challenge this unelected pillock and being held to account for his decisions!

Even the Tories in here must be worried by how inexperienced the AG and Treasury appointments are.
Unelected advisor rules back door. Basically, more power than ministers and probably the cabinet.

Well. The country voted for a strong leader.
So. I give you Dominic Cummings. The unelected leader of the Tory party.

Oh. And Boris. I would watch your back in future. If you don't do as you are told, you could be next (hopefully).
Fourth NI Secretary in five years.
In that time we've also seen
7 Work and Pensions Secretaries
6 Culture Secretaries
6 Secretaries of State for International Development
5 Justice Secretaries
5 Environment Secretaries
4 Defence Secretaries
4 Education Secretaries
6 Community Secretaries
Fourth NI Secretary in five years.
In that time we've also seen
7 Work and Pensions Secretaries
6 Culture Secretaries
6 Secretaries of State for International Development
5 Justice Secretaries
5 Environment Secretaries
4 Defence Secretaries
4 Education Secretaries
6 Community Secretaries

5 Cantonas!
You've just described the Trump way of ruling.

Yes. Theory 'X' style of management, i.e.

*Primary form of man management is to kick everybody's ar*e every day, whether they need it or not;
*take no prisoners;
*adopt permanently the "you are for us or you're against us" stance;
*keep everybody guessing, even your allies, (sometimes especially your allies);i
*"Its my way or the highway" (rule of thumb):
*all the above, etc.

Actually it can work... for a while anyway, especially in emergency situations, or when a politician is consistently in 'campaign-mode' (see D Trump). Enemies fall for it, at least for a while, the more they attack you the stronger you get, eventually they tumble to the fact you are the embodiment of theory X and back off. With no enemy to face, nothing to rally the troops, those suffering the ar*e kicking begin to wonder 'what's it all for'? The rots sets in the end comes quickly( or at the next election if you are a politician).

Donald's and Boris's stars are tied together!
Yes. Theory 'X' style of management, i.e.

*Primary form of man management is to kick everybody's ar*e every day, whether they need it or not;
*take no prisoners;
*adopt permanently the "you are for us or you're against us" stance;
*keep everybody guessing, even your allies, (sometimes especially your allies);i
*"Its my way or the highway" (rule of thumb):
*all the above, etc.

Actually it can work... for a while anyway, especially in emergency situations, or when a politician is consistently in 'campaign-mode' (see D Trump). Enemies fall for it, at least for a while, the more they attack you the stronger you get, eventually they tumble to the fact you are the embodiment of theory X and back off. With no enemy to face, nothing to rally the troops, those suffering the ar*e kicking begin to wonder 'what's it all for'? The rots sets in the end comes quickly( or at the next election if you are a politician).

Donald's and Boris's stars are tied together!
Its quite covert in Boris because you wouldn’t assume that his nature is one of a theory X manager.....he’s always had the affable buffoon charisma thing. That’s why Cummings is there, who obviously does all the bastard side for him
Cummings won't last I don't think. He's out of control already.
Depends how publicly out of control he gets. He clearly runs the show for Boris behind the scenes. I wonder if Boris is strong enough to run it himself, or smart enough to employ someone with the same skills who isn’t a psychopath
I wonder how intelligent he is.


He seems to have a surface level understanding of different subjects, know who the smart people are, and what is potentially a smart idea. This is a useful skill set, but still different from being the enigmatic genius he is being portrayed as.

I think having ideas and being able to recognise that you need smarter people than yourself to implement them is clever. Knowing your own limitations is a good skill to have.
Which Steve is Dominic Cummings in the UK version? Bannon or Miller?
Andrew Sabisky has resigned

Was at the pub watching the United game and someone shouted (and I mean shouted) a racist remark when Zouma put the ball in the net. I thought, Jesus, why is this getting worse nowadays, and then I remembered you've got guys like this in positions of power. Glad to hear he's gone.
Which Steve is Dominic Cummings in the UK version? Bannon or Miller?
One Conservative MP from a BME background said: “I’m not necessarily against hiring intellectually interesting people with sometimes controversial views, but this guy just doesn’t seem very smart, and if you are not very smart and at the very least appear bigoted that cannot be a good look for the party. By all means we should be against ultra-woke nonsense, but we should also stand against alt-right nonsense too.”

:lol: Brutal quote if true.

Dr Adam Rutherford, a geneticist and author, accused Sabisky and Cummings of being “bewitched by science, without having made the effort to understand the areas he is invoking, nor its history”.

He said the “moral repugnance” of the remarks was “overwhelming”, adding: “I am all for scientifically minded people advising government ... [but] this resembles the marshalling of misunderstood or specious science into a political ideology. The history here is important, because this process is exactly what happened at the birth of scientific racism and the birth of eugenics.”
I think having ideas and being able to recognise that you need smarter people than yourself to implement them is clever. Knowing your own limitations is a good skill to have.

I said that, yea. Just saying the medial portrayal is of a genius - I don't think anywhere close.

I do that think while it is a useful skill set to have, but when you have self aggrandized notions of your own intellect, it can be a problem.

Sabisky got fired, and reading his interview, seems like another dunce. The comment on black people having median/mean IQ is bizarre. Current situation isn't representative of natural distribution.